How to Create a Twitter Customer Care Strategy

The internet and social media have made processes easier and faster, but they’ve also reinforced our preference for instant gratification—and customer service is no different.80%的消费者reach out to brands on social media when they have an issue and这些客户中有三分之一expect a response in two hours or less.

This is why having a customer care strategy for social media is a huge help. And since Twitter is one of the best platforms for direct conversations, it’s become a popular haven for customer support channels.

Throughout this article, we’ll talk about why Twitter should be a part of your customer success strategy, how to create your own Twitter customer care strategy, and more.

How to Create a Twitter Customer Care Strategy:


您应该将Twitter纳入整体客户服务策略的最大原因之一是因为这是客户想要与品牌交谈的地方。根据Twitter本身,80% of all social customer care inquiries从Twitter开始。


  • 对话是公开的,因此其他客户(和潜在客户)可以看到您的品牌如何处理客户服务问题
  • You’re able to have conversations with your customers in real-time
  • Customers often head to Twitter to check the status of their favorite tools if they’re having issues, so you can use this as an outlet for outages and other announcements
  • You can easily搜索您的品牌名称to monitor conversations, respond to issues, and gather customer feedback
  • It’s imperative to be where your customers are—and your customers are likely on Twitter

If you don’t have a Twitter account, the time to create one was yesterday. Get started on Twitter,了解如何发展您的追随者, and follow along with the rest of our guide to start incorporating this channel into your customer care strategy.

How to Create a Twitter Customer Care Strategy





没有正确的答案 - 您只需要找到最适合团队设置方式的功能即可。但是,我们看到的一种常见策略(当我们分享使用Twitter用于客户服务的品牌示例时,您将在下面了解更多信息)是专门的支持Twitter。

Once you know how you’ll offer support, you need to pinpointwho将负责管理这些帐户。创建一个在社交媒体管理和客户服务方面受过培训的专门社交媒体支持团队是一个好主意。

如果您想提供24/7的支持,甚至可以进行不同的班次。但是,您还可以设置一定的时间,只需在Twitter Bio中分享这些时间,以便客户知道何时可以期待您的团队回应。

2. Set up social media monitoring tools.

接下来,您需要设置社交媒体监控工具and alerts so you don’t miss any tweets mentioning your brand—even if they haven’t actively tagged you.


另外,一些社会媒体工具也将男人agement features, meaning your team can use these tools to house their support conversations and more effectively manage their Twitter notifications.



Make sure everyone on your social media support team has access to this document of responses and is properly trained on how to use it. They shouldn’t simply copy and paste the response—every support tweet should be personalized so the customer feels like they’re actually being heard.

4. Respond to tweets quickly.

One of the most important things to keep in mind with Twitter customer sevice is speed. Your customers want to hear from you within a timely manner—通常在2-12小时内。这意味着您的团队需要保持监视对话。

However, if your team is busy with other tasks or receiving an influx of customer requests, you can create an auto-responder that lets the customer know your team will get back to them as soon as they can.





6. Escalate recurring issues.

If you see customers complaining of the same issue again and again, make sure to escalate it to development or another team. This may mean there are bugs that need to be fixed in order to ensure the issues don’t continue to happen.


Have your support team sign their tweets with their name or initials. This helps customers feel like they’re actually dealing with a human rather than a bot or a nameless social media account. Simply adding something like “- Chloe” or “- CW” to the end of a tweet is the perfect touch to humanize your support team.

6 Examples of Brands Using Twitter for Customer Service



Grammarly在Twitter上拥有自己的专用支持帐户。他们可以轻松地通过将其标记在其主机上推特bio。They have a clear CTA: “Need support? Reach out to @GrammarlyHelp.”


From there, users in need of assistance can easily click over to reach the Grammarly help channel.






Calendly is another brand that has tagged their support Twitter in their main Twitter bio.

Calendly twitter support

他们让需要帮助的客户立即知道,他们可以DM @calendlysupport,以支持为重点的Twitter帐户,或者前往其网站上的支持页面。








社交媒体平台Snapchat还创建了自己的专用支持Twitter,无论如何,它们在主要Twitter Bio中没有链接到它。链接到您的个人资料中的支持帐户是确保客户找到它的好方法,但这不是唯一的方法。


The account’s main tweets simply share information about outages, and they haven’t posted any public tweets since July 2022. However, their team still actively checks in with any tags to the @Snapchat or @snapchatsupport Twitter accounts.




Xboxsupport Twitter


If you want to send your own “Send us a private message” CTA button, follow these instructions.


然后,您需要通过从类似的工具中提取Twitter用户ID来找到它这个。Once you have that, you’ll simply paste it into this URL:




Users can then easily head over to the @HubSpotSupport account to get status updates, tweet at the team, or send a DM for assistance. The support team also includes their active hours right in their Twitter bio, but they’ll also send out tweets when those hours change (i.e., when the offices were closed for the holidays).

集线器Support account

HubSpot的支持团队是非常有用的,共享links to helpful articles and instructions on how to do something to people who tweet requests at them. Here’s an example of how they assisted one customer:

They also help point users to helpful resources, even if they may not necessarily be a HubSpot customer. Now, that’s what we call service.

Start Using Twitter for Customer Care

Get started with offering customer support on Twitter today. Check out our roundup with顶级Twitter营销工具to find recommendations for how to best engage with your customers and manage customer success inquiries.


How is Twitter used for customer service?

推特can be used for customer service by making sure you have someone assigned to monitor your Twitter account for customer complaints and respond in kind. You can either use a management tool to house all customer inquiries in one place or you can create a dedicated customer support Twitter account for your brand.

Is Twitter good for customer service?



推特offers a unique outlet for your customers to get in contact with you. You can easily respond to tweets orDMS(直接消息)from customers and improve their experience with your business with little to no cost to your organization.

What businesses use Twitter for customer service?

A number of businesses use Twitter for customer service, like Spotify, HubSpot, Grammarly, and Calendly.

Why is Twitter a popular way for customers to complain about a business?

