What is a Twitter DM (And How to Send One)

As a business, have you ever wanted to “slide in the DMs” of a potential client or customer? Lucky for you, there are ways to use Twitter DMs to engage your audience and ultimately grow your business.

Throughout this article, we’ll walk you through how to send a DM and the various ways you can use Twitter DMs for marketing.

Let’s dig in.

What is a Twitter DM (And How to Send One):

什么是Twitter DM?

A Twitter DM, or direct message, is a private message between you and another Twitter user. It doesn’t appear on your feed and isn’t accessible by anyone except for you and the person you messaged (or who messaged you).

Users are also able to create group direct messages to hold private conversations with multiple people at once.

用户可以通过Twitter Direct消息发送基本的短信,推文,图像,视频,GIF和表情符号。实际上,DMS具有10,000个字符限制,使您可以进行深入,一对一的对话或发送简单,快速的答复。

How to Send a Twitter DM


First, you can create a new message right from theMessages屏幕右下角的选项卡。单击带有信封的图标和一个加号以启动新消息。


Another option is if you find a tweet that you want to share with someone. At the bottom of the tweet, click the Share icon to find the option to通过直接消息发送

From here, you’ll pull from the same list to find—or search for—the user you want to send the tweet to.


If you’re able to message the user, you’ll see the envelope icon at the top of their profile:


Click it to be taken to your message inbox with a brand new DM to your selected user open. Then you can simply type in your message to them and hit send!

使用Twitter DM进行营销的方法

Now that you know a bit more about what Twitter DMs are and the different ways you can send them, let’s talk about all the ways you can use this communication outlet for marketing your business.

Let Anyone DM You

As I mentioned, you can change your message settings to allow only people you follow to message you or have anyone on the app message you. (Note that messages from people you don’t follow will appear in a separate “Message Requests” folder and you can decide whether or not you want to receive them.)

As a brand, it’s a good idea to have your DMs open so that anyone can message you, whether it’s an existing customer with a customer service issue, an interested customer who wants to learn more, or even an influencer (more on that next).

To update these settings, click theMoreoption in your left-hand sidebar, then clickSettings and privacy。You’ll be taken to this menu:

Then, head down to thePrivacy and safety菜单以访问您的隐私设置。点击直接消息菜单选项,因此您可以在选项上切换以允许所有人的消息。


Connect With Influencers

Another way to utilize Twitter DMs for marketing your business is to connect with influencers.金博宝188备用网址is a great strategy for reaching even bigger audiences, and many industry influencers have a presence on Twitter.

Start by usingTwitter searchto find influencers and industry experts that are related to your niche and the products/services you offer. Then you can start a direct message conversation to discuss a partnership.

Talk about how your brand relates to their target audience and open the door to a potential influencer collaboration. From there, you can move the conversation to email or continue to discuss the logistics of your partnership via Twitter DM.

Reputation Management

Reputation managementis all about managing and monitoring the way that your customers perceive your brand online (i.e., your overall reputation). And customer service is a big part of this.

This is why it’s a good idea to use your Twitter DMs for customer service conversations. There are a couple of different ways you can do this.


From there, you can respond by asking the user to send you a direct message in order to handle the issue more effectively, just like The Sill did below:

Another option is to create a Twitter account specifically for customer service efforts, like HubSpot has done:


With this, you’re able to funnel all customer service inquiries into one single online location—aside from your website.

Using Twitter for customer service should just be one part of the overall customer service experience, though. From here, you can gather their email address and other information to direct them over to your support team.



Just like with Facebook and Instagram, brands can also set up automated chatbots with their Twitter direct messaging. This is a great strategy for greeting customers who might be nervous about reaching out to a brand on Twitter.

With a chatbot, you can set up your automated welcome message that helps guide users and offers value right from the start. Alongside that initial message, consider adding a few clickable options to help the user get the help they’re looking for, creating better-personalized customer experiences.

However, Twitter chatbots can do more than wait for customers to start a direct message chat with you. The platform also has the option to create chatbot experiences based on an initial tweet.

Take a look at thiscase study of Samsung’s Twitter promotion。They created a tweet with an image and a customized direct message button that led users to their private messaging.

Users who click the “Find your ideal TV button” are then led to the direct messaging interface so they can interact with Samsung’s Twitter chatbot.


Customer interactions with businesses aren’t always exciting, so creating an experience like this is a great way to get users excited about DMing your brand.

Lead Generation

另一个出色的Twitter DM营销策略围绕着lead generation- 或如何为销售和营销团队收集更多潜在客户(通常是电子邮件地址)。

To do this, you want to start by creating alead magnet您可以给出以换取电子邮件地址。这可能是电子书,滑动文件,清单或您的目标受众对此感兴趣的另一个有价值和教育的项目。


Here’s an example of this in action:

感兴趣的追随者将会为了回应get access to the lead magnet. And if they don’t have their DMs public, you can ask them to follow you so you’re able to DM them the product—a great way to increase your following while generating leads!

Another option is to simply tease your email newsletter, like so:


You can use this tactic often, trying different opt-in methods each time to see what works best. Ask people to retweet, reply, follow, DM you directly, etc., in order to opt in.

Then, you’ll send them the link to your landing page where they can opt in for your newsletter or lead magnet with their email address.

Add DM Prompts Into Tweets

Want to turn a Twitter conversation into a DM? You can easily add message prompts into your tweets that look like this:

为此,您首先需要找到您的Twitter ID。最简单的方法是前往查找Twitter ID网站,例如this one或者this oneand input your Twitter handle. Click the button to grab your numerical ID.

From there, you’ll paste your numerical Twitter ID onto the end of the URL below, replacing the [YOURIDHERE]:

https://twitter.com/messages/compose?recipient_id= youridhere



Add Twitter DMs To Your Marketing Strategy

Start using your brand’s Twitter DMs strategically. By taking advantage of this direct communication outlet, you can easily get more out of Twitter.

And to improve your Twitter presence even more, learnhow to grow your followingso you’re reaching an even larger audience.





Some Twitter users will have their settings for anyone to DM them turned on, so you can still DM them. However, if they have their direct message settings toggled so that only people they follow can DM them, you can send them a public tweet mentioning what you’d like to talk about and ask them to DM you or ask them to follow you so that you can DM them.

Can you see if a DM has been read on Twitter?


When you send a direct message, a grey checkmark will appear by the date and time. If that checkmark turns blue, as you can see in the screenshot below, that means your message has been viewed.

How can I tell if I have a new Twitter DM?

If you have new incoming messages, you’ll be able to tell one of two ways. First, you’ll have a blue dot with a number of unread messages on top of the message icon in the left-hand sidebar.


If you choose to turn on direct message push notifications, you can also receive notifications on your desktop computer or smartphone that let you know anytime you receive a new Twitter DM.

您的Twitter DM可以多长时间?

Twitter’s DM limit is 10,000 characters per message, meaning you have a lot of ground to cover before you hit that character count. Make sure you’re using your DMs wisely and not taking up more space simply because you can.
