How to Get More Followers on Twitter: 8 Tips for Influencers

Twitter is an important social media platforms for businesses. It that can help you achieve numerous business and marketing goals. If you use Twitter the right way, you can not only drive brand awareness but also create substantial industry influence.

But, for that, you need to have a substantial follower base. The more people who follow you on Twitter, the more influence you will have in your industry. Twitter accounts with millions of followers have the power to form opinions, share news, or just promote something simply with one tweet.

However, it is not that easy to build a massive following on Twitter and it takes time and effort to do that. But, don’t worry, we have some tricks up our sleeves to help you get more followers on Twitter.


How to Get More Followers on Twitter: 8 Tips for Influencers:




However, our recommendation is to not go beyond 15 tweets per day, unless there is a specific reason for you to send frequent updates. And, if you don’t have enough content to post 15 tweets a day, you can always use content curation and retweets.


Knowing the best times to post on any social media platform is essential to get maximum engagement and views. And, these times differ from one platform to another. So, your content-posting schedule for one platform will not work on another.

per a学习, Tweets get the most engagement on weekdays in the morning or early afternoons. The highest engagement rates are seen on Friday mornings between 9 am and 10 am.

So, you can schedule most of your tweets during the day at equal intervals. And, since engagement is low in the evenings, you can schedule just one or two tweets for that time.

Once you have decided on your posting schedule, you can use a社交媒体调度工具like缓冲在预定时间自动发布推文。

3. Post Tweets with Visual Content

我们都知道,视觉内容更attention-grabbing and engaging than plain text, so why not use that for tweets as well? Adding visual content to your tweets gets more engagement and increases the chances of it getting shared.

So, it is a good practice to add images and videos to your tweets to get the most engagement. And, the more engaging content you share, the more people will want to follow you.




Moreover, hashtags help people find you and do the same for your Twitter account as SEO does for websites. So, hashtags make your tweets searchable and direct the right people to your tweets. So, hashtags act like SEO for your Twitter account.

您应该在推文中使用至少一个相关的主题标签,以获得更多的影响力和更高的参与度。但是,您需要在覆盖范围和参与度之间做出妥协,因为使用更多主题标签将增强覆盖范围,但会减少参与度。据此学习, tweets with one hashtag get the maximum engagement and it keeps decreasing the more hashtags you use.


5. Drive Traffic From Other Sources


Adding a follow button for your Twitter account on your website and blog can direct that traffic to Twitter and help you win more followers. This is a simple, yet effective strategy that really works and can help you get more followers than you could get just by posting on Twitter.

You can also include a link to your Twitter account on other social media platforms that you’re active on. If someone follows you on one channel, chances are that they will follow you on others as well.


Here are some ways to optimize your Twitter profile to get more followers:

  • 尽管您的Twitter名称可能有所不同,但您仍然应该在简历中写下全名,以帮助人们轻松找到您。
  • Add an appropriate profile picture of your face if it's a personal account or a picture that represents your brand for a business. You can also use your brand’s logo as the profile picture.
  • 添加代表您业务的标题照片。您还可以继续更改标题照片以宣传最新的活动或广告系列。
  • 添加一个帐户描述,可帮助人们了解您的页面的全部内容以及您拥有的业务。您还应该在帐户描述中添加重要的关键字和联系信息。
  • Add a link to your website.

Check out our Twitter profile, for example, where we have followed all of these tips to create an optimum profile.

Image viaTwitter



您可以发布新闻,报价,模因,统计数据,事实,内容丰富的内容等,以获取更多转发,因为这些是社交帖子类型李的人ke to share with their friends and followers. You can also use humour as a way to get more engagement and retweets.

And, if nothing else works, you can always ask your followers to retweet your tweets by adding “please retweet.”研究shows that tweets that ask for retweets get 4 times more retweets than those that don’t.

So, simply ask people to retweet and get more followers on Twitter. It is as simple as that.


Engaging in relevant conversations is a good way to get noticed and get more people to follow you. If you engage in Twitter conversations on topics from your industry, you can establish yourself as an industry expert who people will want to follow.



9. Mention Others and Retweet

This is a simple, yet effective strategy to get more followers on Twitter. When you follow other people and businesses in your niche, more often than not, they respond by following you back.



Twitter is more than just a social media platform. It is a powerful business tool when used right. But, for it to be useful for your business, you need to build a substantial follower base. The higher your follower count, the higher your circle of influence.

Use the expert tips and tricks above to get more followers on Twitter and grow your influence. Start implementing these tactics for your Twitter account and see the results for yourself.


