
如果您正在寻找下一个电子邮件营销活动的想法,那么您很幸运!在本文中,我们将分享电子邮件新闻通讯,以使您的订阅者更加参与并准备购买您的产品和服务。如今,虽然创建视觉吸引人的新闻通讯非常容易电子邮件营销服务周围,它并不总是很容易创建the content that will grab attention and get recipients to engage. Using the email newsletter marketing examples we’re including here, you’ll be able to pull inspiration from the best and apply it to your own newsletters to delight your subscribers and, probably, your bottom line.




Before we get into our email newsletters for marketing, let’s take a minute to talk about what it is that makes an email marketing campaign great. In this section, we’ll cover message, design, optimization, and calls to action so you have a better understanding of what you can—and should—include in your own电子邮件新闻通讯


To create an email campaign that truly speaks to your target audience, you need to have a clear goal for every email you send. Once you have your goal in mind, you can then build your message around that goal, using your mission as a guide. You want to make sure that your message is in line with your brand’s personality, identity, and values, as well as making sense with what you’re hoping to accomplish. It’s a lot to think about, but if you’ve taken the steps to build your branding, or you’re working with a branding agency, that will help a lot.



There are tons of免费电子邮件营销工具you can use to create a beautifully designed email campaign or newsletter layout that rivals the effective e-newsletters we’ve included here. No matter what design or电子邮件模板您选择,您需要使您的副本可读和有趣,以使读者通过链接进行点击并获取您要传达的消息。


优化can touch on any number of things. For starters, you’ll want to make sure that youremail subject lines简短,有力且引人入胜,只是为了让您的订阅者打开电子邮件。电子邮件营销人员喜欢个性化,因为它对您的电子邮件有很大的帮助,但不要将其限制为在主题行中添加名称。使用动态内容或执行良好的细分可以帮助您创建相关和有价值的个性化新闻通讯内容。

Calls to Action



Now that you have a better idea of what it takes to create a truly great email campaign, let’s get into our email newsletters examples and why we chose them.


主题行:塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)。离开。现在出来。

Away is a smart luggage startup dead set on disrupting the luggage industry. Every month, they send a newsletter with news about their company, new products, or information about their products that readers might have overlooked to make their travel easier. In the email marketing example we’ve included here, Away has opted for a vibrant red theme to go along with the red luggage they’ve featured. Additionally, they are highlighting a pretty giant合伙与塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)。

总体而言,电子邮件的红色,粉红色和白色的眼睛上很棒,尽管颜色与行李的颜色非常相似,但产品图像看起来很棒。与往常一样,Away拥有一个时尚的新闻通讯设计,具有出色的图像和大量的CTA,将读者转移到客场网站,在那里他们可以完成购买。当然,与塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)一起增加图像是巨大的。

2. Warby Parker


如果您想让人们对某事感到兴奋,请向他们展示与狗一起的东西。沃比·帕克(Warby Parker)开始了此电子邮件营销新闻通讯,并以狗狗丰富的主题播放了一些副本。当然,该节目的明星是犬类模特,展示了Warby Parker的太阳镜系列的风格。该电子邮件包括两个主要CTA,鼓励读者“看到更多的太阳镜”或“看到更多的狗”。我们会害怕猜测后者采取了更多的动作,让沃比·帕克(Warby Parker)增加网站的流量并使用不可抗拒的产品模型展示更多的产品。

3. NextDraft


戴夫·佩尔(Dave Pell)是硅谷偶像,因为缺乏更好的词,也是我们最喜欢的电子邮件营销人员之一。根据Pell的说法,他的电子邮件新闻通讯NextDraft每天都会发送,并提供每天最好的Web内容清单。正如他所说,“每天早晨,我都会访问大约50个新闻网站,以及从旋转的信息狂欢狂欢的噩梦中,我摘下了当天的十大最迷人的物品,我以快速,巧妙的机智交付,这将使您的计算机设备成为您的计算机设备高兴地振动。”

如您所知,Dave Pell是一位出色的撰稿人。NextDraft电子邮件很简单且非常有条理,实际上是使这些电子邮件营销新闻通讯如此吸引人的副本。佩尔(Pell)从一条引人注目的主题行开始,将读者吸引到电子邮件中,这并不令人失望。佩尔(Pell)有这样的复制电子邮件,利用了社交分享通过让读者有机会立即分享每个故事的机会,而无需解析电子邮件并滚动到底部以找到社交共享机会。

4. Brighton



Brighton offers a great example of an电子商务电子邮件通讯这引起了布莱顿的目标受众的共鸣。它包括华丽的产品图像以及对读者有意义的副本。该电子邮件在CTA上很重,这通常是我们真正不喜欢的东西,因为它会使读者感到困惑。但是,布莱顿的CTA都实现了相同的目标(让读者进行购买),因此它可以很好地工作。


Subject line: Your monthly Audible credit summary


个性化is probably one of the best email newsletter marketing tactics around and so easy that there’s no reason you can’t make it happen in your own email marketing campaigns. When you consider that91% of shoppersare more likely to shop with brands who provide relevant offers and recommendations (Accenture) and 80% of customers are more likely to purchase a product or service from a brand who provides personalized experiences (Epsilon), it’s pretty easy to see that skipping out on personalization means leaving money on the table.


Subject line: Your 2019 green impact report

Bulb Energy is another favorite newsletter layout. It combines data-driven content and beautifully simple graphics to share personalized (there it is again!) information with subscribers. In addition to the data about subscribers’ energy use, Bulb includes important information that subscribers can use to better understand their energy usage, how it impacts the overall environment, and how it can be offset. This is invaluable information to Bulb Energy subscribers who are interested in what they can do to offset their carbon footprint. You can adapt this to your own audience by using data you collect on their behavior that is important to them.

7. The Hustle




8. Unsplash

Subject line: Presenting The Unsplash Awards




在谈论史诗般的新闻通讯时,您不会忘记卡斯珀。床垫公司发送简单,视觉上引人入胜的电子邮件,并同时使用图形和复制来分享其床垫背后的科学及其成功。在这封电子邮件中,卡斯珀(Casper)针对的是订户,他们可能会在假期期间旅行。但这并没有开始试图向他们出售东西。取而代之的是,卡斯珀利用其新闻通讯作为提供宝贵的旅行提示的机会。不过,在技巧之后,卡斯珀(Casper)介绍了它的午睡枕头 - 一个完美的“旅行伙伴”。

10. Rei

主题行:成员独家:限量版REI Flash 45女士

REI is a recreational sports outfitter that excels in email marketing. This email has excellent visual appeal and you know who it’s for right from the主题行。一旦进入,REI结合好产品官吏t and product images that make the promoted product really pop alongside a meaningful headline that will definitely appeal to all women who have ever had to use a backpack that was built for the stereotypically male body type.



Subject line: TA #72: Copywriting Counsel from an Unbearable Campaign; Your 22-Point Content Checklist; Creativity as a Choice.

Ann Handley is one of our favorite email marketers who sends long emails. Long emails with long subject lines. And we love them! The emails are absolutely packed full of marketing wisdom from marketing expert Ann Handley. The best part of Ann Handley’s emails is that they’re just so human. In this email marketing example, Ann Handley starts off with a friendly “Hi, Pumpkin” before getting into a very important challenge that has recently consumed social media (Fat Bear Week, not the United States election, though she does get into it briefly, don’t worry).

经过有趣而引人入胜的介绍之后,Handley进入了我们可以从Fat Bear Week学习的文案写作技巧。它从那里继续进行。就像,真的继续。安·汉德利(Ann Handley)为她的新闻通讯使用了“综述”方法,挑选了互联网进行营销和文案写作黄金,以与她的追随者分享。这类似于我们之前谈到的NextDraft的Dave Pell使用的高效方法。



