How to Promote your Infographics and Increase Traffic

People love infographics. They’re engaging, easy-to-consume and present the most complex information in an easily comprehensible manner.What’s more, a study revealed that they can将网站流量提高多达12%However, like every other piece of content, you can’t just create infographics and wait for your audience to discover it.

随着您在提出一个相关主题和设计信息图方面花费的所有时间和精力,制定强大的营销计划来推广它,触及目标受众的位置并最大程度地提高可见度同样重要。所以现在您已经使用了infographic makerto create a stunning infographic, let’s take a look at nine surefire organic ways to promote it and直接流量to your website.

How to Promote your Infographics and Increase Traffic:

Write SEO-optimized supporting content


Hence, for your infographic to be optimized for SEO data and rank well on search engines, it’s imperative to publish supporting content along with it and use the target keyword(s) in the following places:

  • 标签标签
  • 元描述
  • Body copy
  • Page URL
  • Image file name and alt text




While publishing the infographic, make sure you add social sharing buttons by the side that encourage people to share the infographic on their social media platforms. Enabling social sharing buttons serves as an instant reminder,推动股票and boosts traffic to your website.

Similarly, it’s also important to generate an embed code (HTML code snippet) for your infographic. Doing so makes it easy for people to share your infographic on their websites while allowing you to control the anchor text and link.


Submit to infographic directories



Here’ a list of infographic directories you can submit your infographic to:

Create micro-content on social media


While you might be tempted to share a link to the infographic page, expecting it to garner views, that’s not advisable because you’re not giving people a reason to check your infographic out.

You need to have a powerfulsocial media marketing plan集中于对信息图产生兴趣。你是怎样做的?通过创建引人入胜的微观。


For instance, you can post snappy teasers by sharing certain portions of the infographic to evoke curiosity while encouraging them to view the entire piece on your website.



Leverage your email list


However, don’t make the mistake of pasting the entire infographic in the body. Not only will you exceed themaximum email sizebut you would have said it all in the email, leaving people with no incentive to go to your website.


You can take inspiration from some newsletter examples to design an engaging newsletter that builds curiosity and leaves readers intrigued.

Reach out to bloggers and influencers

Another way to增压促进与博客作者和有影响力的人合作,吸引更广泛的受众。第一步是列出与类似受众交谈的相关博客作者和影响者。确保您向他们发送了一个不可抗拒的音调,以证明您的信息图是什么以及为什么对他们感兴趣的原因。

There are three types of collaborations you can do:

  1. Ask them to include your infographic in one of their existing articles
  2. 将信息图与独家支持副本一起播放
  3. Ask them to share the infographic across their social media platforms

你问他们有什么意思?您正在为他们提供无知的信息图表,以换取link back to your website

That’s a win-win situation right there.

Share it on forums and communities

Forums such as Reddit and Quora and social media groups are a great place to share your content with a targeted and relevant audience.Identify forums and communities that your target audience is likely to be part of. In order to form a strong network and get noticed, you need to regularly engage with people and build rapport. Don’t be that person who only wakes up to promote their own content.

So, put some time aside to browse forums and groups to answer questions and establish credibility. That way when you share your newly published infographic, it’s likely to garner views and engagement.

Include it in your email signature

Considering the amount of emails that are exchanged on a daily basis, it’s safe to say that email signatures make for valuable marketing tools.您的签名最有可能吸引视图,使您有机会利用该空间来推广您的最新内容。

因此,看插入缩短custom URL到您的电子邮件签名中的“信息图”页面,并使用通话行动副本,该副本可吸引人们在驱动您网站的流量时点击。从找到正确的主题到进行研究和设计迷人的信息图 - 信息图创建需要时间。因此,不要停止发布。

Make your efforts count and develop a comprehensive marketing plan to promote the infographic, create awareness and drive relevant traffic to your website.

Simki Dutta

Simki Dutta是Venngage的内容营销人员,免费信息图表制造商和设计平台。当她不工作时,可以找到她的Twitter提要和狂欢的Netflix节目的刷新


