
我迫不及待地想起身并提出一种新的视频策略,没有人在穿着紧身衣上说,没有人在他们的半独角兽半龙杂种中骑着日出。And this is a big problem. For many, devising a plan has multiple issues;

  • 计划意味着他们可能会失败。
  • Where on earth do you start?
  • It's complex and hard work.

All of these things mean the average creator or business produces content Willy Nilly, they guess what to make, where to promote it and then worse than that, they don't measure it. This is a sure-fire way to get no results with your videos.So now we're going to give you a step by step template to follow so you can come up with your first or even your third strategy for your next years worth of video and beyond. We're going to try to only keep in the most important info as to not overwhelm you.

To begin, we would usually say you need to pick a channel niche and if you're a business, your niche is going to be industry-specific.

How to Create a Youtube Strategy for 2023:


tldr;选择一个十年的目标,然后作为您如何到达那里的方式工作。This years Youtube strategy will be the first stepping stone in that ten year goal.如果十年来吓you您,请选择五个,但是对我们来说,短期思考会使您失败,所以不要害怕走上几英里的路,它会为您带来一个美好的世界。You can not go any further until you decide this.

youtube subscribers strategy 2023

因此,例如,我们将使用我们的YouTube频道(上图)来使用我们的目标,我们创建了一张图表,告诉我们我们需要到今年年底才能达到1600 subs,才能达到目标。我们的10年目标为500k潜艇。

youtube channel statistics

In our case, we also want to feature in a Forbes article, pick up 3 new pieces of business just from our content and have one of our videos get over 10,000 views from when we started trying to grow this channel at the start of 2019.企业可能想要走去,更深入地看待KPI,意识和转化,但不必是火箭科学。


Who are your videos for? And the answer is, not everybody. Here's why.If you ran out into the street because your friend had left your wallet behind, and to get his attention, you shouted. "NAAARRRHh"

一群人会转身。有些人甚至可能会问你是否还可以,然后他们会继续谈论他们的业务。如果您跑了出来并尖叫着“ Dan”,也许两个人会转身听,1是您的朋友。为了通过视频来建立牵引力,您需要他们所有人大喊“ Dan”。内容与人交谈,您的目标是确保您想吸引您的人听到您的声音。

On the sheet, write down who you think your videos are for.现在,在我们开始之前,值得注意的是,您未设计您的内容的人也会找到它,这并不意味着他们是错误的,或者不受欢迎。

Our channel is for people aged 25 - 35, male and female, who are already making videos but feel they do not get the credit they deserve as well as total beginners who want to start a YouTube channel and promote their business or create one online.



的y watch comedy shows more than horror, are driven and eager to learn, they have an interest in marketing, even if they don't quite realise it yet and they want to self develop and boost their knowledge on a regular basis.

youtube define audience strategy for 2023


For businesses, these are known as avatars. You should have these in place already. Creators, you probably won't, so it might take you a little longer to work out. Oh, and these can be updated or even totally changed as you learn more about your viewers. It can take years to perfect.你的“他”是如此重要的原因是年代ure people hear you. When people feel like your content has been produced specifically to them and their needs, you'll grab attention, hold it, and you will build a viewership that becomes part of your tribe. And tribes build followings.

Create a distribution strategy


我们不能仅仅依靠YouTube向人们展示我们的视频,确保他们会的,但是作为企业或小型创作者,您正在与大规模作斗争influencersand other huge distribution legends, so the competition to get seen is epic.


We know that our ideal audience is hungry to learn and interested in self-development, so we can promote our videos on platforms that provide self-development.

In our case he following would be considered appropriate channels to seed our content:

  • 关于发展YouTube频道的Facebook小组
  • 回答有关在Quora上制作视频的问题
  • Reddit论坛
  • LinkedIn组

external traffic source

Now if your channel is about recruitment, don't expect people in a YouTubegroup on Facebookto care about your content, you need to seed your content on recruitment platforms.





我们在这里制作了有关提出主题的视频, we'd highly recommend watching it at some point.作为您“什么”的一部分,您会以一致和长期的方式创建和发布视频的频率。不要生气,我们每周发布三次,但是对90%的人来说,它的杀伤力过高,没有适当的系统和流程来制作这种视频规模,它是头部的枪。

youtube targeting for 2023

We'd recommend 1 new video a week as the goal for most. Your topics need to tick these boxes.


  • Appeal to your target viewer
  • Aim to be better, more detailed, funnier or appeal in some way shape or form that your competition does not on the same topic.
  • 进行研究的主题和标题进行搜索和social media optimisation和兴趣范围。

Find what your viewers care about and make videos on that. Tools like Uber Suggest make this easy, again, the video we made on this topic will fill in all those blanks.




If you decided to make a video a week, that means you need to try to batch produce 4 in one go, 8 in one go or maybe even 12. When we say one go, we don't mean in an hour we mean plan and research in one go, then write in one go, then film in one go, then edit in one go. It could take you a few days or even longer, but it will free up all of your time for months after.

Batch production enables you to have your content ready and waiting to be scheduled, it stops time demands from eating you alive and means you can get ahead because holidays and illness happen. Feel free to ignore this if you don't want a life or free time or the constant burden of trying to catch up on production.

这是基本的视频内容的策略。的se are the foundations you will build your channel on, miss a step, and i'm afraid your house will take a lot longer to build or worse, totally fall down.
