
If you operate a website or blog, you have probably heard about the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Good SEO usually provides you with the best results online and gives you the best chance of gaining high places in the search engine results. Things are similar when you operate your social accounts. Good social media optimization (SMO) practices will give you your optimal results.





Firms can use social media optimization as a boost to their online presence. Many firms treat social as being something they "should" do, without any thought as to why or how. This makes their social accounts haphazard, with an uncoordinated look and an irregular posting schedule. In some cases, firms set up social accounts and never use them. They sit there, slowly decaying over time with stale information, a snapshot of one moment in the firm's existence.


Social media optimization works with search engine optimization. Sure, SEO does not equate to SMO. But the two combine to ensure that you are doing all you can to attract the most relevant people to your online assets, whether they be your company website or your official social pages.

Remember that your customers (and potential clients) use the internet in a variety of ways nowadays. Things have changed in a relatively short time. Sure, you may have an excellent website that offers many things to people. But many of your clients don’t surf the net, searching through Google. They may only come online to spend some time on their preferred social sites. In some cases, they may use an app to consume their preferred content – perhaps watching videos on YouTube, catching up on funny posts on Facebook, or keeping up with their friends’ Instagram Stories. So you want to ensure that you appear on the same platforms as them and that you are using them well.



One of the most significant reasons for this is a lack of planning. Like most aspects of business, you need to plan social strategy and customize it to the specific company.


The essence of a good social strategy is one where you spend your time making relevant social posts on the same networks that your target customers spend their time.


    1. 为您的整个社交策略设定明智的目标,也许是一年一度的
    2. Research how your target audience uses social media. For example, if you are in the fashion sector, your target customers will likely use Instagram and possibly Pinterest. However, if you are in the financial industry, your customers are more likely to spend time on Twitter and LinkedIn.
    3. 确定哪些社交媒体指标对您至关重要。这些将是这些指标,这些指标最能告诉您您如何跟踪实现目标的方式。
    4. 确定您的竞争对手在社交媒体上的工作 - 查看对他们有用的方法,以及什么也不是。
    5. 确定可能吸引目标受众的内容的类型
    6. 记住社交媒体的“社交”部分 - 建立与社交追随者交流的最佳方式








If your business has distinctly separate divisions, each known by a different name, then you probably want to set up separate social pages for each one.


简洁明了地描述您的业务的工作。大多数社交网络允许您将链接返回到您的网站,以便您可以吸引更多的流量。做这个trackable link,所以您知道流量的来源。您可以选择有时更改此链接 - 尤其是在Instagram上,您无法在常规帖子中包含链接。通常最好链接到特定的着陆页,而不是指向主页的通用链接。








  1. Original content related to your business
  2. 策划内容,质量你找到的材料internet that will interest your followers

You will often make original content as part of specific marketing campaigns. You may also use it to promote your other online content, e.g., your blog posts, podcasts, or new YouTube videos. You might create original content in the form of graphics or videos to share facts about your business, or to promote an upcoming sale, for example.


尽管这在某种程度上取决于您的目标受众,但大多数人都喜欢包括图片或视频的帖子。在可能的情况下,您应该将图像作为您发表的每个帖子的一部分。我们以前写过我们的Ultimate Guide to the Best Image Sizes for Social Media


There is little point in making your posts when the bulk of your target audience is sleeping. You need to strategically post at the best times to give you the eyeballs of your followers.

Different audiences use social media in varying ways; however, so you can't just go by general statistics. By all means, start by taking notice of the most common popular posting times, but adapt these times to suit your audience.


6. Remember the “Social” in Social Media

A problem with social media is that it can tie up a considerable amount of your time. But you must devote some time to being social on these channels. You are never going to succeed if you use social media as merely a broadcasting channel.

You need to participate regularly in online conversations with your target audience.


Write genuine comments on interesting and relevant posts, too. But don’t restrict yourself to the “nice post" type of garbage comment. Make sure that what you write is thoughtful and adds to the conversation.


您还应该考虑加入相关小组,特别是在Facebook或LinkedIn上。同样,您可以使用它们将自己确立为思想领袖 - 不是尝试出售产品的一种方式。请记住,这个社交是一个微妙销售的地方,而不是直接销售的地方。



在设定目标时,您需要建立一个可以用来衡量成功的指标。在某些情况下,您可以使用社交网络提供的分析软件,例如Instagram Insights或Twitter Analytics。许多社交媒体营销平台提供了有关您的社交发布的更详细的分析。188滚球地址

Some of your goals will relate to success on your website. For example, you may use social posts to drive traffic to your website, possibly even trying to boost sales there. In these cases, you should use UTM codes to track people’s movements.
