8 Best Email Marketing Services Compared

每隔几年,有人就会提出一个“电子邮件营销死亡?”的问题。答案一直是一个响亮的“不”。40年来,电子邮件营销一直是行业和企业的关键营销策略。这是吸引新的和现有客户的非常有效的方法,并从潜在客户到客户到福音传教士。加,电子邮件营销具有成本效益,很棒ROI of 4200%呢这就是为什么探索最佳的电子邮件营销服务以找到适合您的业务和营销需求的最佳电子邮件营销服务的原因。

Businesses put a lot of thought into the email marketing service provider they choose. Email marketing services make email marketing a lot easier with features and functionalities that streamline your电子邮件营销策略,帮助您确定合格的潜在客户,培育潜在客户并增加收入。

With so many email marketing services on the market, though, it can be difficult to find the right one. In this guide, we’ll compare the best email marketing services for you so you have a better idea of the one that will work best for your business.

What Is an Email Marketing Service?


How to Choose the Best Email Marketing Service

Email marketing services should be able to create engaging email newsletters quickly and easily or whatever your电子邮件营销策略问它。我们真的很喜欢拖放编辑,但是有一些非常好的电子邮件营销服务需要更多的努力。我们还建议找到至少提供基本自动化服务的电子邮件营销服务。当您可以提前编写电子邮件并根据某些段,行为,位置等创建电子邮件系列时,它会使您的电子邮件营销变得更加容易。

Another great feature to look for is contact management. This is helpful for segmenting your subscribers and tracking the performance of your email marketing campaigns based on the information you know about your subscribers. While your email marketing service doesn’t need to be a full-blown CRM (customer relationship manager), it’s helpful if it integrates with a CRM or offers at least some contact management, segmentation, and personalization features.

Now that you know a little bit more about what to look for, let’s check out some of the best email marketing services and how they compare to one another.

8 Best Email Marketing Services Compared

For each of the email marketing services on our list, we’re comparing both features and pricing details. For the most up to date information, though, be sure to check out the service’s site and pricing pages.


免费计划:GetResponse doesn’t have an ongoing free plan but does offer a free 30-day trial of any plan. No credit card required.

付费计划:Paid plans start at $15/month for up to 1,000 contacts.

GetResponse有大量的特性,走well beyond email marketing including video email marketing, landing pages, design testing, A/B testing, and more. They also offer outstanding automation features so you can create automated email campaigns based on different conditions and triggers. On the more expansive plans, you’ll also get access to a webinar feature and inbuilt CRM in addition to other tools.

One of GetResponse’s best features, in our opinion, is the Conversion Funnel feature that lets you create sales funnels and landing pages to generate leads and move leads through your marketing funnel. You can even make your emails shoppable to reduce the number of clicks it takes your customers to complete a purchase and integrate your email marketing with your online shop.

If you’re interested in a tool that will help you run multi-channel marketing campaigns, GetResponse is worth a good long look.

Check out ourGetResponse reviewhere!





ConvertKit将您的订户列表保持在一个地方,让您根据行为手动或自动添加标签,以便您可以发送个性化的电子邮件营销活动。您可以根据需要标记您的订户personalizationand automation incredibly versatile.


You can check out ourconvertkitreviewhere!



付费计划:付费计划从必需品开始,每月$ 9.99,最多50,000个联系人和三个受众。我们至少建议标准计划(每月14.99美元),因为它附带了客户旅程构建器。

MailChimp是行业的最爱,往往是许多电子邮件营销初学者的首选电子邮件营销服务。由于MailChimp使您可以推广social media除电子邮件营销外,还可以创建购物或常规着陆页。MailChimp还拥有一个移动应用程序,因此您可以在任何地方创建和通过电子邮件发送电子邮件营销活动(自动更新同步)。





付费计划:The paid AWeber plan starts at $19/month for access to all features and up to 500 subscribers. Final pricing depends on how many subscribers you have.

aweberhas an easy to use drag-and-drop email builder and editor with an AI-driven design assistant that helps users build beautiful, on-brand emails automatically. If you’re not feeling creative, AWeber has a campaign marketplace where you’ll find pre-made电子邮件营销templatesthat you can import to your dashboard and customize so you don’t have to create your own campaigns from nothing.

In addition to email marketing, AWeber includes the tools you need to create landing pages you can use even if you don’t have a website. You can also use the auto-newsletter feature to automate email content creation by broadcasting the latest publishedcontent from your blog


免费计划:滴doesn’t offer a free plan. You can sign up for a 14-day free trial without entering your credit card information.

付费计划:Drip的付费计划起价为每月$ 19,最多500个订户。最终价格将取决于您拥有多少订户。

滴is one of the more powerful email marketing services on our list and is a great choice for enterprise-level电子商务,博客和数字营销用户。它具有大量用于自动化,销售渠道和个性化的工具。DRIP与包括WordPress和包括WordPress的所有流行网站建设者集成WooCommerceand makes it easy to add opt-in forms so you cangrow your email list

滴sets itself apart with tools like intelligent automation tools, split testing, smart segmenting, and a visual workflow builder. Using these features will help you send targeted messages to just the right subscribers when they need to see it most.



付费计划:付费计划起价为每月$ 9,最多500个联系人。他们最受欢迎的计划是专业计划,该计划可让您以每月$ 129的价格访问更多功能。


ActiveCampaign具有您可以使用的消息功能targeted marketing messages根据您的网站访问者的行为。这种目标,个性化和自动化非常适合建立和培育关系。



付费计划:Mailerlite的付费计划起价为每月10美元,并基于您列表中的订户数量。还有一些附加组件,例如无限的网站和登陆页面(每月10美元),专用IP($ 50/月)和优先支持(每月100美元)。


使用Mailerlite,您可以个性化您的电子邮件营销活动using its advanced targeting and automation features. Mailerlite includes automation for welcome emails, anniversary emails, abandoned cart emails, and more. Plus, you can automate subscriber updates, follow up on purchases, create segments based on behavior, send personalized content, and reward loyal customers with special promotions.


免费计划:Klaviyo email marketing is free for up to 250 subscribers and up to 500 email sends.

付费计划:Paid email marketing plans start at $20/month with final pricing dependent on the size of your email list. You can add SMS marketing for about $0.01 per message.

Klaviyo是越complicat之一ed to use email marketing services on our list, but the learning curve isn’t too steep. It was built for电子商务businessesand, as such, offers close integrations with eCommerce platforms like购物,Magento,WooCommerce,BigCommerce等。由于这些集成,您将能够根据购买行为,用户属性以及与以前的广告系列的参与来轻松细分,以便您的电子邮件营销活动始终保持关键。

In addition, Klaviyo’s web tracking gives you insight into what your website visitors are doing, so you can build campaigns around that behavior like reaching out to customers who haven’t been on your site recently (or those who are frequent visitors) as well as get in touch with visitors who looked but didn’t buy. Klaviyo also has the automation tools and reports that you need to stay on top of things without letting it take up your entire day.


What is the best email marketing service available?

Email marketing is a very effective way to engage new and existing customers and nurture leads from prospect to customer to brand evangelist. Here are some of the most effective email marketing services available, no matter your industry or business:

Active Campaign




There are different types of marketing emails, depending on your brand’s objectives and goals. Email marketing can be an effective way to engage new and existing customers, plus nurture leads and prospective customers. Here are different types of marketing emails:

Informative emails
Digital newsletter
Product updates
Transactional updates




Offering value and resources to customers
Use social media marketing, like Facebook ads
Offer free tutorial videos for customers


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