电子商务入门指南– Everything You need to Get Started

您可能会惊讶地知道,第一家美国电子商务公司Compuserve是1969年成立的,早在大多数人可以使用计算机之前。十年后,在英国发明家和企业家迈克尔·奥尔德里奇(Michael Aldrich)之前,他以发明电子购物为名。1979年,他创建了在线购物,以启用消费者和企业之间的在线交易处理。他通过将经过修改的国内电视连接到通过国内电话线的实时交易处理计算机来做到这一点。毫无疑问,这是我们今天认为电子商务的先驱。



eCommerce is a shortening of the phraseelectronic commerce。它有效地涵盖了与在线购买和销售商品和服务有关的所有内容。

Confusingly, it is a term without a standard spelling. People have writtenentire blog posts关于单词的各种拼写。您将在Google的主页上找到以下所有组合:电子商务,电子商务,电子商务,电子商务,电子商务,电子商务和电子商务。





Mark Joyner of简单学对经营电子商务业务了解很多。他是30多个初创公司的创始人。他成立了第一家电子书出版公司,这是第一家在线广告跟踪公司,第二个PPC搜索引擎,并发明了跟踪像素。他教导说,赚钱是一个系统,您可以在这里获得时间,精力和金钱,并且通过您的努力,您会带来更多的钱。在线赚钱是Joyner所说的企业家子系统的一个例子。正确运行,创业子系统可以增加输入以增加输出。电子商务业务的最大优势之一是,与其他企业家系统相比,您需要较少的资金作为输入,才能为您提供可接受的输出。然后,您可以利用这一增长,通过逐渐增加口碑广告的帮助。

电子商务业务的另一个主要优点是,您的受众群体的潜力比您只是专注于向附近的附近销售的可能性要大得多。我们最近看了creator economy。有一次,人们从热情上赚钱的想法对于大多数人来说都是难以想象的 - 在附近,潜在客户的想法太少了。但是世界已经开放,我们现在有许多垂直特定的工作平台,专注于非常狭窄的壁ni。188滚球地址同样的理念适用于电子商务业务。您可以从字面上出售给世界,特别是如果您出售数字产品。

Critical Decisions to Make About Your eCommerce Business


The first thing you will want to consider when setting up an eCommerce business is the top of products you intend to sell. You can select from four types of products:

    1. Physical goods – actual products that you will ship to your customers
    2. 数字产品 - 您的客户将通过互联网下载的产品
    3. 服务 - 您在哪里出售您将为客户做的事情
    4. 分支机构 - 您可以通过使用与他人的物理产品,数字产品或(不太常见的)服务的会员链接来赚取佣金。我们对此进行了更详细的详细介绍什么是会员营销?



Once you have decided upon the types of products you should sell, you will have to consider how you intend to source and then deliver them. Obviously, if you have opted for affiliate marketing, you will need to search affiliate sites for the types of products you are happy to market. In that case, they will have established procedures for delivering products (and storage in the case of physical products).


    1. 您会在内部制作产品吗?在这种情况下,您将需要采购所有所需的原材料。显然,您将需要空间来存储这些材料,制造产品,然后存储完整产品的库存。当然,如果您正在看数字产品,这不是一个问题,但是您仍然需要考虑制造数字产品所需的时间以及您是否有技巧或需要付款
    2. 您会外包产品的生产吗?您将需要调查此的可行性和成本。您可能必须满足最低订单数量,并需要在某个地方存储这些数量
    3. Will you buy products from wholesalers and resell them? This is the model that most closely resembles the pattern for a traditional retailer. Again, you will typically have to consider storage
    4. 您应该丢弃产品吗?这是一种特别适合前期资本和存储空间有限的人。使用掉落,您不必携带货物库存,也不必担心运输。您只需从专业的Dropshing Companies提供产品,他们将在您进行销售时交付商品。当然,您将在每次销售中都会失去一部分利润,因为您必须支付投资公司的服务。

3. To Whom Do You Intend to Sell?

You might think you are happy to sell your goods or services to anybody willing to pay you. In reality, however, you are far more likely to focus on a particular type of customer, and the marketing you use will definitely reflect this. While you can segment your customers granularly, particularly when you use something like Facebook Marketing, there are three general groups of customers:

    1. B2C (Business to Consumer) – this is probably the most common type of sales and marketing process. If you predominantly target consumers with your marketing and sell to people, rather than organizations, then you can consider yourself a B2C business
    2. B2B(企业与企业) - 这些是客户主要是其他业务的企业。您可能是出售给批发商的制造商,向零售商出售的批发商,或者是向其他企业销售的支持公司(例如文具公司或税务机构)。
    3. B2G(对政府的业务_这些业务将政府部门(或其他地方,州或联邦政府的其他级别)作为其主要客户。


4. How Do You Plan to Sell Your Goods?


    1. Create a Branded eCommerce Store – this is probably the most clear-cut way to build an eCommerce store. You set up an online store, and sell your products from that website, usually using an eCommerce platform such as Shopify to help you.
    2. Sell on an existing eCommerce marketplace – if you don’t want to build your own site, you can sell in a specialist marketplace, such as Amazon, Etsy, or eBay.
    3. 进行对话贸易 - 这是在社交媒体上销售您的产品的闪光名称。大多数领先的社交网站都有市场或可以出售产品的集团。使用马克·乔伊纳(Mark Joyner)的理念,与创建品牌电子商务商店相比,从事对话贸易时,您可能会使用更多的时间或精力,而花费更少的钱。



这显然取决于你如何选择ell your products online. If you are happy to rely simply on conversational commerce, you need to decide which social networks are worth your time and energy. You will need to set up accounts on these sites, creating a suitable profile, page, or channel. You will then need to build your credibility on the site, usually by posting regularly and providing content of value to your potential audience. You will probably also look at advertising on your preferred network, particularly once you start to upload products for people to buy.

If you choose to operate more formally through a specialist eCommerce marketplace, you will need to set up your section of their site and begin to upload listings for the items you want to sell.

当然,建立一个完整的品牌电子商务商店将有更多的前期工作,但这也为您带来了最大的潜力。您无法轻易控制社交网站或市场上发生的事情。他们就像在购物中心一样 - 您必须遵守规则和规定,如果您不这样做,社交网络可以删除您。但是,一家电子商务商店是您的,您可以根据需要进行设置并进行操作。


Some businesses use a mixture of these methods to sell their goods. They build a formal online store and use social media as a tool in their marketing, selling some of their products from the social channel. They may also operate on Amazon or one of the other marketplaces too. Instagram has helped this process with its shoppable Instagram posts. These allow you to synchronize the product catalog you have in your eCommerce store with your Facebook and Instagram accounts automatically. When you tag products in your photos with shoppable pricing tags, Instagram users can view your featured products and decide and order directly from their Instagram accounts.


The amount of money you need upfront will depend very much on the decisions you have made above. Each eCommerce business is different. In some ways, you should perhaps start with your budget, because it places limitations on what you can do.




