
With millions of businesses selling on Amazon, you’ll need all the help that you can get to differentiate your product range from competitors. One way is to create an Amazon Storefront.

基本上,认为它是你自己的虚拟圣ore. If your budget prevents you from investing in a separate business website too, creating an Amazon Store can be a great cost-effective alternative.

To help you在亚马逊上出售(更多),我们介绍了您需要了解的有关亚马逊店面的基础知识。我们还提供实用技巧,以帮助您充分利用这项新资产。毕竟,如果您不知道如何优化它,那么创建一些东西有什么用?

亚马逊店面s Guide - The Ins and Outs of Setting Up Shop:

What’s an Amazon Storefront?


亚马逊店面作为品牌平台再保险188滚球地址gistered businesses where they can showcase and sell their different products by creating a multipage experience. Any Amazon seller enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry can take advantage of this feature. Not only is there no need to advertise on Amazon, but there’s also no cost involved in creating a store.

All in all, it can be wonderful for exposure as there are a few ways your store can be found. For starters, it’s discoverable via the platform’s shopping results.

Shoppers will also be able to find your store via the brand name link (aka the brand byline). This is found above or below the names of products found on the detail page of the product.

Alternatively, you can share your unique URL via social media channels or your own business website (if you have one) which will redirect shoppers to your store directly. And, when you’ve grown a sizable customer base, they’ll be able to do the same.

How Can I Create an Amazon Storefront?

If you’re sold on the idea of creating an Amazon Storefront for your brand, here’s how:

  • Log into your Amazon Vendor Central or Amazon Seller Central account.
  • Via the main navigation bar, select the Stores tab and click the “Manage Stores” option.
  • On the next page, pick “Create Store”.
  • 通过弹出框,选择您的品牌名称。如果您尚未注册Amazon Brand注册表2.0,那么您的品牌名称将不会出现在列表中。
  • Click on the “Create Store” option, add the name of your brand and logo and click “Next”.
  • You’ll now be asked to create a home page. You can either start from scratch or use one of the templates. All that’s left to do is to build and customize your new store.


Once your store is up and running, you can customize it further via Amazon’s store builder. As it uses a drag-and-drop system (referred to as tiles) and predesigned templates, it’s pretty straightforward. If you’ve usedwebsite builders以前,您会知道该怎么办。

Start with your visual assets. You’re welcome to add brand or product images as long as they’re 1500 x 1500 pixels (that’s the minimum requirement). If you’ll be including products in your header image, limit it to three (adding more products will just make it look cluttered). Shoppable images are another way that you can engage customers and make it easier for them to convert.

You also have the option of including a text overlay. This can be useful if you’ll be selling various types of products.

Just like with电子商务网站设计, it’s key that you create a consistent visual look. Amazon makes this easy. You can use the Creative Assets feature that lets you store branded content, making it easier to reuse images and other branded content.

In addition to images, you can also leverage the power of video. You can either create a background video tile (videos without audio that play in a loop) or a video tile (videos that start to play only when a shopper clicks on it).


  • 1280 x 640 pixels
  • 100 MB最大
  • 没有参考或指向其他网站的链接

As Amazon puts it so eloquently, using video can help you to create a “deeper consideration of your products”. And, video marketing stats back this up. A recent study shared by Wyzowl found that73%客户喜欢通过观看简短的视频来学习产品。


Your videos can focus either on sharing your brand story or the actual products in action. The first type of video is useful for attracting customers while they’re still in the awareness stage. Using a background video tile can work well in this case. On the other hand, making your product and its features the star of your video is the answer if you want to attract customers during the other客户旅程的阶段.

While images and videos are the elements that attract attention best, it can also be a good idea to add a text tile. You can, for example, use it to list product benefits or include a call to action.

Adding text overlay to an image is a good idea for short text, like product categories. However, if you need to include something longer, like features, rather stick to a text tile. If you’ll be using text in your header, try to limit it to 30 characters using a font size of at least 90pt so that mobile users will find it easy to read.



Also, another tip to keep in mind as you go about adding the different elements is that the section above the fold is prime real estate. It refers to all the content that shoppers will be available to see immediately before they scroll down. It’s here where web users spend most of their time.

Optimizing Your Store



Another major consideration is mobile. While the widgets and templates have been designed with mobile devices in mind, there are a few extra things that you can do to optimize it further for mobile users. Considering that nearly 70% of store visits are made via mobile devices (that’s according to Amazon’s own internal data), you’ll want to listen up.

Amazon Store Optimization

Amazon lets you switch between desktop view and mobile view while you’re building your store. Use this feature to see the changes that you’ve made in real time. This way, you’ll see when a specific tile doesn’t play well with mobile (even though the Store Builder will adjust images automatically depending on the screen size, some parts of the text might still be difficult to read). If this happens, you can add a separate image that’s been optimized specifically for mobile users.

The previous step - customizing your store - you can do on your own (even without any tech skills or prior experience). Though, for this next phase of the journey, you’ll need an extra set of eyes. Once again no hard skills are needed — just an honest opinion.



  • Was it easy to find the information or product that you needed?
  • Has everything been arranged logically?
  • 所有文字都可以清晰吗?
  • Do all the images load correctly?
  • Is the product range sufficient?
  • Were the products presented in an engaging way that made you want to buy?
  • 您有什么要改变的元素吗?
  • Do you have any other feedback?


In addition to gathering these insights from target audience members, family, friends, or others on your team, you can also turn to the insights dashboard. After all, your “focus group” participants might be unbiased, but there’s only so much that you can do with this type of non-numerical data.


In fact, it’s recommended that you update your Amazon Storefront regularly. According to their internal data, stores that have been updated within the past three months on average attract over 20% more repeat visitors. Plus, the sales per visitor are also about a third higher. Whether it’s based on feedback from actual people or Amazon’s numbers, use these insights and update your store regularly.





Then, to improve your conversions further, there are a couple of other best practices specific to Amazon that you can put to the test. For example, Amazon suggests that you add a Feature Deals widget. Not only is this a great way to showcase specific products and draw attention to deals but it can also help to make your navigation more intuitive.

You can also add a product grid to your home page. This is another way that you can highlight your最畅销的物品并通过让商店访问者直接从主页上购物来减少摩擦。如果您想走这条路线,请将其限制为八种产品。这是为了避免购物者不得不向下和向下滚动。

Basically, you want to make it as easy and quick as possible for store visitors to complete their purchase.



Getting a website design company to create a standalone business website is a great investment, but one that you’ll need to pay for. On the other hand, Amazon’s option is free. It’s also straightforward to get started and optimize its performance.

It might take some time, but it will help you to boost sales and increase the average cart value. Another benefit is increased customer loyalty which once again translates to more sales for you.

