

根据MarketPlacePulse的数据,亚马逊在其市场上拥有2500万活跃的卖家。亚马逊的大约25,000名卖家的销售额超过100万美元,有200,000美元的卖家收入超过100,000美元的销售额(2019年)。购物者信任亚马逊。饲养裁判报告称,有89%的买家同意他们比其他购买者更有可能从亚马逊购买eCommerce platforms(2019)。

这对您意味着什么?简而言之,在亚马逊上出售可以为您带来不错的收入。有兴趣成为亚马逊影响者吗?查看我们的指南Amazon influencer marketing



亚马逊在全球拥有超过3亿个活跃的客户帐户(第1季度2020 Amazon收益发布)。有了这么多的数据点,也就不足为奇了,亚马逊了解了什么激励购物者,他们如何与品牌互动以及如何在线浏览和购买。亚马逊上的广告帮助亚马逊卖家在买方旅程的每个阶段都达到目标受众,并提供几种不同的产品来帮助您实现广告目标。

Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products help customers find and purchase the products you sell on Amazon with ads that show up in shopping results and on product pages.

Sponsored Products Ads show up in highly-noticeable locations like the first page of shopping results and product pages. They help you reach customers who are more likely to purchase your product since they’re browsing for products just like yours. Since these ads are pay-per-click, you only pay when customers click on your ads and you can set a budget to limit how much you want to bid per click.

赞助产品广告可用于专业卖家,供应商,书籍供应商,Kindle Direct Publishing(KDP)作者和代理商。有某些符合此广告类型的类别,您的产品必须有资格获得使用此亚马逊营销服务产品的特色优惠。

Minimum Daily Budget:$ 1(亚马逊建议最低每日预算10美元)

Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brand Ads are cost-per-click (CPC) ads that let you add your logo, a custom headline, and multiple products.

You can use Sponsored Brand Ads to increase your brand’s visibility and share your message using custom headlines. These ads help you reach your target audience when they’re looking for what to buy, which help you increase product awareness. Amazon shoppers can click on your logo to go to your Amazon store or a custom landing page. If they click a product in the ad, they’ll be taken directly to the product page. Sponsored Brand Ads are available for professional sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, vendors, book vendors, and agencies.

Minimum Daily Budget:$1


赞助显示Ads are a self-service advertising option from Amazon Marketing Services. With these ads, you can quickly launch display campaigns and reach your target audience anywhere along the买家之旅, both on and off Amazon.


Minimum Daily Budget:$ 1,每次点击最低费用为$ 0.02。

Amazon Stores


Image Source: advertising.amazon.com

这种亚马逊营销服务产品可帮助您使用简单的拖放页面构建器或预先设计的模板与亚马逊购物者分享品牌故事和产品组合。您甚至会像Amazon.com/brand一样获得Amazon URL。商店可用于参加亚马逊品牌注册表,供应商和代理商的卖家。您无需在亚马逊上做广告即可创建商店。

Audio Ads

亚马逊的音频广告可帮助您通过亚马逊音乐在支持Alexa的设备上通过Amazon Music的免费广告支持层吸引目标受众。

音频广告的长度可能在10到30秒之间,并且将在Amazon Music上休息期间定期播放。由于音乐是Alexa上最重要的客户互动之一,因此音频广告可以帮助您提高品牌知名度。无论他们在亚马逊上出售产品,企业都可以购买音频广告。

Cost:Audio ads have a typical minimum budget of $25,000 and require working with an Amazon ad consultant.

Video Ads

亚马逊OTT(顶级)视频广告出现在连接电视,发布者频道和网络上,IMDB,IMDB TV。在亚马逊上和亚马逊内外的视频内容之外,出现了流过的广告。


如果您想开始为亚马逊和其他平台创建视频广告,但没有太多的方式188滚球地址视频编辑skills, here are thetop video ad makerswe’ve found that can help you create high-quality video ads to increase sales.

Cost:Amazon video ads typically have a minimum budget of $35,000 per campaign for managed options.



亚马逊的定制广告服务是量身定制的广告体验。亚马逊的自定义广告团队与品牌合作,开发活动,这些广告系列可以在各个阶段的购物者到达购物者营销渠道。Amazon develops end-to-end campaigns using Amazon’s own shopping analytics to ensure that your message is delivered in a way that’s sure to have the most impact. Custom advertising brings together Amazon’s online, offline, and subsidiary brands for cross-channel advertising campaigns. Businesses with a product or brand to promote can buy custom solutions, whether or not they sell products on Amazon.


亚马逊DSPis a demand-side platform from Amazon Marketing Services that lets advertisers programmatically buy display, video, and audio ads both on and off Amazon. Both self-service and managed-service options are available.

Cost:专为希望访问Amazon DSP库存和咨询服务的公司或具有有限程序化广告经验的公司而设计的托管服务选项的最低支出为35,000美元。


Amazon Attribution是一种分析工具,可以帮助您在多个渠道中跟踪广告性能。它易于使用,可以帮助您更好地了解您的所有方面的投资回报率(ROI)digital advertisinglike search, social, and email, giving you insight into how shoppers research, find, and purchase your products on Amazon. This feature is currently in beta.


Cost:There’s currently no cost for Amazon Attribution.




  • Seller Central
  • Vendor Central
  • 优势中心
  • Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)


Amazon Marketing Services Best Practices

After choosing the ad type you want, there are some Amazon Marketing Services best practices you can use to make sure that you’re creating the best campaigns for your business.


Before you launch a campaign you need to need to do some research. Here are some things to focus on:

  • Find the bestkeywordsand keyphrases
  • 了解有关购物者兴趣的更多信息
  • Identify cross-selling opportunities

Highlight the Right Products

When you’re creating an ad campaign you want to highlight the products that are going to resonate most with your目标听众。通常,最好围绕季节性,需求的产品制作广告,或者您已经知道的是很棒的卖家。

Establish a Budget


另一件事时要考虑建立你的让步t is the duration of your campaign. If you’re considering establishing a budget of $1,000, for example, will you spend that money in a single day or spread across 20 days, spending a maximum of $50 each day?

接下来,考虑一下您的默认投标金额。这是您的必不可少的每次点击成本(CPC), or how much you’ll pay each time someone clicks on your ad. A high CPC means you won’t get as many clicks for your budget. A low CPC gives you more breathing room to attract customers, increase profitability, and lower your ACoS.

After you’ve established your default bid amount, you’ll want to estimate the return on your investment (ROI). If you determine how much you want to earn from your efforts, you can then reverse engineer how much you have to put towards advertising.

Last, you’ll want to think about the keywords that you’re going to target with your advertising as that will have a direct impact on your advertising budget. You’ll want a mix of shorter keywords that might include one or two words and longtail keywords that are longer, containing three to four words. Shorter keywords are broader and will attract a wider audience. Longtail keywords are typically much more specific and will bring in a smaller number of people. However, the people who find your products using longtail keywords generally have higher purchase intent (they’re more likely to make a purchase).

Hire an Influencer

亚马逊本身提供了一个有影响力的计划作为其一部分会员计划,允许具有一定追随者数量的影响者创建自己的亚马逊商店,使用自定义URL共享产品,并为其努力赚钱。它还推出了一家名人商店,展示了顶级名人的精心策划清单。亚马逊卖家应考虑将其营销预算的一部分指向有影响力的人来推动流量。了解更多有关how to use influencers in your Amazon marketing strategy

Looking for a list of Amazon influencers? Here are 23 of our favorite亚马逊影响者帮助您在线销售更多。



  • 哪些产品最好转换
  • Your most popular colors or product models
  • Which ads are performing best for specific products
  • 最好的关键字
  • What copy gets the best click-through rates

这个信息是非常宝贵的,可以帮助你啊ptimize your campaigns by redirecting your budget from lower-performing campaigns to the campaigns that are actually working. Of course, there’s a lot more you can do to optimize your advertising campaigns to get the best return.



1. Be Consistent

建立一个advertising strategy您将在广告活动中使用。这将使您的广告策略组织起来,因此您不太可能最终浪费在重复的广告上。


Amazon already has a great algorithm that will help you choose keywords to use for your advertising campaigns. You can start with these recommendations and then optimize your target keywords as you get more data from your campaigns. There are also keyword research tools that will help you find the keywords that are being used by your target audience.






5. Optimize Your Ad Headlines and Copy

Your ad’s copy is another place to pay close attention. Your ad headline is like the subject line of an email. They need to grab viewers’ attention and get them excited to click. You can use thesetips to write catchy email subject linesto improve your ad headlines.

Your ad copy should support your headline, giving viewers who didn’t click based on the headline alone a bit more information that motivates them to click. Use simple language that’s engaging and conveys the benefits of your brand and products.

If all this sounds like a bit much to deal with, don’t worry about it! There are severalAmazon marketing agenciesthat are eager to help you out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Amazon marketing do?



In fiscal year 2020, Amazon’s marketing spending amounted to around 22 billion U.S. dollars worldwide. That’s up nearly 19 billion from the previous year.




To use Amazon advertising services, you will need to log into Seller Central. If you’re new to Amazon, make an account. Then, create your campaign. By using sponsored ads, you can reach more shoppers. In addition, you can control your costs and measure the success of your campaigns.

How can I make money on Amazon without selling?

Here’s how you can make money on Amazon without selling:
Publish books for Kindle
Use online arbitrage
