How to Create a Social Media Budget for Your Business [+ a Free Template]

在社交媒体上建立存在是使您的品牌处于潜在客户最前沿的一种方式。但这需要持续的时间和资金投资。If you don’t have the time to do it all on your own, then you’ll need a team to manage social media for you. But how much should you invest?这个问题的答案取决于几个因素,包括业务的规模,行业和目标。

In this guide, we’ll show you have to develop a social media budget for your business.

社交媒体Budget Guide:



Social media is central to many companies’ marketing and advertising strategies, as it provides a direct way to reach and engage with potential and current customers. While some businesses have large budgets to dedicate to social media, others may need to be more strategic in their spending to get the most out of their investment.


  • 营销预算有限的小型企业可能希望专注于有机社交媒体发布,而不是付费社交媒体广告。
  • A B2B company may want to spend more on LinkedIn advertising, rather than Facebook or Twitter because it yields higher ROI.
  • 电子商务公司可能希望专注于Instagram营销,以使用产品照片和视频针对潜在客户。

Developing a social media budget will determine how much you can spend on social media activities, and where you should focus your efforts to get the most bang for your buck.

Why do you need a social media budget?


Having a social media budget does two things:

  • 指导您的社交媒体营销工作以防止超支
  • allows you to get buy-in from the leaders in your company

It’s ideal to create a social budget whether you’re a startup looking to generate buzz or an established brand wanting to connect with customers on a more personal level.

Whatever your reasoning, it’s important to understand the different costs associated with social media so that you can make the most of your budget.


A social media budget should include everything that directly relates to your campaigns. This includes staff, training, and tools.There’s no one-size-fits-all budget to use — most brands are allocating a percentage of their marketing budget for social media.

For example, a2021 CMO surveyshows businesses are investing anywhere between 10% and 30% of their marketing budget.

CMO survey




Content creation and production

If you’re creating your own content, factor in the cost of any materials, equipment, and staff time required. Include expenses for hiring a photographer or videographer, purchasing props or backdrops, and renting studio space.If you’re outsourcing content creation, budget for the cost of the service. This will vary depending on the scope of work and the experience of the agency or freelancer you’re working with.

Software and tools

有几个工具和软件平台可用于社交媒体活动的各个方面。188滚球地址例如,您可能会使用调度工具为了帮助您组织和发布内容,跟踪分析或管理社交媒体帐户。这些工具中的一些可以免费使用(例如,LinkedIn现在提供免费的时间表),而其他工具则提供每月订阅费(例如,Sprout SocialHootsuite)。创建预算时,研究各种选择,并确定哪种最适合您的需求。


  • 分析: Without metrics tracking, you can’t measure the success of your campaigns or understand what’s working and what isn’t. Aside from paid options, you have platforms like Facebook and Instagram, offering built-in analytics for free.
  • Scheduling and publishing: Organizing and scheduling content in advance can save time and effort. Platforms likeLater,Buffer, andCoSchedule提供此类功能。价格取决于所需的用户数量和数量。
    Design: If you’re creating visuals for your social media campaigns, consider software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva. Gone are the days of paying one fee for a tool — now, most have monthly subscription fees.
  • Audience research:为了确保您的内容相关和吸引人,您必须了解听众。有内置工具,例如Facebook Insights和外部平台,例如188滚球地址Buzzsumo您可以使用。
  • Marketplaces:在某些平台上,您可以在188滚球地址社交媒体活动中找到创意人才,包括Fiverr和99个设计。以及来自市场的内容创建者和影响者The Shelf。Prices vary depending on the service you need and the experience of the freelancer, influencer, or agency you use.


如果你想达到一个更大的听众或提高the visibility of your content, consider running paid social media campaigns. For example, promoting your posts on Facebook, running ads on Instagram, or sponsoring tweets on Twitter.When creating your budget, identify your potential return on investment for each platform to determine which are worth investing in. Keep in mind that you may need to experiment with different strategies and ad types before you find what works.


Another way to reach a larger audience is through金博宝188备用网址。这涉及到与社交媒体用户who have a large following in your target market. They can promote your content to their followers, giving you greater visibility and reach.When budgeting for influencer marketing, calculate the cost of the partnership. This could include things like fees paid to the influencer, as well as any products you give away for free.另外,请注意,您不必总是追随数十万或数百万追随者的大型影响者。有时,拥有数千名粉丝的微影响者会产生最佳成绩。

研究表明,微影响者从听众那里获得更好的参与。例如,微型影响者接近18% engagement on TikTok相比之下,大型影响者不到5%。也许是因为追随者认为他们是真正的真实和真实的,与众所周知的名人宣传他们并不真正使用或落后的产品。不t to say macro-influencers don't have a place — when you want visibility over engagement, then they’re your best bet for increasing brand recognition (and possibly even sales).


Someone has to man (or woman) thesocial media strategy。这个人或团队将必须接受培训,付费和培训的更多(因为社交媒体总是在发展)。If you don’t have the internal resources to do this, you may need to outsource social media management to an agency or freelancer. This could increase your costs, but it may be worth it to free up your team’s time so they can focus on other areas of the business.


  • Books
  • 培训班
  • Conferences and events
  • Communities

Template for creating a social media budget




创建年度社交媒体预算时,请记住允许一些摆动的空间。这将使您灵活地尝试新的策略和想法,并适应任何意外的费用(例如可以节省团队时间的新软件)。Once you have a rough estimate of your annual social media budget, start planning how to allocate it.

But how do you get from point A to point B?Here are the steps required to build a solid social media budget.


Before you can create a social media budget, you need to know your goals. This will determine what efforts are necessary to help you achieve your objectives.Your social media goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This will make it easy to track and measure goals.

Some examples of SMART social media goals include:

  • 到年底将品牌意识提高10%
  • 在第1季度结束时增加铅的铅将增加15%
  • Generate $5,000 in sales from social media by the end of Q2

Conduct a social media audit

Another task to perform before creating your social media budget is conducting a social media audit. This will show where you’re at now, and where you need to go to reach your goals.What you want to view is your past spending and results to see if your campaigns are delivering a high ROI or creating a loss for the business.

Your social media audit should cover the following areas:

  • 目标设定:查看您当前的社交媒体目标,以查看它们是否仍然相关。如果没有,请更新它们以反映您当前的业务优先事项。
  • 188滚球地址:盘点您当前使用的社交媒体平台。188滚球地址它们仍然是您业务的最佳产品吗?如果没有,请考虑从您的188滚球地址社交媒体计划
  • Audience research:进行受众研究以更好地了解您的目标市场。这将帮助您创建相关和引人入胜的内容。
  • Content audit:查看您当前的内容,以查看它是否仍然相关且引人入胜。如果没有,请从社交媒体平台中更新或删除。188滚球地址
  • 竞争对手分析: Check out what your competitors are doing on social media. See what’s working for them, and find ways to improve upon it.
  • 分析:查看您的社交媒体分析,以查看有效的工作和无效。使用此数据来调整您的社交媒体策略。例如,如果您在Facebook上的参与度很低,但在Instagram上很高,您可能希望将内容策略集中在后者上。

Create a content calendar


Your content calendar should include the following information:

  • 主题
  • Titles
  • 主题标签
  • 链接
  • Images
  • 发布日期

You can create your content calendar manually or use a tool like Google Calendar or CoSchedule. Understanding how many posts you’ll create for the quarter or year will aid in planning a budget to pay content creators and publishers.

Determine your target audience



Build templates to reduce time and money spent (and maintain consistency)

Creating templates for your content, ad campaigns, and social media posts will save time and money. It will also maintain consistency across platforms, which is important for building trust and credibility with your audience.

Some examples of content you can create templates for include:

  • LinkedIn posts
  • Facebook帖子
  • Instagram帖子
  • 推特posts
  • 创意者(图像和视频)

模板的目的是指导内容创建者和发布者如何为您的品牌制作社交媒体帖子。For instance, it’ll have the type of images you want to use (colors, size, file types), videos to add (length, lighting, intro, etc.), and format of posts. Maybe you begin Twitter threads with an amazing fact or find memes for Facebook posts.

Assess your needs

Once you know the content you want to post and the platforms you want to post on, start planning the resources you’ll need to make it happen.


  • Staff: How many people will you need to create and publish content? This includes content writers, designers, and video editors.
  • Tools:您需要什么工具来创建和发布您的内容?这可以包括设计工具,视频编辑软件和社交媒体管理工具(和广告)。
  • Outsourcing: How much will you need to spend on outsourcing content creation? This includes content writers, designers, influencers, and videographers.




It’s important to stick to your social media budget once it’s been approved. This will help you stay on track and avoid overspending (and upsetting your boss).You should also review and adjust your budget on a quarterly or yearly basis. This will help you account for any changes in your business or social media goals.If your budget goes over without yielding a high ROI, it could hurt your chances of convincing your boss to renew your budget for the next quarter or year.
