Influencer Rates: How Much do Influencers Really Cost in 2022?

Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience—especially on social media platforms. But influencer costs can vary widely based on your business goals, industry, platforms you’re targeting, posting frequency, and more. How can you find the right influencer for your brand without breaking the bank?

In this article, we’re going to share 8 factors that impact influencer rates, average influencer rates for the most popular social media platforms, the types of influencer partnerships you can get, and how to find an influencer that will work with you to take your brand to the next level.

Influencer Rates: How Much do Influencers Really Cost in 2022?:

8 Factors That Impact Influencer Rates

There are a number of factors that can impact how much an influencer charges for their services and it’s rare to find an influencer who charges a flat rate. Influencer marketing is a legitimate business and influencers set their rates based on what brands will pay. While our list doesn’t cover everything that goes into determining how much an influencer might charge, these are the things you can count on to have an impact:

  • 有影响力的人接触和参与
  • 他们使用的频道
  • How many posts you want and if they include things like images, videos, and audio
  • 影响者需要多少努力
  • 广告将被促进/交叉播放的地方
  • Agency fees (if the influencer is with an influencer marketing agency)

Let’s take a closer look at these parameters and more so you can get a better idea of what it is you’re paying for.

1. Social Media Platform

无论其使用什么渠道,一些有影响力的人可能会为相同类型的帖子收取相同的费率,但是利率会有所不同。毕竟,每个社交媒体平台has a different audience type and creator resources vary, too, from platform to platform.




  • Nano-influencers:1,000–10,000个关注者
  • 微型影响者:10,000–50,000个关注者
  • 中等影响者:50,000–500,000 followers
  • 宏观影响者:500,000–1,000,000 followers
  • Mega-influencers:1,000,000多个关注者

You might see variations of this breakdown (some marketers consider a micro-influencer to start at 1,000 and don’t label nano-influencers in this way).


You’ll find that influencer rates fluctuate based on how much engagement an influencer generates on their organic vs. sponsored content. You may think that influencers with more followers are going to获得更好的参与率,但通常情况并非如此。

Follower Engagement

Look closely at how much an influencer’s audience really engages and interacts with their content. The more engaged their followers are, the better for your message.


Obviously, you’ll want to find an influencer who specializes in the industry you’re in. Would you trust a fitness influencer who suddenly started talking about financial services, especially if they’ve never so much as hinted that finance was an interest of theirs before? Popular niches (beauty and fitness, for example) are going to have more influencers available and the pricing will likely be lower than niches with fewer available influencers.


Industry or Specialization

5. Type of Content

The type of content you’re asking an influencer to create will also have an impact on the pricing. This is because influencers will need to spend time, energy, and resources to create the content and different types of content require different things. This includes considerations like how much content the influencer will need to create and whether they or you will be providing the necessary resources. The more effort it takes to create the content you’re asking for, the more you can expect it to cost.


如果你是asking for aseasonal social media campaign,您可以预期它将带有高价标签。这是标准经济学:高需求会导致更高的利率。如果您对特别受欢迎的影响者感兴趣,也可以在季节性活动之外遇到这个问题。

7. Usage Rights

If you plan torepurpose an influencer’s content, be sure to discuss that with them ahead of time and outline the terms in the influencer contract. Some influencers will charge more for content that’s going to be reused. Think of each use as an individual product—once you’ve used the product up by having the influencer post a video about your brand to their Instagram account, you have no product left to use in your Facebook ads.

8. Exclusivity

Influencers make their money by promoting different businesses. It’s possible that you might choose an influencer that your competitor wants to use, too. In this situation, you might want to ask the influencer to sign a non-compete agreement or exclusivity clause with theirinfluencer contract这将禁止他们在一段时间内晋升竞争对手。但是,您最好准备付款。也有很多,因为您本质上要求他们放弃其他潜在的收入。

How Much do Influencers Earn Per Post?

As we’ve already mentioned, the amount influencers earn is dependent on quite a few factors. Here, we’re sharing the average influencer earnings per post based on thetype of influencer和社交媒体平台。


  • Instagram(82%)
  • YouTube (41%)
  • TikTok (23%)
  • 推特(23%)
  • Facebook (5%)

We’ll take a look at the average payment on each of these platforms for influencers of each of the levels we outlined earlier.



想检查一个特定的Instagram影响者to see if you can afford to bring them on? Or maybe you are an Instagram influencer wanting to get a better idea of what to charge? Use ourInstagramInfluencer Earnings Calculator



SomeYouTube影响者基于视频观看次数的收费(收费$ 50– $ 100每1,000次观看次数)。


TikTok is pretty new to the influencer game, so there’s no real neat and tidy way to determine how much influencers earn. After looking atTiktok影响者who fall into these categories, we’ve included estimates.


TikTok has many influencers who aren’t necessarily celebrities, but who still have tens of millions of followers. These influencers can earn upwards of $10,000 per post. If you have your eye on a specific TikTok influencer just plug their username into ourtiktok货币计算器查看他们每个帖子的平均水平。






既然我们已经谈了一些关于影响利率, you might be wondering what your influencer marketing dollars will get you. In this section, we’ll walk you through the types of influencer partnerships available. Keep in mind that every influencer is different, uses different platforms, and engages with their audience through different formats, so check with your desired influencer to see if the influencer partnership you’re looking for is something they do.


A喊出来happens when you pay a user to promote your brand or product on social media. They can be with or without a visual like video, images, or GIFs and can be used for any call to action (typically more sales, more followers for your brand, or more traffic to your website). Paid shoutouts are a classic influencer marketing tactic.


Giveaways are another popular influencer marketing tactic. They’re short-term, usually generate lots of interest, and provide value to both you as a brand and the influencer. Giveaways occur when a brand provides the influencer something of value that the influencer can then offer to their followers through a giveaway or contest. The result is usually increased brand awareness and leads.

Platform Takeovers

Takeovers are most popular on TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. This is when brands give an influencer access to their social media channel of choice. The influencer can then curate content for the brand and send their own followers to the brand’s account so they don’t miss what’s usually branded as “exclusive” content.


Affiliate marketing has been around for ages, hasn’t it? It works just as you’d expect for influencer marketing: an influencer promotes a brand’s product and gets a commission based on sales through the influencer’s platform. This is a bit skewed in favor of brands since the influencer only gets paid for actual sales. Brands like使用影响者进行会员营销because having pay tied to production like this tends to make influencers more effusive about your product.


Sponsored content is an influencer partnership you can leverage whether or not your brand has a lot of content ready to share. You can eithercreate content for influencersto share or engage them to create and post content for your brand. Remember that it will cost you more if the influencer has to create the content, too.



Brand Ambassador


With these partnerships, influencers have probably been using your products for a while and are already excited about your brand. As a brand ambassador, influencers will consistently share videos, posts, images, and more about your brand and products for a lengthy period of time. Over time, they tend to become the “face” of your brand so明智地选择您的品牌大使

How to Find an Influencer You Can Afford

找到适合你的品牌的影响力是一个balancing act between what you can afford and their influencer rates. As such, it really helps to think about your budget before you start looking for influencers. If you don’t know how much youcanspend, it’s going to be a lot harder to figure out if the influencer you like is going to fit in your budget as long as you need them.

There are a few things to consider as you’re setting up your budget, namely your influencer marketing goals and whether or not you’ll be using influencer marketing tools or an influencer marketing agency.


The amount you should budget for influencer marketing is largely dependent upon thegoals you want to achieve with your influencer marketing campaigns以及您将使用的策略来到达那里。一些共同的目标是提高品牌知名度,提高社交参与度并进行更多销售。设定目标并制定攻击计划后,您将有能力确定可以在预算内满足您需求的影响者。

Influencer Marketing Platforms

There are tons of金博宝188备用网址影响者营销平台188滚球地址您可以用来寻找品牌的影响者。甚至有很多免费影响者金博宝188备用网址营销工具that help brands find influencers based on filters and search parameters.


There are also severalinfluencer marketing agenciesthat exist to connect influencers with brands who want to hire them, but that’s not where their services stop. These agencies will help brands制定有影响力的营销策金博宝188备用网址略, execute that strategy, and manage their influencer marketing campaigns. Since they work so closely with influencers, they have a keen understanding of influencer rates and can help brands find a great influencer who is within the brand’s budget.



  • 金博宝188备用网址有影响力的营销投资回报率
  • 以前的竞选性能
  • Standard influencer rates and rate cards

Influencer Marketing ROI

One of the best ways to determine if you’re paying the right amount for an influencer is bymeasuring your influencer marketing campaign ROI(投资回报)​​。ROI是您的品牌从您的投资中恢复的百分比或美元金额。

For example, if you invest $1,000 in your influencer marketing campaign and get back $7,000, that’s a good return. If you spend $1,000 and get back $2,000, you may decide that another marketing channel gets you a better return.

影响结果和Influencer Rate Cards

While being able to look at ROI is great for deciding whether to continue an influencer relationship, most of the time you’ll need to decide if you’re going to hire an influencer before you know what your ROI will be. In these cases, you’ll need to take a look at what your desired influencers have done for brands similar to yours.

We also encourage you to request influence rate cards from each influencer you contact. These cards will show the rates that each influencer charges. With these cards, you’ll be able to keep an eye out for patterns in influencer rates.

Wrapping Up


Ready to jump into influencer marketing? Check out this collection of the最佳影响者金博宝188备用网址营销机构我们发现今天开始!


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