Everything You Need to Know about TikTok Shadow Ban

Noticed a significant drop in yourTiktok参与最近?您可能是Shadow Baning的受害者,这可能会严重损害平台上的性能。从本质上讲,这意味着您的内容被向更少的人展示,这会自动导致较低的参与率。

But what exactly is a TikTok shadow ban and why does it happen? If your account has been shadow banned, how do you remove it? This post serves as the ultimate guide to help you understand everything you need to know about shadow banning on TikTok. Let’s find out.

TikTok Shadow Ban: Everything You Need to Know:

What is a TikTok Shadow Ban?

A TikTok shadow ban is when TikTok restricts your account visibility without notification. Essentially, your account becomes blocked or muted temporarily, which means that your content won’t show up in users’ “For You” pages or in the app’s hashtags section. The decreased visibility automatically translates to a drop in engagements as well since people aren’t seeing your content to be able to engage with it.



Getting shadow banned can be extremely frustrating. What makes it even more frustrating is that you might not even realize that you’re being shadow banned in the first place. TikTok doesn’t notify you when your account visibility gets restricted, and that’s exactly why it’s called a “shadow” ban. So how do you figure out whether you’ve been shadow banned?

In some cases, your engagement may be dropping simply because the quality of your content isn’t up to par. But in general, here are a few telltale signs that your account has been put on timeout with a TikTok shadow ban.

Signs that Indicate You Might be Shadow Banned


Tiktok Shadow禁令的第一个也是最明显的迹象是您的观点,喜欢和分享的观点下降。尽管一定会到处都有一些波动,但大量的鼻子引起了人们的关注。如果您一直在目睹这些数字的增加,并且突然停止,则尤其如此。

You’re no longer showing up on “For You” pages

如果您的帐户在Tiktok上表现良好,则“为您”页面通常会在其中结束。通常,您的内容将显示给定期与您类似帐户相互作用的用户。但是,当帐户在tiktok上被禁止使用Shadow时,它们的内容在相关用户的“ For for You”页面上不再可见。

So get your friends to check if your content has suddenly disappeared from their “For You” pages. This is another effective way to cross-check whether TikTok has decided to restrict your content visibility on the app.








Reason #1: You’re violating the TikTok Community Guidelines

根据Tiktok的说法,该平台将暂时或永久禁止反复或严重违反其Community Guidelines。有几种不同类型的违规行为可能会使您陷入困境Tiktok算法。These include:

Types of TikTok Violations That May Trigger Algorithmic Penalties

Posting adult content

TikTok prohibits users from posting content related to pornography, nudity, or sexual activity. So if you share sexually explicit content, you could get shadow banned on the platform. In some cases, your account may get permanently banned from TikTok due to repeated violations.


蒂克托克(Tiktok)不缺少提出特技表和挑战的青少年。从消耗过多量的Benadryl的参与者到屏住呼吸直到将他们涂黑的孩子 - 平台一直是病毒挑战这是非常危险的。为了使平台成为每个人更安全的地方,Tiktok禁止描绘,促进或归一化的内容可能导致严重受伤或死亡。



TikTok旨在创建一个包容的社会promotes individual expression. They have zero tolerance to shaming, bullying, or harassment. Any content that can be deemed abusive, threatening, or harassing towards other users could put your account at risk of getting shadow banned.





Infringing copyrights

蒂克托克影子禁令的最常见原因之一是侵犯版权。这实质上将涉及发布其他人创建的内容或侵犯其版权,商标或其他知识产权。虽然Tiktok允许您通过二重奏and针迹, you have to add something original to it. Otherwise, blatantly reposting someone else’s copyrighted content could land you in trouble.


Sometimes, it’s not just the content of your videos that could put you at risk of getting shadow banned on TikTok. Any behavior or activity that could be deemed as inauthentic and spammy may also result in your account getting restricted. This may involve acting like a bot such as bulk following other accounts (especially when you’ve just created your account) or flooding the feed with new content.



More often than not, a shadow ban may be accidental rather than intentional. Even if your content follows the TikTok Community Guidelines to a tee, it’s important to note that the platform relies on an algorithm to enforce these rules. As such, certain topics or videos can be mistakenly flagged by the algorithm, which could result in an accidental shadow ban.



Effective Ways to Lift a Shadow Ban on TikTok




2. Remove any violating content




3. Cease any spammy behavior

如前所述,不一定是视频的内容导致了Tiktok Shadow Ban。有时,您可能还因为平台认为不真实和垃圾的行为而被禁止使用阴影。仔细评估您最近采取的行动可能导致禁令。

例如,您可能已经批量关注了一些帐户,因为您突然受到启发与更多人建立联系。或者,您可能一次出现了太多视频,因为您想跟上内容创建目标。另外,您最近可能已经签署了一项声称能够通过发布大量的服务来帮助您“促进参与度”的服务TikTok commentsfrom bot accounts.

Whatever the specific activity may be, it’s time to put it to a stop if you want to remove a shadow ban on your account. Moreover, you should avoid engaging in similar behavior in the future so as to prevent further restrictions.


While removing the offending video will usually do the trick, you might even need to go a step further by removing and reinstalling the app. This will clear the cache and/or update the app to make it fully functioning again. In most cases, you’ll be able to start getting engagements on your videos again after this step.



如果您不想等待那么长时间,请考虑向Tiktok报告问题。查看TikTok Support page关于如何做到这一点。

Avoid Getting Shadow Banned on TikTok

一个影子禁止TikTok可以极大地伤害你efforts to engage and grow your TikTok community. So it’s crucial that you’re closely following the Community Guidelines and posting high-quality content that’s in compliance with the platform’s rules to avoid getting shadow banned. Make sure you only create content that’s safe for everyone on the platform, so it doesn’t get flagged by censors.


Tiktok Shadow Ban持续多久?

A TikTok shadow ban typically lasts for two weeks, although some users might experience it for longer.


You can fix a shadow ban on TikTok by removing your offending video and ensuring that you’re not in violation of the Community Guidelines.

How do I know if I’m shadow banned on TikTok?





