Instagram自动化: Should You Try It? (And How to Do It Right)

If you’re a busy social media marketer or Instagram influencer, you’re probably looking for anything that can make your life easier. You’ve probably even considered Instagram automation to help you stay on top of your likes, comments, follows, DMs, and Stories. But with Instagram’s guidelines, trying to automate your Instagram marketing can be tricky. You don’t want to spam your followers or put time and energy into setting up Instagram automation that’s not effective.

The good news is that there are effective ways to use Instagram automation without going against the platform’s rules. In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Instagram automation and how to do it right.


What IsInstagram自动化?

Instagram automation is the use of third-party software or tools to管理您的Instagram帐户, carrying out tasks, and interacting with other users without you.

工具for Instagram automation work in one of two ways. First, there are services that take control of your follower-facing interactions (automating your likes and comments). Other tools focus on publishing, reporting, and analytics.


Most frontend automation tools can be considered bots, which probably brings up lots of bad feelings.Instagram botscan leave comments on other users’ posts, or like them. While it can get spammy fast, it’s important to understand that not all frontend Instagram automation tools are spammy. What’s important is that you use tools that don’t go against Instagram’s rules against “inauthentic activity” and take steps to work within Instagram’s best practices.

Backend Instagram Automation Tools

Backend tools are those you can use to automate your posts,找到正确的标签to extend your post’s reach, and more. As you’ll see in the next section, there are several aspects toInstagram营销that you can automate without upsetting the platform.

What Can You Automate on Instagram?

Here are eight Instagram tasks you can automate, but remember: just because you can do something, doesn’t necessarily mean you should. We’ll get deeper into how to go about Instagram automation the right way in the next section. Here, we just want to go through a high-level view of the tasks associated with Instagram marketing and automation.


When done correctly, likes are one of the safest tasks to automate on Instagram. Automating likes will get your account in front of more followers, but it’s a low-effort interaction that isn’t likely to get youincreased traffic to your Instagram account.


Is automating comments ever a good idea? We’re going to say “no” to this one. When you automate comments, you’re opening yourself up for a lot of inappropriate comments or comments left on content of people you don’t know. Instagram has processes in place to block auto-comments.


Find Followers

Finding followers is one of the most proactive uses of Instagram automation. Some automation tools offer an analysis of hashtags and accounts that can help you find accounts that match yourtarget audience不必自己挖掘这些数据。


在基本层面上,自动化之后是有意义的。当您关注更多的人时,您更有可能get more followers. However, when you follow tons of people but only have a handful of people following you, your account looks really spammy.

Direct Messages (DMs)

自动化的消息是超级垃圾。我们将to talk a little bit more about them later. For now, we’ll just say that, if you’resending messages on Instagram,您应该花时间个性化它们。

Story Views

Story views are another low-effort interaction (similar to likes) that don’t really do much either way. The idea behind automatingInstagram Storyviews is that you’ll get some engagement on your account, but actually engaging with your target audience is going to get you a lot further.


日程安排和发布是我们可以完全落后自动化的任务 - 如果您在单个社交媒体平台中自动化内容。安排您的Instagram帖子based on when your target audience is most active on the platform is a great way to improve your content’s chances. But, if you’re cross-posting content, you’ll want to take the time to customize that content for whatever platforms you’re planning to post to.


Reporting and analytics are more great tasks to automate. Instead of manually tracking and logging your data, use anInstagram analytics toolto pull the data for you.

Instagram自动化: How to Do It Right

Instagram在平台上自动化时不希望用户做很多事情。根据Instagram针对应用程序开发人员和社区指南的平台政策,以下是一些“ DOS和NOTS”:

  • Don’t use like, share, comment, or follower exchange programs
  • Customize your comments to each person and situation; don’t spam other users with inappropriate comments
  • Don’t use artificial means to boost likes, followers, or shares
  • Don’t post repetitive comments or content
  • 不要反复接触商业咕噜咕噜叫的人poses without consent

如您所知,Instagram需要user experiencevery seriously and doesn’t want users to engage in behavior that detracts from the sense of community on the platform. But now that we’ve covered a lot of what Instagram doesn’t want you to do, you might be wondering how you can use Instagram automation on the platform without getting in trouble.

In this section, we’re going to take a closer look at how you can use Instagram automation safely. We’re going to share what you can do to make managing your Instagram marketing easier as well as get into a bit more detail about those “don’ts” that Instagram watches out for.

Let’s get started.


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安排您的Instagram内容是一个很好的自动化save time. Plus, you can make sure that you’re hitting the best time to publish on Instagram. You can create several Instagram posts at a single time and then schedule those posts to publish over time.


而不是“喜欢”随机的Instagram内容,而是使用social listeningto find posts that are relevant to your industry and niche. You can do this by searching for relevantInstagram hashtags,但最好的选择是使用一种社交听力工具,该工具可以帮助您跟踪各种有用的信息来改善Instagram营销。

Use Search to Build Community



Getting other Instagram users and influencers to engage with you on the platform is a great first step. After that initial outreach, though, you need to find ways to keep those conversations going and nurture those budding relationships. With an Instagram business or creator account, you can use the基本的General您的Instagram直接消息收件箱中的标签。以这种方式分开消息可以帮助您确保您不会从潜在合作伙伴那里丢失重要消息。

Create a Content Library


Don’t Autopost Content From Other Platforms



Instead, customize your posts for eachsocial media platform. It’ll look a lot more professional and your followers will love you for it. And, social media platforms don’t like sending people off-platform, so you may find that your posts are easier to find.

Don’t Automate Likes and Follows


This includes buying followers. It’s not allowed on the platform and if your legitimate followers find out that you’re buying followers, they might decide that you’re not the trustworthy brand they thought you were.Buying followers是通过机器人和幽灵帐户使您的帐户超支的好方法,这些帐户没有为您的Instagram存在增值。他们永远不会参与您的内容或购买您的产品。


Do you enjoy getting automated messages on Instagram? Probably not. So, why do you think your target audience would want to get them? Automated messages are the worst. If you’re going to send a message, don’t automate it. Put thought into it and make a real connection. Your business will benefit from it. It says a lot that Instagram doesn’t even put messages from people you don’t follow in your main inbox but instead shows you an ignorable notification that you have a message:

Don’t Regram Without Permission

当您是常规用户时,重新制作几乎是第二天性。但是,当您在Instagram上成为品牌时,您不仅regramwithout permission. While it seems nice to shout-out your Instagram followers who create content about your brand, it’s their content. Don’t just “at” them and continue on your way.

Send a message to the user whose content you want to share and ask for permission. Getting permission protects your brand from legal troubles and can also go a long way towards further endearing that user to your brand.

专门创建的内容Instagram hashtag campaign您正在跑步可能会更轻松。如果您创建了一个标签,并要求您的关注者使用该标签来共享有关您品牌的内容,那就是用户生成内容you’ve already gotten approval to use (implicit consent by using the hashtag specified).

However, if you’re planning to repurpose user-generated content for a different campaign, do yourself a favor and get permission.


Instagram automation tools make life a lot easier. Plus, many of the high-quality automation tools are built to take Instagram’s rules and best practices into consideration. We recommend finding an Instagram automation tool that can help you schedule your posts and analyze engagement so you can better meet the needs of your followers.

Here are the top three Instagram automation tools to check out.


SocialPilot is a tool that can handle all of your social media efforts and is a great option for Instagram automation. You can connect and manage more than 100 profiles, review your entire team’s work in a single place, and get access to reporting and analysis tools to help you understand your social media ROI.

SocialPilot allows you to schedule up to 500 posts using its bulk scheduling tool, so you always have quality content ready to go. And, it even helps you discover and curate content that your followers will love.



Kicksta就是要使用Bleeding-Edge AI技术来建立有意义且真实的联系,并与您的追随者互动。使用此Instagram自动化工具,您可以自定义仪表板以满足您的需求。您还可以创建竞争对手的列表,Instagram影响者, and brands with audiences similar to yours that you want to target.




上角is another Instagram automation tool that focuses on growing your followers organically. To that end, you’ll be given a personal account manager when you sign up. Your account manager will oversee your account and help you customize it to meet your needs. They’re also available to help you resolve any problems you run into.

上角uses algorithms to help you narrow your target audience using multiple filters like theme, hashtags, location, and more.



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