The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram Hashtags to Grow your Followers

在Instagram上使用主题标签来增加关注者的想法似乎导致了两种两极分化的观点之一。您要么喜欢在所有帖子中传播标签,要么讨厌使用它们,避免像瘟疫一样。但是,事实仍然是标签通常可以帮助您扩大帖子的传播。简单地测量发现至少一个主题标签的帖子average 12.6% more engagementthan those without.

Instagramis tailor-made for hashtag usage. In fact, hashtags are arguably Instagram’s primary method of sorting and filtering content. Unlike Twitter, where most people use just one or two hashtags in a tweet, Instagrammers frequently use most of their allowance of 30 hashtags in each post.

But just because you can use 30 hashtags in a post does not mean that you should. There is no value in using irrelevant hashtags just to make up a hashtag quota. The key to Instagram hashtag usage is to include plenty of relevant hashtags that will help your fellow Instagrammers. If you use unrelated hashtags, you are spamming the system and placing yourself in danger of receiving an Instagram shadowban.

The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram Hashtags to Grow your Followers:

How to Use Hashtags


For instance, if you upload a post showing yourself basking in the sun onboard a yacht, you might include #summer, #travel, and #yachting along with other relevant phrases.

Instagramwill then organize your post according to your tags. Your post will show up for people who search for any of these terms (at least until too many other people upload new posts that contain them, dropping your post further down peoples’ feeds).



正如我最近讨论的25 Most Popular Instagram Hashtags, there are quite a few hashtags that receive regular use. The most popular tags may have too much use, however, meaning your posts would get lost in the crowd. But there are still many loved hashtags that are used a more manageable number of times.



Often people looking at a particular hashtag will come across your post. If they like it, they may even begin to follow your Instagram account in the hope of seeing you produce further similar content.

Of course, there is the usual caveat. There is no use using a popular but irrelevant hashtag. You might, for instance, have noticed that #summer is a popular hashtag right now. You could use it on any post that evoked summer in some way. But it would not be suitable to include on the photos of your friends snowboarding. Similarly, #selfie is popular, but you wouldn't use it on your picture of a beautiful landscape.


You should also include a selection of low-volume, highly relevant, hashtags in your posts. There may not be vast numbers of people following these hashtags, but you know that the people who do take an interest in them will make a perfect match for your account.

#hobbiton Highly Specific Hashtags


So, if you are a Lord of the Rings fan, by all means, use #hobbiton on your Lord of the Rings posts –446,559people; have already done so. It is highly likely that anybody who searches that hashtag will take an interest in your LOTR-related posts. Of course, you should also use #lotr and join the existing 1,812,932 posts.

Depending on what your post depicts, you would use a relevant generic hashtag, and then break the topic down into more specific hashtags, too. For instance, you might use the trendy #food tag, but you should also consider using more特定的与食物有关的标签,例如#foodlove,#dinnertime,#dessert,甚至更可能是利基市场。

Finding the Right Hashtags for Your Posts

每个帖子最多使用30个主题标签的想法最初可能会令人难以置信。当您意识到自己时,这尤其如此不能用同一块标签在每一个吗post. If you post regularly to your Instagram account, you need to build up an extensive library of hashtags to use. You need to select the most appropriate group for each post you make.


  1. 使用Instagram搜索功能。输入与您的帖子相关的关键字,然后选择“标签”选项卡。然后,Instagram将ist一系列主题标签。寻找具有合理用法的相关标签,这些标签并不那么受欢迎,以至于您的帖子会很快消失。
  2. Use the hashtags that the influencers in your industry use.
  3. 查看竞争对手的帖子,并使用他们使用的非品牌标签。但是,请检查他们的帖子,以确保主题标签在使用它们之前不是其广告系列之一的一部分。
  4. Look at posts that use hashtags you have found successful. What other hashtags do these posts target? Would any of these tags be valuable to your brand?

Use Social Media Tools to Find the Best Hashtags


In time you should be able to create a personal library of hashtags from which you can pick and choose each time you assemble a post.

1. Instagram主题生成器

TheInstagram标签生成器created by Influencer Marketing Hub uses AI image recognition technology to identify popular and trending hashtags on Instagram that is very easy to use: You upload your Instagram photo and the tool will generate the most popular niche hashtags for your Instagram Post. Then you can select the best hashtags and copy them in bulk and paste them in your Instagram photo caption. It also works as a Pinterest Hashtag Generator Tool.



Iconsquareprovides a full set of analytics tools for Instagram and Facebook. It gives you a wealth of knowledge about your online following.



You can useHashtagify寻找标签的人气,趋势和相关系数elations. You can enter a suggested hashtag, and Hashtagify scrapes all related data from both Instagram and Twitter. This provides you with a detailed report on users of the hashtag. It will suggest top influencers who use the hashtag, and how their followers engage with the hashtag. It also recommends other relevant hashtags that influencers use.






利特塔格offers a Chrome add-on which suggests suitable hashtags you can use for your posts.



Use Hashtags in Your Bio


It also means that you could click on hashtags relevant to your brand. For instance, if you are involved in tourism, you could include clickable hashtags in your bio that relate to your city or region.

This could be particularly useful for influencer marketers who could link to specific hashtags for their clients from their bios.

Add Hashtags to Your Instagram Stories


As with any other Instagram hashtag, those in your Stories are searchable, meaning your Stories will show up in relevant hashtag searches.

Special Types of Instagram Hashtag

Most Instagram hashtags are generic and subject-related. This means that anybody can use them, as long as they relate to the subject matter of the post.


special types of Instagram hashtags


品牌经常创建特定的相关标签their products or brand. For example, Coca-Cola encourages people to post pictures of themselves sharing a bottle of their product, using the #shareacoke tag. These are often (but not always) influencers in a paid partnership with Coca-Cola.

In most situations, brand hashtags, work best with people who already know of the brand.

Brands have found that associating a tagline or phrase with the brand works better than trying to use the brand name itself as the hashtag. #shareacoke sounds less promotional than #cocacola. The critical thing is to create a brand hashtag that people can associate with your brand identity.




2.Category Hashtags

These can be relatively generic tags, but they relate to the central niche that your post fits into. For instance, if you upload a picture of yourself running the Boston Marathon, you should include some category hashtags, such as #running and #marathon.

Category hashtags will not generally connect to any particular brand. They are much less focused, and it is likely that many people who search for that hashtag will not have an existing connection with you. Often they will not even know of your existence.

For maximum exposure, you will want to balance using a popular category hashtag against using those trendy tags where your posts will become lost in a sea of activity. Ideally, you should search for category hashtags favored by your target market, but not too many other people. You want to use relatively narrow-focused category hashtags, that still have enough engagement to make your efforts worthwhile.



3.Event Hashtags

Event hashtags are used to group conversations relating to a particular event. This could be anything ranging from a specific television show, e.g., #gameofthrones to a major sporting event, e.g., #worldcup, to a regional activity, e.g., #sxsw.

If there is any correlation between an event and your target market, it makes sense to create posts targeting relevant event hashtags.




In many ways, campaign hashtags are like short-term brand hashtags. They may even be similar to an event hashtag, but specific to your business.

Campaign hashtags are designed for a particular marketing campaign, and will generally only last for the duration of the campaign. For example, you might create a campaign hashtag to use for a specific product launch. In that case, your brand and any influencers you work with would include the campaign hashtag in promotional posts relating to the launch.



Track the Success of Your Instagram Hashtags

As we referred to in4 Benefits of an Instagram Business Profile,操作业务配置文件可让您访问Instagram Insights。这使认真的Instagram用户可以访问分析和绩效统计信息,远远超过了他们为普通Instagrammer提供的内容。

One useful feature of Instagram Insights is the ability to analyze the effectiveness of the hashtags you use. You can see how successful your hashtags have been at bringing you more views and impressions of your posts.

To see this information, open a post and tap on the “view Insights” link beneath it. Amongst the data that Instagram Insights provides is the impression for the post, split up by source. This includes Impressions from Hashtags.


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