
Instagram introduced Business Profiles in 2016. Since then, many businesses have switched their Instagram accounts from a personal profile to a business profile.

The change seemed inevitable, withInstagram现在由Facebook拥有。在许多方面,Instagram充当Facebook的扩展,强调视觉元素,而商业帐户和广告尤其如此。

Instagram Business Profile


This doesn't mean that you should avoid having a Facebook Page for your business, however, as operating a Facebook page is a requirement for converting to an Instagram Business Profile.


  1. 使您的帖子私下的能力
  2. The ability to link to multiple Facebook profiles – instead, you connect your Instagram account to your business's Facebook page

尽管这些特性可能有一些价值personal account, they would have little if any use for a business account, which is probably why Instagram removed them.

The reasons for operating an Instagram account are usually very different for a business than they are for an individual – even a solopreneur. You use your personal Instagram account to show aspects of your life to your friends and family. A business runs its Instagram account to help build an audience and hopefully gain customers. If you are in business, you might still want to operate a personal account for your non-business activities.


Benefits of Operating an Instagram Business Profile

Benefits of Operating an Instagram Business Profile

1. Access to Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights

Instagram provides little in the way of analytics and performance statistics for the average Instagram user. This used to be a problem for businesses, so Facebook created Instagram Insights for businesses and power users.

Instagram Insights为企业提供了他们需要了解的有关其帐户以及帖子表现的所有基本数据。它提供了有关内容有效和无效的洞察力。它为您提供有关关注者的信息,以帮助您建立对您感兴趣的人的照片。

It shows you your performance on Instagram over the last week - change in followers, the number of posts, impressions, reach, profile views, website clicks, and email clicks. Indeed, you can view this data for any period up to 90 days.

It then gives you detailed demographics of your followers once you have reached at least 100 followers – their gender, ages, locations by cities and countries, and when they are most active.

Instagram Insight also lets you view your historical posts by engagement and impressions over a period you set, up to two years. In addition, it gives you data relating to traditional posts, Stories, reels, IGTV videos, live videos, and promotions.

Of course, there are times when you may want even more detailed analytics about your Instagram performance. We have suggestions for this inTop Instagram Analytics Tools for 2021

2. Ability to Add a Contact Button

A helpful feature permitted for accounts with a Business Profile is adding a Contact button to your profile. When somebody clicks on the button, you can set it so that they can email you, dial a telephone call to you, or provide them with a map showing your location.


You can also opt to add an Action Button. Action buttons connect your Instagram profile with other online services so that customers can interact with your business directly from your profile. Currently, Instagram offers three types of Action Buttons: Order Food, Book Now, and Reserve.


当你创建你的Facebook页面,他们问哟u to select the industry in which your business operates. So, when you then connect your Instagram Business Profile to your Facebook page, this information crosses to your Instagram profile. You can modify this information directly within Instagram if you need to in the future.


From a marketing point of view, one of the most annoying things about Instagram is that you generally can't use clickable links. If you operate a personal profile, the only link you can show is the one in your profile.

Instagram Stories provides another option, however. We have describedHow to Use Instagram Stories Like an Expert。One practical option for some Instagram accounts is the ability to add a URL to an Instagram story.

This is particularly valuable when, asreported by Locowise, 75% of Instagram users take an action such as visiting a website after looking at a post.


If you meet the criteria, you can add a link while you upload your Instagram Story. First, tap on the chain-like icon at the top of your Story (the fourth icon from the right). Then tap on+ Web linkand add the URL. Once you've clicked完毕,you're all set.

5. Able to Advertise on Instagram and Make Promoted Posts

If you have the budget to promote your Instagram posts and advertise on the platform, you will need to operate a Business Profile.

这是Facebook和Instagram之间的连接显而易见的另一个领域。您在Facebook上构建广告,然后选择要放置广告的位置。Instagram是Facebook给您的选项之一 - 其他选择是Facebook和Messenger上的各种职位。

最近的创新是引入Instagram Shoppable posts。这些公司可以用产品标记自己的帖子,就像个人标记朋友一样。当人们点击标签时,他们将通过“立即购买”按钮发送到完整的产品描述。然后,他们可以点击该按钮购买您的产品。

6. Able to Verify Age

Another useful option for some businesses with an Instagram business profile is to set a minimum age. For example, if you are a liquor store, you can set a minimum age that matches the legal drinking age in your location. That way, you can ensure that you aren't showing your content to potential underage purchasers.



Influencers want to build their following and increase their engagement. The additional tools and insights offered by an Instagram Business Profile help their quest. They also provide more information for influencers to share with the brands with whom they work.

Good influencers can also perform magic with Instagram Stories, and it is an added benefit if they can add URLs when working on behalf of a brand.

但是,Instagram最近设置了第三种帐户,该帐户似乎可以更好地针对影响者 - 创建者帐户。

Confusingly, when you look at Instagram, there now appear to be just two types of accounts: Personal accounts and Professional accounts. However, there are actually two types of Professional accounts: Business accounts and Creator accounts. So, whenever Instagram uses the term Professional accounts in its documentation, it means both Business and Creator accounts.



How to Switch Your Personal Profile to a Business Profile

Instagram sets a limit to you having five Instagram accounts. However, this is unlikely to affect you unless you have a range of target audiences and decide to set up a different account for each one.

在您的个人Instagram帐户中,转到您的个人资料页面并点击"hamburger" icon(三个水平条)在右上角。接下来,点击设置在结果屏幕上。在大多数情况下,遍历设置,然后点击帐户。Scroll down your list of options and tap onSwitch to Professional Account。In rare cases, you might have that option showing directly on your Settings page, in which case you won't need to go to first tap into your Account page. Make sure that you haven't set your account as a Private Account. If you already have an Instagram business profile but want another (up to the maximum permitted five), you can tap onAdd New Professional Account在您的帐户页面上。

switch to professional account instagram

无论您使用哪种方法,您都应该点击Continueon the next screen.

然后,Instagram会要求您提供业务类别,一旦选择了该类别,请点击Done, 然后OK确认,Business, 然后下一个。Instagram will ask you for your business contact details. Tap下一个。请记住,按照您希望您的客户看到它们来编写这些。这包括您的业务电子邮件地址,电话号码和地址。

Once you've done this, follow the on-screen prompts to connect your business Instagram account to your business Facebook Page.

Once you have done the above steps, you will officially have an Instagram Business Profile. TapXin the top-right corner to return to your profile.

Ultimately, Business Profiles offer a better marketing experience on Instagram, whether you are a business wanting to deliver your message yourself or whether you are a serious user building your following and engagement. However, if you're an influencer, you will probably be better served by converting to a Creator account.


