


The growth to 500 million users was even more rapid, taking only three months, with the milestone being reached in January 2016. By the end of December 2016, Instagram had its 600 millionth active user. Its user base had risen by more than 500 million in less than four years.

Instagram, is of course, predominantly a mobile photo sharing app. Therefore its growth in many ways mirrored that of the mobile internet itself. The days when the bulk of internet users sit in front of a large monitor, typing on their computer keyboard, are well over. Most people now use their phones online, and as most phones now incorporate cameras, it is inevitable that people choose to share their snaps on the predominant photo-sharing social network.

随着使用的迅速增加,公司只有时间问题才能意识到Instagram的潜力来帮助其影响者营销。金博宝188备用网址当然,这有助于Instagram状态如此视觉,使其非常适合展示产品。这也有助于Instagram对几代人和Z的高度青睐 - 很快将花费最多的几代人,而营销人员现在喜欢目标。



Instagram于2010年以登机手续应用Burbn的身份开始生活,该应用程序允许其用户登机到位置,并具有许多社交和游戏功能。像许多技术成功一样,Burbn是年轻的硅谷技术员工凯文·西斯特罗姆(Kevin Systrom)的创意,他在周末和业余时间一直在开发它。他为当时的Trendy Foursquare建立了它。

伯本(Burbn)表现出潜力,但缺乏真正起飞的资金。基线和安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)对蓬勃发展的Burbn有足够的信心投资500,000美元,因此Systrom能够雇用Mike Krieger,两人致力于开发iPhone应用程序进行发布。

However, upon reflection, Systrom and Krieger were unhappy with Burbn. They believed it felt cluttered, with too many features. They made the brave decision to ditch most of these features (including its original check-in functionality) and reworked the app to focus on just one of the features - photo sharing.

They rebuilt the stripped-down app, naming it after a combination of “instant” and “telegram”. They felt that the word, Instagram, sounded “camera-y”.


Early Users of Instagram

在侯Instagram首次获得了10000个用户rs of going live and reached 100,000 downloads within a week. Systrom and Krieger clearly had a hit on their hands. People rapidly took to the app, finding that it gave them an easy way to do something with the snaps they were taking on their phones. It must be remembered that prior to this people still took the bulk of their photos using dedicated cameras. Suddenly, many more people had access to a camera in their pockets or purses, and Instagram gave them a way to upload the photos and do something useful with them.

即使在一开始,它也包括人们可以用来增强其快照的基本过滤器。人们能够在手机上免费执行任务,这些任务仅在Adobe Photoshop(例如Adobe Photoshop)等重量级和昂贵的计算机应用中可用。





当时人们认为马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)疯了 - 在该应用程序上花费10亿美元,该应用程序只有13名员工,尚未获得任何收入。然而,他清楚地看到了照片共享应用程序的潜力。

从那时起,Instagram已成为Facebook的超级巨星。根据巴克莱的保罗·沃格尔,到2015年第四季度,Instagram的收入飙升至2.76亿美元。预计2016年全年收入将超过13亿美元。Facebook的首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg观察到,Facebook的前100名广告商中有98位在Instagram上做广告。

Facebook现在是一个成熟的产品。就Z世代而言,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)是古老的。尽管Facebook可能是领先的社交媒体网络,但与青少年不再是时尚或国王。他们很快就已经厌倦了让父母在与他们同一网络上运作,与他们交友并观看他们的一举一动。另一方面,Instagram被认为更年轻,更具先进,因此对年轻的人群更具吸引力。因此,Facebook(作为一家公司)仍然可以吸引Z世代 - 只是不进入Facebook本身。



Instagrameven has a专业网站designed to help businesses wanting to utilize the power of Instagram in their marketing. Their strapline, “Over 5 million businesses worldwide tell their stories at the center of visual discovery. What's your story?” tells just how successful Instagram has become in the business world. According to Instagram internal data in March 2017, 80% of Instagrammers follow at least one business.



One of the advantages marketing find on Instagram is that you can simply focus on posting excellent images without a need for hard sales techniques. Imagine if you are a food manufacturer. Instagram is perfect for mouth-watering images of your product that will almost have people begging where they can buy it. An Instagram image can easily turn passive browsers into active shoppers.

如果您的企业有一个Instagram帐户,您将需要创建人们想要遵循的有趣的Instagram帖子。但是,请记住,人们不会去Instagram通过广告关闭。如果您只将其用作辛勤销售的场所,您的Instagram帐户将永远不会顺利进行。像许多其他社交媒体渠道一样,Instagram最好用作影响人们的一种方式 - 向他们展示趋势,以及您的品牌如何适应这些趋势。

请记住,Instagram是一个社会市场。它不是商店。您需要使用高质量的产品图像(最好是显示您的产品中的产品)来引起人们的注意,并鼓励他们跟随我采取的行动,例如访问网站或访问实体商店。关键是高质量有趣的照片 - 不是您产品的促销。


Once brands discovered the exciting potential of Instagram, it was not long before they saw the potential for influencer marketing. Yes, there are a few high-profile brands, with visually appealing products, who can probably be considered influential enough themselves. And yes, any firms who pays for Instagram ads will widen their visibility on Instagram. However, many firms have discovered that their most successful tactic is to work with influencers who are already successful and who have created large, highly-engaged followings.


Brands have collaborated with many of the top Instagrammers, in fields such as fashion, makeup, food and, of course, photography to share entertaining and visually stunning posts with their followers. Many of these influencers have follower numbers in the millions, most of whom are passionate about the influencers’ shared images.

我们在8 Instagram影金博宝188备用网址响者营销机构您应该知道。These are simply the tip of the iceberg, however. Influencer marketing in now prolific on Instagram, with brands large and small wanting to be part of it. Many of the influencer marketing platforms have dedicated Instagram sections. We have looked at some of these in您需金博宝188备用网址要尝试的5个Insta188滚球地址gram的影响者营销平台

Linquia took profiled influencer marketing in their 2016影响者营销调查状况金博宝188备用网址。他们发现,从影响者营销方面,营销人员发现Facebook和Inst金博宝188备用网址agram的重要性是其他社交媒体渠道的两倍。实际上,有87%的营销人员将两个平台用于其影响者营销。金博宝188备用网址188滚球地址


Influencer marketing is excellent for building brand awareness, and this can be doubly effective on a visual medium like Instagram. The more people are able to see posts about your brand, the more people are aware of it. Clearly, an influencer with a million followers can do a much better job at brand awareness than you are likely to with fewer engaged followers. Often the only cost for a brand might be the free product they give away to the influencers.

香奈儿(Chanel)(当然已经众所周知)想提高人们对他们的新香水之一Chanel 5 l'Aeu的认识。为此,他们邀请了有影响力的Instagramers,例如Jessica Mercedes Kirschner, to Grasse, France, to see how the perfume is made. The influencers photographed and shared their visit, and used specific hashtags #newchanel5 and #chanelgrasse. The campaign ultimately showcased the product before 9 million social media users.

一些品牌在Instagram上采取更具侵略性的方法来进行影响力营销。金博宝188备用网址Daniel Wellington是一个看马公司已经接受了影响吗rketing in a big way. When you think about it, there are many photographic opportunities for people wearing attractive watches. For the last four years Daniel Wellington has used influencer campaigns, not just for brand awareness, but to directly make sales.

In one campaign they gave influencers a free watch and a unique limited-time promotional code that gave their followers a 10-20% discount on purchases. With each influencer having their own special code they felt they were providing value to their followers and were happy to encourage then to buy the watches. This would have been less successful with just a general discount, as that would have felt more like a normal ad.



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