
Being a better marketer or influencer is about more than just sending emails, getting leads, and making sales. You'll get better results when you take a closer look at what other marketers are doing. That's how you can learn how to tell great stories, create remarkable user experiences, and never stop mastering new marketing skills - or at least get some marketing inspiration you can use.


Sometimes you need a useful list to help you on your way.



Why Subscribe to Email Newsletters?

有很多理由订阅电子邮件新闻通讯。For starters, email newsletters are a great way to get up-to-date information about your industry. You'll hear from thought leaders in your niche who share the knowledge you need to perform better. Plus, in newsletters, you'll find tools, trends, and tips you can use in your own business or life.

不管主题是什么电子邮件新闻通讯give you insight into what other marketers are doing and what consumers are expecting. When you can internalize and apply this information you'll find that it's a much faster approach than conducting your own research. This is particularly beneficial to影响者who may have clients in several different industries.

46 Best Email Newsletters to Subscribe to

The email newsletters on this list spread across industries and offer something for everyone. If you're aninfluencer或营销人员,您会发现可以自己使用的大量灵感电子邮件营销活动。We've included both free and paid email newsletters to subscribe to on this list, and we're sure you won't be disappointed!

1。Influencer Marketing Hub(自由的)



2。Ann Handley的封面总数(自由的)

Ann Handley is a brilliant marketer and her biweekly email newsletter reflects that. She covers industry updates, trends, events, media recommendations,writing tips,以及她的新闻通讯中的个人故事。电子邮件时事通讯是一个很好的例子,因为汉德利(Handley)真正努力与订户联系,而不仅仅是抛出干燥的信息。

3。Vox Sentences(自由的)



成本:$ 12/月或$ 120/年。

如果您对业务,技术和媒体分析感兴趣,Ben Thompson的Stratechery是订阅的电子邮件新闻通讯之一。该新闻通讯每周发送三次,并涵盖从风险投资到四大到商业和媒体的未来的所有内容。它被认为是技术行业内部人士最值得信赖的来源之一。

5。Robinhood Snacks(自由的)

If you're looking for a way to stay informed about financial business news that isn't going to put you to sleep, this is one of the best email newsletters to subscribe to. This daily newsletter breaks down financial news without the stodgy language, opting instead for simple writing with a bit of punny goodness thrown in for good measure.



一个美国人每天邮件newslett的来信er that examines today's news through the lens of American history. It's created by Heather Cox Richardson who has a Ph.D. from Harvard and is a professor at Boston College who has researched politics and American history for decades. If you want a daily roundup of the day's political news broken down by someone who not only understands it but can explain it, this is worth a subscribe. Letters from an American also offers a paid discussion forum on Substack for $5/month.


REI是一家休闲运动服装,其电子邮件通讯主要旨在推广其产品。由于REI推广产品的方式,它已进入此电子邮件新闻通讯列表以订阅。他们非常出色,将产品推广带入了良好,有用的内容。如果您运行电子商务business, take note!


每日大屠杀是一个策划营销c的列表ontent delivered to your inbox every day for free. You'll get marketing content across channels and categories, includingpodcasts,博客和文章,视频,民意调查以及图像。如果您想更彻底地探索一个主题,则只需单击即可。


戴夫·佩尔(Dave Pell)每天都会提供他在互联网上发现的十个最有趣的故事的精心策划清单。佩尔(Pell)的文案是使这是一个最适合的新闻通讯之一 - 他的机智,有趣和笨拙。如果您正在寻找提高文案的灵感,请注意NextDraft。


成本:$15/month or $168/year. Discounts are available for groups and students.

锡主义is the authority on Chinese news and how it impacts the rest of the world. This paid email newsletter is delivered four times each week and is trusted by diplomats, policymakers, investors, executives, journalists, and academics. If you're interested in learning more about what goes into creating a successful paid email newsletter and how to write to a specific audience, this newsletter is worth a look.

11。Morning Brew(自由的)

Morning Brew是每日电子邮件通讯,涵盖了最新的业务,财务和技术新闻。除了早晨啤酒外,他们还提供新兴的技术啤酒,零售啤酒,营销啤酒和搭档新闻通讯。该新闻通讯针对千禧一代的读者,并具有引人入胜的,有时是狡猾,友好的语气。Morning Brew于2020年10月被Business Insider购买,因此我们必须看看这对新闻通讯意味着什么。


image: reporting

成本:$ 5/月或$ 40/年。

For our political junkies, Matt Taibbi, formerly of Rolling Stone, has created a paid email newsletter that's sent out weekly-ish. In it, he offers a critical view of corporations and the modern-day GOP, anti-racism, and cancel culture. This is an email newsletter to subscribe to if you're looking for insight into how to write about controversial subjects without losing followers.

13。奥斯汀·克莱恩(Austin Kleon)(自由的)

Similar to Dave Pell and NextDraft, Austin Kleon sends out an email about 10 things he found interesting and worth sharing. This weekly email has a beautifully simpleemail template这很沉重。这本电子邮件通讯值得的是Kleon的友好语气。他的写作是非正式的,让您觉得自己听到了朋友的来信。这比电子邮件营销听起来要困难,值得一提的是有趣的新闻,并且可以更好地了解如何写给您的读者。

14。Smart Insights(自由的)

如果您是营销专业人士,那么Smart Insights是您想要订阅的电子邮件通讯。在本每周的电子邮件通讯中,您将获得有关营销最佳实践,热门话题,新研究以及事实和统计数据以支持它们。

15。NPR's Life Kit(自由的)

NPR的Life套件是免费的每周一次新闻通讯,其中包括教育,新闻,艺术,育儿,个人理财,健康等广泛主题。如果您正在寻找有趣的话题或分享的有趣主题,这是一个很好的电子邮件通讯social media




成本:$ 5/月或$ 50/年。

这本每周的政治电子邮件通讯将由前纽约杂志专栏作家安德鲁·沙利文(Andrew Sullivan)带给您。它采用种族,宗教,性别,性和阶级等话题。




HubSpot is a marketing powerhouse. In this marketing-focused email newsletter, you'll get access to hot industry topics like how to use a variety of marketing channels, how to create better content, and more.



21.Hot Pod(paid)

成本:$7/month or $70/year.

Hot Pod is, as the name probably suggests, an email newsletter about podcasting and the on-demand audio industry. The newsletter comes out twice each week and is designed to deliver coverage on podcasting news and trends. If you're interested in开始播客或使您现有的播客变得更好,热吊舱绝对是订阅的最佳电子邮件新闻通讯之一。

22.Buffer's Social Media Newsletter(自由的)

Buffer's Social Media Newsletter packs a punch. It's a weekly newsletter that includes all the latest social media news acrosssocial media platforms,以及详细的工具和趋势。



加热is brought to you by Emily Atkin, a former staff writer at The New Republic. This email newsletter comes out four times each week and includes all the news you need to know about the climate change crisis.


InVision's weekly email newsletter includes a digest of their best blog content for the week as well as a great mix of other content. It's easy-to-read and mobile-friendly, even though it does includeGIFs和图像。他们的CTA非常出色,并为电子邮件营销人员提供了一些灵感来为自己的电子邮件提供一些灵感。


艾玛(Emma)的新闻通讯是订阅的最佳电子邮件通讯之一marketing professionals。They use illustrations instead of stock photos which makes each email feel important and meaningful. This email newsletter includes strategies, tips, and tricks that will work for most marketers.

26。Hurry Slowly(自由的)

Hurry Slowly is a twice-monthly email newsletter from writer Jocelyn K. Glei that includes actionable ideas on how to be more creative and resilient. And, it's also a podcast!

27。Welcome to Hell World(paid)

成本:$ 6.65/月

欢迎到地狱世界的创造者卢克·奥尼尔(Luke O'Neil)是波士顿的作家和记者,他对人们在任何给定时刻必须生气的各种原因提供了意识的报道。他的内容中包括原始采访,访客帖子,展览和推文。新闻通讯每周发送多次。


社区is a newsletter for people who "put people at the center of their work." This could include anybody from marketers and creatives to社区经理to ad execs. To ensure that they're able to meet the needs of each subscriber, Community.is offers a tiered format with short, medium, and long length content.


如果您正在营销,那么您就听说过Moz。在这两周的新闻通讯中,Moz分享了SEO和数字市场G Insight通过在每个新闻通讯中共享10篇文章,这些文章深入介入每个主题。

30.The Broadsheet(自由的)

报纸是每天商业新闻邮件经过Fortune. It includes the best articles each day on just about any topic... with a skew towards news about women and their experience.

31.Discourse Blog(paid)

成本:$8/month or $85/year.

Discourse Blog is a leftist politics and culture blog and newsletter started by the former staff of Splinter. They write about political movements, the inept Democratic establishment, the conservative death cult, labor and worker rights, and the cultural moments that shape the national conversation.


In this email newsletter from the team at MarketingProfs, you'll get tons of marketing news, tips, and tricks delivered to your inbox daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly—all depending on how you want to receive it.


理所当然的是沃顿教授和作者亚当·格兰特(Adam Grant)的电子邮件通讯。每个月,格兰特都会分享互联网上最佳业务内容的综述。




成本:$ 6/月

受欢迎的Information is another political commentary blog. It's published four days each week and provides a way to learn about politics that steers clear of conspiracy theories.


如果您是一名企业家,正在寻找每周的提示,以帮助您build your business, Fizzle is one of the email newsletters to subscribe to. While Fizzle has a blog and podcast, the newsletter includes content that you won't find anywhere else. The newsletter has a casual, friendly tone and is easy to scan if you're short on time.


非明显的见解is similar to Below the Fold but with a focus on marketing content. This weekly newsletter highlights interesting and important marketing content that hasn't gotten much traction.


theskimmis a daily email newsletter that helps subscribers stay on top of everything that's going on in the world, one short paragraph at a time.


中等的is a内容营销平台该公司于2012年推出,并在博客社区中很受欢迎。每天,Medium都会发出电子邮件通讯,该新闻通讯会根据您的兴趣提供媒介上发布的最佳内容的综述。




BrainPickings is called an "interestingness digest" by the people who write it, and they're right. Every week, subscribers get an email full of the best articles over the past week about everything from creativity to psychology to design.



If you're an email marketer, Litmus is one of the best email newsletters to subscribe to. Every week you'll get tips and tricks that will help you improve your电子邮件营销

43.大会y (free)

大会y provides exclusive content from experts in business, technology, and design that you won't find anywhere else.

44.The Daily Pitch(自由的)

The Daily Pitch is one of the best email newsletters to subscribe to if you're looking for the latest news and trends for startups.

45.SaaS Weekly(自由的)

Software as a Service (SaaS) is huge. If this is your industry, this is the email newsletter you need. You'll get tons of information about marketing growth, business, and products, as well as excellent tips.

46.Hacker Newsletter(自由的)

Hacker Newsletter is a daily roundup of the top social stories. It pulls the best content from the overwhelming amount of information out there and lays the content out in a way that's easy to consume.
