什么是会员营销?|The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing in 2022



Of course, there are some pitfalls along the way. It is hard to sell on the internet if nobody knows of your existence. But if you already have a sizable online following – perhaps you already qualify as an influencer, for instance – you have the potential to make that lucrative and much desired passive income.

什么是会员营销?|The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing in 2022:

Notable Highlights from our Affiliate Marketing Report

  • In 2022, the Affiliate Marketing Industry will grow to approximately $13 Billion
  • In 2021, Affiliate Marketing platforms and services raised over $300M in funding
  • 联盟营销相关服务在全球增长了26%,其中10,000家专门从事会员营销服务
  • Amazon Associates保留了20%以上的市场份额,并且是世界上最大的会员网络
  • 营销部门将其预算的9%分配给了会员营销工作
  • 会员欺诈是10个品牌中有7个的主要关注点,但只有10个已受到影响
  • Between 2017 and 2021, interest in affiliate marketing grew to more than 300%
  • 25 out of 100 brands partnered with bloggers for their affiliate marketing campaigns


In many ways, affiliate marketing is a modern version of traditional commission selling. Brands (affiliate merchants) pay a percentage for every sale generated by an influencer (affiliate marketer).



Influencers make good affiliate marketers because they come with a ready-made online audience.


Affiliate marketing involves either three or four parties, depending on the individual situation. The Consumer pays the money. Each of the other parties takes a cut of that money. The relevant groups in these transactions are:

  1. The Product Creator (or Merchant)- 这些是提供待售产品的公司。该党有多个名称:创作者,商人,卖方,品牌,零售商或供应商。简而言之,他们有希望出售的产品。
  2. The Affiliate Network- 这是此列表中的可选聚会。尽管一些产品创建者与分支机构直接互动,但许多其他产品使用中介。确实,在某些情况下,例如亚马逊,会员网络也将其兼作零售商。会员网络与产品创建者合作,以整理产品目录,以便将其用于分支机构出售。
  3. 会员营销人员– these people select one or more products and encourage their online readers, viewers, or contacts to buy them. Affiliates can promote and create sales links on their websites (or even build specialist sites to review the products) or social channels.
  4. The Consumer– ultimately, somebody has to buy the products. The Consumer takes notice of recommendations made by the affiliate marketers, follow their customized links, and purchase the products.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?



The affiliate networks act as an intermediary between the creators and the affiliate marketers.


The creator or affiliate network will give a personalized code to each affiliate marketer. This means that the affiliate marketer can include their code in the URL when they link to products they wish to promote, and the creator/affiliate network will know who sent each customer that makes a purchase.

How Do You Become an Affiliate Marketer?

If you decide to become an affiliate marketer, you need to follow a series of steps.

  1. Decide the niche in which you choose to specialize. If you are already an influencer, this should be simple – you would sell products that are of interest to your existing followers in your niche. When Pat Flynn of聪明的被动收入decided to become an affiliate marketer, he looked for products that appealed to people wishing to make money online – they are the types of people who come to his website and listen to his podcasts every day. He chose to sell the kinds of tools he knew his audience would use, e.g., Bluehost web hosting,ConvertKit电子邮件营销和可教的在线课程。
  2. Review affiliate products in your niche. Now you know the types of products you wish to sell, you need to decide upon the exact products you want. Again, many influencers and top bloggers restrict themselves to products they use themselves. Other people don't necessarily do that, but they do ensure that the products are of acceptable quality and not likely to harm their reputation because of their association with them.
  3. Apply to become an affiliate marketer for the product in question. You will either apply to the appropriate affiliate network or direct to the affiliate merchant, depending on how they set things up
  4. 收集电子邮件并建立您的受众。您在此处使用的确切方法将因会员到会员而有所不同。您的目标是建立尽可能多的潜在客户。有些人为每种会员产品创建一个新网站,他们在其中撰写评论和相关的博客文章。其他人则使用其现有站点和社交页面将产品推广到其当前的追随者。有影响力的人比这里有优势。
  5. Consider scaling your affiliate marketing with Pay Per Click (PPC) online advertising on Google and Facebook (or other social networks depending on your audience)
  6. To gain access to a broader audience, some affiliate marketers outsource some of their marketing to other influencers, in the expectation that the additional reach of the influencers will generate sufficient sales to more than pay for the influencer costs.


会员营销是一项有利可图的业务,可以赚取巨大passive incomes正确完成时。这些“睡觉时收入”的承诺吸引了很多人尝试会员营销。

Here are other reasons why affiliate marketing is a profitable business venture.

  1. Affiliate marketing is low risk. You only spend time and resources marketing the product. You don’t have to develop the product, manage inventory, or deal with customer service.
  2. Commissions are generous. Most affiliate programs offer huge commission rates for as many purchases as your affiliate link can produce. They don’t set a cap to how much you can earn and some even reward consistent high performance.
  3. 您不需要任何前期投资。加入会员营销计划通常是免费的。虽然您应该亲自使用产品,但这不是必需的。
  4. The business is scalable without the need for additional manpower. You can always introduce new products to your followers and increase your affiliate revenues without hiring extra help.
  5. 您可以简单地促进已经使用和喜欢的产品来赚钱。您使用的大多数产品已经具有可以加入的会员计划。

提示成功Affili开始ate Program


  • 创建一个会员营销strategyon how to promote your offer. Before you can earn passively from affiliate marketing, you need to invest time and energy in building your business. Set up goals and metrics to know if your strategy is working or if you’d need to tweak it.
  • 使用该产品并根据您的个人经验创建良好的评论。人们重视真实性和信任。他们想知道他们可以信任您的意见,并给出诚实的评论是实现这一目标的一种方法。
  • Promote affiliates you’d use and limit the number of affiliates you promote. Just because a brand has an affiliate program doesn’t mean you have to join it. By only promoting a limited number of brands, you show your audience that you only vouch for the products you believe in.
  • Talk to product experts. Aside from giving your personal opinions, the views and opinions of product experts give depth to your recommendations.
  • Share product tutorials. By teaching your audience how to use the products you’re endorsing, they’re more likely to see how it will be useful for them. “How-To” searches are also popular ways to lead more people to your website or content.
  • 为使用您的会员链接的人增加奖金。通常的做法是增加个人奖金,例如一对一的教练会议或访问私人团体,作为通过您的链接注册的人的奖金。这给了他们额外的激励措施,选择您而不是其他影响者也推广相同的产品。
  • Always disclose to your followers if you’re using affiliate links. Not only is it required by law, but it also improves trust between you and your audience.

Types of People Who Become Affiliate Marketers

There is a wide range of people who choose to becomeaffiliate marketers。一些最常见的包括:

  1. 有影响力的人 - 这些人已经拥有相当大的社交受众,只要他们推广与追随者相关的产品。他们可以轻松地影响许多人的专家利基市场的购买决定
  2. 博客作者 - 同样,许多成功的博客作者已经有一个内置的受众,他们可以向他们推广相关产品。他们通常对SEO有很好的了解,因此知道如何以Google友好的风格撰写评论和其他促销活动
  3. 专业微位置的创建者 - 这是尚未在网上赢得名字的人们仍然可以进入会员营销的一种方式。他们创建了一个专门用于产品和供应深入评论的网站。但是,这些可能需要一些时间才能看到Google,因此您可能需要在其他地方设计的赞助广告,以链接到此网站
  4. 电子邮件营销人员 - 如果您专门研究与特定利基市场有关的产品,则可以随着时间的推移建立相当大的电子邮件列表。您可以使用电子邮件营销来推广您的会员产品


On the surface, affiliate marketing seems like an easy way for somebody to make loads of income. The problem is unless you already have a sizable online audience, it can take much time and considerable hard work to build a large enough audience to whom you can sell your products.


When you’re an influencer, your followers already trust you and value your authenticity. They know that you won’t risk your reputation by endorsing a bad product. Followers will almost immediately buy anything an influencer uses and especially endorses.





  1. 凯拉·康普顿(Kayla Compton)是生活方式利基市场中的纳米影响者,少于5K关注者,每月350美元的会员佣金。
  2. Bethany Everett-Ratcliffe, a micro-influencer with 16,000 Instagram followers, earned $500 in one month from affiliate links alone.
  3. 查理·张(Charlie Chang)是一家拥有350,000名订户的个人财务YouTuber,在促进个人理财应用程序的三个月内获得了60,000美元的会员佣金。
  4. Vi Lai, a skincare aficionado, makes $5,000 monthly in affiliate commissions from her 180,000 Instagram followers and 849,000 TikTok followers.
  5. 托里·邓拉普(Tori Dunlap)是一名个人理财影响者,拥有170万Tiktok追随者,仅在八个月内从会员营销中赚了200,000多美元。


6 Examples of Successful Affiliate Marketing Programs

超过80%品牌使用会员营销,more than 40%of marketers agree that it’s an effective way to attract new customers. Here are some great examples of brands using会员营销发展业务。


帆布is a design platform that lets affiliates earn $36 for every new Canva Pro subscriber. They support their affiliates with an easy-to-use dashboard, simple and timely payments, and priority customer support.


The best affiliates for Canva are influential designers, design educators, and just about anyone with a large audience. The brand’s target is to become a household name in design software. Currently, Canva has more than 8,000 affiliates worldwide, and affiliates can earn as much as $3,000 monthly in commissions.

Get Response

Get Response is an online marketing software solution perfect for small to mid-size businesses who need help running an online marketing strategy. Their free-to-join affiliate program is great for bloggers and influencers specializing in small business advice and digital marketing strategies.

Get Response具有两个有吸引力的会员计划 - 一个经常出现的计划和一个一次性的前期计划。分支机构可以决定是否要为推荐用户付款的每笔付款或每次注册获得100美元的预期付款。获得响应的定价起价为每月15.58美元。


BH Cosmetics

Affiliate marketing works well even for non-digital brands like those in the cosmetics industry. If you’re a beauty influencer, you can sign up for the BH Cosmetics affiliate program and earn a 6% commission from every sale generated through your link. The average order value on their site is $38.

BH Cosmetics offers vegan and cruelty-free products, making them a popular choice among sustainable-conscious consumers. To help their affiliates, they provide web banners, monthly newsletters, coupons, and other creatives.



Coursera provides web banners, weekly newsletters, and text links to help affiliates promote the brand. They also provide access to their product merchandiser field where affiliates can see eligible and available courses.






Most brands use a pay-per-sale affiliate model. Tripadvisor is different—they use a pay-per-click model. Affiliates earn a commission from every visitor who lands on the Tripadvisor site then clicks out to one of their hotel booking partners. Even if the user doesn’t complete a booking, the affiliate still earns a commission.

TripAdvisorpays 50% of the commissions they receive from hotel partners to their affiliates. Although, commission rates per click vary depending on the booking partner, the seasonality, and the length of stay.

对旅游有影响力的人,这是一个伟大的affiliate marketing program since there’s no pressure for visitors to complete a sale. It’s also great for beginners since no minimum traffic is required to join the program.

How Do You Become an Affiliate Merchant?

许多会员商人是大型公司,他们正在寻找其他出售产品的方法。最著名的会员商人是亚马逊,它使用其Amazon Associates计划使用会员作为销售人员出售产品。这个程序是如此成功,以至于亚马逊在设置时对其进行了调整Amazon Influencer Program在2017年。

However, you don’t have to be a large company like Amazon to become an affiliate merchant. You just need to be somebody with a product to sell. Quite a few small businesses and even solopreneurs create knowledge products that they sell online using affiliate marketers. These people are more likely to work through affiliate networks, so they don’t have to go through the hassle of arranging payment and product delivery (although they may still send online knowledge products themselves).

许多人是从会员营销人员开始的,然后决定通过创建产品本身来增加收入 - 这是一个真正的被动收入案例。会员营销对于营销人员,甚至具有相当大的受众的影响者也可能是一项艰巨的工作。通过创建一些其他分支机构可以出售的产品,这些人可以在营地中脚踏实地,并使收入收入的潜力增加一倍。


  1. Have a product idea – you can't become a creator if you haven’t got a product to sell
  2. 验证您的想法 - 并非所有潜在产品都会销售良好。当您与您的朋友讨论几杯啤酒时,有些人听起来可能很棒,但在寒冷的现实中并不是那么好。想法只有有人想购买您的产品时才有用
  3. Create your product – you need to make your product. This could mean sitting down and writing your knowledge-based product. Or it could mean finding a manufacturer to produce the first batch of your physical product. Digital products are much easier for individual people or small businesses
  4. 要么加入会员网络,要么找到分支机构来出售您的产品 - 最后,您需要找到代表您出售产品的人。

会员营销软件You Can Try Today

Affiliate Marketing Platformsconnect influencers with merchants and help them track their earnings and sales performance. These platforms contain companies from every niche and are an easy way to get your feet wet in affiliate marketing.


Theright affiliate marketing platform应该帮助您跟踪会员佣金,对您的网站流量提供洞察力,并帮助您优化会员链接。


  • User-friendly interface that is intuitive and helps you easily access your earnings, your campaigns, and your progress.
  • 与PayPal,Shopify和其他电子商务平台等各种SaaS集成,可帮助您扩大会员计划的功能188滚球地址
  • 实时跟踪和报告显示哪些活动表现良好,哪些活动需要进一步优化
  • Round-the-clock and accessible customer support who’s ready to answer your queries and provide assistance when needed
  • 适合您公司需求的合适价格



参考boasts of having 20,000 satisfied clients since it started in 2015. It’s a popular choice among influencers and brands looking for seamless and profitable collaboration.

With Refersion, affiliates get a personalized dashboard where they can monitor their activity, commissions, and payouts. Brands get access to thousands of affiliates waiting to be discovered or to apply directly to their affiliate program.



在100多个国家 /地区,Post Affiliate Pro是创建真正的全球会员营销网络的机会。该公司已经为超过1亿美元的会员支付了超过5亿美元的佣金。

It integrates with more than 200 third-party platforms and allows easy customization to fit your brand look. It has five-star customer support, real-time data reporting, and a free 14-day trial.


Tapfiliate places customer happiness at its core, evidenced by its 93% satisfaction rating. It’s an affiliate platform that promises full brand control, allowing brands to create personalized links and sign-up pages. This is attractive to affiliates who can have custom links.





Everflow is an established affiliate marketing software suited for large companies looking for robust features. Founded in 2016, it has already tracked more than $1.31 billion in revenues and paid $1.1 billion in commissions.




Affiliate marketing has been around since the Internet started. With the advances in digital marketing, it has become better, more sophisticated, and more accessible. Influencers and product creators can experience a win-win scenario by using affiliate marketing.

For influencers, affiliate marketing is another way to monetize the following they’ve spent countless hours building. It’s also a way to further cement their credibility and expertise since they can offer products that will improve the lives of their audience. With affiliate marketing, influencers can experience a sustainable and truly passive income that can earn them recurring revenues.


While there are issues of fraud, theft, and misrepresentation in affiliate marketing, the benefits far outweigh the risks. Every brand should consider affiliate marketing part of their digital marketing arsenal, and every influencer should endeavor to become an affiliate of the products they patronize.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best products for affiliate marketing?

Market trends dictate the best products for affiliate marketing. Always check the latest trends and what products people are buying. Take the time to know your audience and look for brands that offer affiliate marketing for their needed products and services.



How do you pick a niche?

Know your interests and passions.
Check out your competition.
Test your idea and be quick to pivot if results are not promising
Once you get your niche right, building a sizable audience naturally follows.

Become a smarter influencer in 3 minutes, for free.

