How to Make Passive Monthly Income with Affiliate Marketing [+ Free Affiliate Marketing Income Calculator]

从头开始创建业务通常似乎令人生畏。您似乎需要执行一系列永无止境的任务,您必须承担的风险,您可能会想知道在哪里可以获得资金来资助所有事情。当您从雇主那里获得工资时,成为自己的老板可能会充满挑战的工作。还有一个问题,您需要提出其他任何问题 - 我要出售什么才能赚取我的收入?您可以出售您的服务。您可以制作和出售自己的商品。也许您只能零售别人的产品。如果您选择出售商品,则需要决定要出售什么并找到一种来源的股票。您需要做出的许多决定,您需要采取的多大风险,您必须做出的很多工作。

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As we saw in our会员营销Benchmark Report, the affiliate marketing industry is expected to grow to approximately $13 billion in 2022 and $15.7 billion by 2024. There are now 10,000 firms offering or specializing in affiliate marketing services. In addition, interest in affiliate marketing grew more than 300% between 2017 and 2021.

How to Make Passive Monthly Income with Affiliate Marketing:

What is Affiliate Marketing Income?

As its name suggests, affiliate marketing income is the money you earn through affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing, sellers and creators work with affiliates (people willing to sell and promote their products) through various online media, like blogs, websites, YouTube videos, podcasts, etc. People interested in becoming affiliates sign up, hoping they can make some money by promoting the product to consumers, some of whom will ultimately decide to purchase it.

In many ways, affiliate marketing income is similar to the money you would earn as a salesperson. However, you are still your own boss with affiliate marketing and don't work for the merchant company.

The key to success with affiliate marketing is having an online "home" where you can recommend products, whether a blog, specialist website, YouTube channel, podcast, or a sizable social media audience. If you don't already have a reasonable number of followers, you should first spend your time establishing yourself online before you attempt to sell affiliate products.

How is Affiliate Marketing Income Passive Income?

In some ways, referring to affiliate income as earning "passive income" is a misnomer. You can't just sit back and wait for the money to roll in. You have to build your audience and promote your affiliate products actively. You will have to work on your blog, website, YouTube channel, or other promotional platforms.

However, once you've set up your main promotional channel, you shouldn't have to do too much work other than creating regular content and promoting that. Unlike other types of selling, you don't have to worry about making or sourcing stock and ensuring that you have the proper stock levels. Over time, you may even be able to rely on evergreen content, i.e., past content that is so good that people continue to come back to it over and over again, and you can repromote it without having to create totally new material.

How the Affiliate Model Works


  1. The seller/product creator (depending on who operates the affiliate program – a manufacturer, a wholesaler, or a retailer like Amazon Associates.) We'll call them the商人在本文中。
  2. Theaffiliate(签约以推广产品的人)
  3. Thecustomer(最终购买产品的最终用户)

Sometimes, a fourth party, an affiliate network, acts as an intermediary between multiple merchants and affiliates.


Affiliates typically earn income in one of three ways:

  1. Pay per click (PPC) – every time an affiliate directs traffic to the merchant's site, they receive an agreed payment
  2. 按线索付款(PPL) - 商人根据产生的潜在客户支付会员
  3. Pay per sale (PPS) – merchants receive payment based on the number of sales the merchant makes that they can allocate to the affiliate's link. This is effectively a commission and is the most common way affiliates make affiliate marketing income.

One Time Commission Model vs. Recurring Commission Model

  1. 一次性委员会模型

This is the core affiliate marketing income model. Here you sign up with an affiliate merchant who agrees to pay you a fixed percentage every time somebody buys a product due to your promotional activities. The more sales you make, the higher your total affiliate marketing income.

These are one-time commissions because you will receive a single payment at an agreed rate every time somebody follows your affiliate link and makes a purchase.

  1. Recurring Commission Model

The recurring income model really does help you earn passive monthly income with affiliate marketing. Here, you typically encourage a prospect to buy a subscription. Once they do, the merchant will make an affiliate payment to you as usual, but they also pay you every month that the customer still holds a subscription. Sure, you had to do all the hard work initially promoting the course (or other subscription-based affiliate product). Still, once someone has decided to pay for a subscription, you don't have to do anything more, apart from checking your bank statement once a month.

Typical Levels of Affiliate Income

In some ways, asking for a typical level of affiliate marketing income is similar to asking how long a piece of string is. The answer will vary greatly from affiliate to affiliate.

We discovered statistics relating to this when we wrote our会员营销Benchmark Report。我们发现,受调查的分支机构中有3.78%的年收入超过150,000美元,7.94%$ 100,000- $ 150,000,5.15%$ 50,000- $ 50,000- $ 100,000,16.21%$ 10,000- $ 50,000- $ 50,000和57.55%低于$ 10,000。换句话说,超过一半的会员的收入不到10,000美元,但将近12%的分支机构赚了100,000美元的会员营销收入。

这是有道理的。最好的分支机构吸引了大量潜在的追随者,他们可以向他们推销。但是,即使是会员营销超级巨星Pat Flynn, who has earned over $3 million in affiliate revenue, had to start somewhere. Suppose you have the patience to build an audience. In that case, you are likely to rise from somebody earning a single-figure affiliate marketing income to someone earning six or even seven figures.

Affiliate payment rates depend very much on the mark-up of the products. If you sell products in a cut-throat industry, like computer hardware, you will receive much smaller commissions than in more niche industries, such as "self-help" products.

Also, you will typically receive more commission overall from expensive products than cheaper ones. However, you will probably find the costlier products harder to promote, leading to fewer sales, with potential buyers wanting to do more research when risking more significant sums of money.

Our Affiliate Income Calculator Can Estimate Your Potential Affiliate Marketing Income

我们的会员营销计算器可以使您估计您可以从博客或网站上的会员营销中获得的每日,每周和每月收入的量。您可能需要进入Google Analytics(或其他专业分析平台),以获取最准确的信息以输入此工具。

输入您的网站访问者平均每天or month, along with the average page views per customer (i.e., the number of pages a typical visitor to your site sees on a visit). Then enter your clickthrough rate (CTR) for your Google Ads, your usual conversion rate, and the commission fee your affiliate merchant pays you for people you refer who make a purchase.

Our Affiliate Marketing Calculator will then calculate your CPM pageviews, as well as your daily, monthly, and yearly income from promoting your affiliate products.



Strategies to Promote Your Affiliate Products

1. Choose Suitable Products to Promote


你可以考虑加入一个房颤filiate network likeCJ Affiliateor股票。These collate products from various merchants, creating a catalog from which affiliates can choose suitable products. However, just because you have multiple choices at an affiliate network doesn't mean that you should sell too wide a collection of products. It is much better for people to recognize you as an expert on just a few.


The key to being a successful affiliate is to have a sizable audience of people who are likely to take an interest in your affiliate products. One way you can achieve this is to set up a blog where you write quality posts that would interest such people. Alternatively, if you already have a successful blog (that attracts the right target audience), you can promote your affiliate products there.

如果您经营博客,则必须创建定期升级的内容。这就是Google喜欢看到的,如果您的帖子质量足够,然后遵循principles of good SEO, you should gradually build up your following and authority over time.

3. Ensure Your Content Provides Relevant and Useful Information

Whether you have a blog, YouTube channel, or simply rely on a sizable social media following, you need to ensure that you provide relevant and valuable information about the products you promote. You should primarily provide information to push people further down the purchasing funnel rather than trying any hard-sell techniques. You need to build trust and authority with your audience, not sound like a stereotypical used car salesperson or a peddler of snake oil.

4. Try to Ensure There is Some Synergy Between Your Affiliate Products

Some people think that the easiest way to make passive income with affiliate marketing is to promote as many products as possible. So, they sign up to every affiliate network alongside many other affiliate marketing products and try to promote everything. Often, they will even promote competing affiliate products.

The problem is that this is one of the easiest ways to lose an audience. You come across as being merely an advertiser, not caring about the products you promote. As a result, you don't have the chance to provide sufficiently helpful information about your affiliate products, and potential buyers will instead look elsewhere.

The one situation where you might get away with promoting competing products is if you establish yourself as an expert in a clear niche. In that situation, you can link through to the sites of the best affiliate products in your product category.

最好试着吸引特定的非盟dience, so you need to restrict yourself to products that would interest that group of people. Likewise, there is little point in creating quality content for the "wrong" types of products that won't interest your audience.

5. Be Patient

Like most online marketing, the key to successful affiliate marketing is being patient. You are unlikely to make bucket loads of money overnight. If you don't have a readymade audience, it may take you years before you make a sizable income. However, if you're prepared to create helpful content and promote your affiliate products, you should gradually become profitable and feel that your time has been worth it.


How much money can you make as an affiliate marketer?

The average annual earnings for affiliate marketers is more than $65,000. The average income ranges from $42,000 to $83,000 at the top end. According to ZipRecruiter, the highest forecast for affiliate marketing’s passive income tops $154,000.

How do you calculate money from affiliate marketing?

You can calculate ROI if you know the amount of revenue you will generate from your affiliate marketing campaign and your expenses. Then, multiply the revenue by the profit margin and divide that number by the cost of the campaign.

Can affiliate marketing make you rich?


How much can a beginner make in affiliate marketing?

There is no limit to how much money you can make as a beginner in affiliate marketing. It’s one of the biggest advantages to affiliate marketing - there is no cap on earning potential.

Who is the richest affiliate marketer?

Pat Flynn is one of the most successful names in affiliate marketing. More than 80% of his income comes from affiliate marketing.


