
from $89
from $89




Tapfiliate的创始人Thomas van der Kleij经常被描述为连续企业家。他从15岁开始创办了自己的第一家业务,为学生提供免费的印刷服务,并将打印输出中的广告空间本身销售给本地企业。这是一个天才的想法,但犯了错误。Van der Kleij是第一个承认这一点的人,他说他对当时的企业可持续性没有意识。他的下一个冒险是在荷兰的一家空置物业管理公司开设一个名为VPS的部门。该任务称为“年轻创业公司”,是为初创企业建立一个社交网络,以作为VPS领先的生成机制。尽管只是一名员工,但Van der Kleij对整个业务部门负责,该部门像初创公司的初创公司一样经营。

连续企业家将把第二企业投入到地面上,犯了与以前相同的错误。然后,连续企业家将继续开始第三家业务,并将该公司运行到地面上,犯了与以前相同的错误。这不是van der Kleij所做的。他第三次尝试建造东西是Tapfiliate,这是他建立在过去所学的业务上,以创造他早期的努力会从中受益的服务。

Tapfiliate成立于2014年,稳步增长,可以被认为是成功的。超过2,000个客户依靠TapFiliate来管理其会员营销计划。他们的软件和支持始终从客户那里获得积极的评论。在2021年初,Tapfiliate被Admitad收购,Anditad是一家大型公司,提供多种解决方案以保留客户和收购。至于van der Kleij,他现在为Anditad工作,跑步。对于所有人都知道,他可能有一天会尝试创业,但即使在那时,我们也不会称他为串行企业家。

Can integrate with nearly any e-commerce platform
Many happy customers with great things to say about support
Finding settings and features can be difficult
Ease of Use
Overall Score


tapfiliateis one of the first affiliate platforms to be cloud-based—moving beyond legacy software solutions was part of the impetus for its creation. Subscriptions are charged monthly, with no breaks given for paying annually.

  • 重要,/ mo - 89美元Two team members can manage up to 1,000 affiliates driving up to 200,000 clicks, and up to 75,000 conversions per month. You’re charged 45 cents for every 1,000 clicks beyond your limit, and 70 cents for every thousand conversions over the limit.
  • Pro, $149/mo —五个团队成员,10,000个会员,500,000次点击和250,000个转换。每1,000次点击35美分,超过限制,每1,000次转换超过限制。您还可以使用自定义域,自定义您的会员入职表单,并在混音中添加奖励激励措施。
  • Enterprise, $Custom/mo —All of the above without limits, plus: single sign on, premium support, customer success manager, multi-level marketing sales goals

All plans also include these features: recurring/lifetime commissions, automation, commission rates defined by groups, categories, and items, affiliate coupons, affiliate recruiting, social sharing, multi-language support, multi-level marketing, customizable cookie time.

The Details

Tapfiliate的网站解释说,他们提供的不仅仅是软件,它称该平台为“在会员,推荐和有影响力的营销中学习和成功的空间”。金博宝188备用网址Quick Start指南会逐步通过逐步进行入门过程,而其他资源则是为用户提供总体上的这些营销技术的教育。188金宝慱网站这是一件好事,因为设置您的第一个会员计划并不像它们所做的那样简单。当您创建TapFiliate帐户时,该平台会告诉您“在几分钟内设置您的会员程序”,但是他们不会告诉您多少分钟。

Creating the program starts out innocently enough: give the program a name, define the landing page you want to drive traffic to, give your Tapfiliate portal a subdomain name, and set the currency. Easy.

但是后来事情变得有点傻了。如果您启用重复或终身佣金,则必须指定管理此问题的方法。您可以为您提供两个选择 - 智能或基于时间的选择,而且几乎没有解释,您可能不知道这两个是什么意思。“ Smart”被标记为推荐选项,然后在屏幕上解释了您需要以四种方式之一进行设置。这些方法对于本次审查的目的而言并不重要。重要的是,经常性和终身佣金需要某种整合,因为Tapfiliate无法本地进行。

Things only get more complicated as you press on. When it comes time to select your e-commerce platform for integration, you have a lot of options. And this is a good thing, in that you’re not limited to just the most popular. But that also comes at the expense of ease-of-use: consider what has to happen to integrate with a WordPress site. The instructions have you opening up WordPress in another window or tab, finding Tapfiliate in the plugin directory, installing it, and then manually making your way over to the settings. The next instruction is this:


Once you’ve finished typing this weird string of numbers and letters (which is your Account ID, so different for everyone) into your WordPress setting, you’re instructed to navigate over to the page where you want to track customers and conversions and manually add a shortcode with any of the relevant parameters from a list they’ve provided. This is a long way from turnkey, and it’s not the only example of the Rube Goldberg-like approach to features and integrations.

  • If you want to track coupons, you’ll need an e-commerce platform that creates them and then manually assign them to your affiliates in Tapfiliate. If you have 100 different affiliates, you’ll need to create 100 different coupons, and then copy and paste the codes into each affiliate’s profile within Tapfiliate, one at a time. Then, unless you’re using Shopify or WooCommerce (or, for some reason, Teachable), you’ll need to set up an integration for tracking the coupons via Zapier.
  • If you want to create a tiered commission structure, so affiliates can increase their payouts as they reach performance milestones, you’re advised to create different affiliate groups for each commission rate. You can then create an email trigger to let you know when someone has reached that milestone, at which point you log into Tapfiliate and手动将该人移至下一个小组。由于这样的绩效奖金通常每月完成,因此您需要每个月将该人移回。将这些努力乘以所有的分支机构都做得很好,然后在您努力时,比较完成所有这些工作的成本。如果这对您来说太多了,那么您可以随时雇用开发人员进来并与Tapfiliate API猴子来自动化。

These are just a few examples, but it should be enough to get the idea that Tapfiliate requires a lot of heavy lifting up front in order to get it going. All that said, if you have the time and expertise, or the money to hire someone with time and expertise, to go through all these hoops and automate Tapfiliate, it will require very little intervention from you after that. The reporting and tracking is detailed, and handling payouts is simplified as a result. That Tapfiliate has as many happy customers as it does is a testament to the results that its customers get, not the effort they had to put in.



For example, EverFlow (a Tapfiliate competitor) integrates with Shopify, and the setup is simple. From EverFlow, you choose to add Shopify; you’re redirected there to log in and then install the app; you’re redirected back to Everflow where you set or confirm a handful of settings from the graphical interface; you’re done. Here are the instructions for integrating Tapfiliate with Shopify:

And this is one of the easier ones. Some of the other e-commerce integrations are: Stripe, Squarespace, WooCommerce, Paypal, BigCommerce, Wix, Chargebee, Cratejoy, Magento, OpenCart, andmore.


  • Zapier -If you want to automate things like coupon tracking or recurring commissions (and other tasks), you’ll likely need to go through Zapier.
  • MailChimp -A true integration that requires very little of you to sync your affiliate and prospect contact information.
  • Integrat-自动化的Zapier替代品
  • pabbly -另一个Zapier替代integration



Some of this lack of automation is reflected in the monthly price—you don’t get what you don’t pay for—so to gauge whether or not Tapfiliate is right for you is to calculate what your upfront costs are going to be, assuming you’ll need to hire a developer to get the app to where you want it to be. Once it’s set up, though, Tapfiliate can be a very helpful tool for the right businesses. This is why if someone asks if we’d recommend they give the platform a shot, we can confidently and without reservation say: it depends.

Last Updated:
from $89
from $89