Post Affiliate Pro

4.8out of 5 stars
Best for:
Medium and Large Sized Businesses
from $129
4.8out of 5 stars
Best for:
Medium and Large Sized Businesses
from $129


In tech years, Post Affiliate Pro is ancient. First launched in 2004, it began its life as a custom order from an almost-client of Quality Unit, LLC—a software development company founded by the trio of Maros Fric, Andrej Harsani and Viktor Zeman. They created a script to track affiliate marketing links for a potential customer, though the deal fell apart somewhere around the point where they should have been paid. In fact, that’s why the deal fell apart: they never got paid.

Rather than archive or delete their work, they realized they had something pretty useful and got work finding new buyers. They started selling licenses to it, and their timing couldn’t have been better. Affiliate marketing isn’t an invention of the tech world—companies have been incentivizing their customers to refer friends and family for as long as commerce has been a thing—but it did find new life on the internet when blogging took off. With the increased popularity of bloggers, some who commanded audiences of millions, the marketers of the world identified a new channel to drive referrals. Quality Unit more or less stumbled into this when the marketers who contracted with—and then stiffed—them reached out for their custom affiliate tracking script.

Not getting paid turned out to be a great thing for them. Had the transaction ended the way Fric, Harsani, and Zerman expected, their client would have owned the script and that would have been the end of the story. Instead, as it happened, the founders had software gold on their hands. Licensing it, rather than selling it outright, became a far more lucrative option—a gift that kept on giving. Now, 20+ years after Quality Unit was founded and 17+ years after Post Affiliate Pro was created, the software has moved to the cloud and is currently accessed by nearly 30,000 customers worldwide.

而且,如果将近20年的成功和增长还不足以暗示该软件的招待会,那么它还收到了数百种积极的评论。G2andCapterraand won several奖项(from experts and customers alike), cementing its reputation as one of the best—and most popular—affiliate marketing solutions available today.

Post Affiliate Pro
Post Affiliate Pro
They’ve been around forever, and the depth to which this software goes shows it. Extremely flexible and built for growth.
Pros and Cons
So Many Features.
Flexible configuration to do exactly what you want with it
Free setup service ensures you won’t miss anything
No social sharing directly from the platform
Knowledge base articles are written in English-as-a-Second-Language (i.e. not clearly)
Ease of Use
Overall Score



Post Affiliate Pro is not lacking for features, offering a ton of practicality even at the low-cost end of their subscription tier. We’ve looked at other platforms that offer far less for their premium plans, giving PA Pro’s entry level plan an enviable Bang to Buck ratio.

大多数其他会员营销平台设定了有关您的会员可以发送多少转介的限制188滚球地址,并且随着订阅水平上升时,这些限制会增加。PA Pro的工作原理类似,但是限制是在他们称为跟踪请求的内容上强加的,这是软件跟踪的每个数据点。因此,例如,如果您给出了会员的链接,则会单击并进行转换,这是两个请求。尽管这似乎是一种快速排气限制并使客户转移到新的服务水平的方法,但这些天花板的设置足够高,以至于您更有可能升级以访问更多功能,而不是更多点击。

  • Pro, $97/mo —跟踪一个无限数量的附属公司和1,000,000 tracking requests per month. If you go over the limit, additional requests are priced at $1 per 10,000. All tracking tools are available, as well as a host of other features: auto-registering affiliates, multiple currencies and languages, customizable interface, mass payments, more than a half dozen commission types, marketing tools for creating banners, coupons, and campaigns, advanced reporting, and hundreds of integrations.
  • Ultimate, $197/mo —Unlimited affiliates, 5,000,000 tracking requests, 40 cents per additional 10k requests, all of the above, plus custom affiliate tracking codes, campaign scheduler, multiple admins, automatic affiliate removal, lifetime referrals manager, recurring commissions, split commissions, performance rewards, time- and rules-based commissions
  • Network, $477/mo —Unlimited affiliates, 20,000,000 tracking requests, 20 cents per additional 10k requests, all of the above, plus features for building and managing your own affiliate network (that you and other merchants can access)


  • 终身推荐经理,$ 9/mo -This feature is included with Ultimate and Network, but Pro users can get in on the fun for an extra charge per month.
  • Membership Subscription Manager, $9/mo —If you want to charge your affiliates to join your program, this is the way to do it. Affiliates who don’t pay their membership fees aren’t rewarded for referrals and can’t log in to the affiliate portal.
  • Audit Log, $17/mo —Every action on the system taken by affiliates and admins is logged in chronological order
  • Smartlinks, $19/mo —Dynamic tracking links and banners that can be tailored to the location and device where they’re served
  • 删除帖子附属品牌,27美元/ mo -Not available at all for Pro. Users signed on with the Ultimate Plan get this Network-level feature to white label their portal/program.

The Details

Usually, we use this section to go into detail (hence, the name) about the user experience, any standout features, and any noticeably absent features. To cover all of this would require a Russian novel-sized review, but we’re pretty keen on keeping you interested and reading til the end so this approach just isn’t an option. And maybe not entirely necessary: 30,000 customers and 17 years in the game are really all you need to know about the user experience. Software just doesn’t achieve this level of success by frustrating and confusing its customers (Microsoft Windows and Office notwithstanding).

As for features, all the basics are here. Again, there’s no longevity for a product that doesn’t handle the basics properly. To accomplish what PA Pro has, the feature list needs to go above and beyond. And, true to its name, Quality Unit has made its software accordingly. The goal with all this is to provide maximum flexibility and control over their programs.

This “go the extra mile” approach is seen in even the most elemental of features: tracking links. If you picked any affiliate marketing platform at random and gave it a whirl, you’d likely come away believing that tracking links must adhere to a single style and format, never deviating from it. With PA Pro, however, you’ve got options. If you’re feeling retro you can go with old style links that work off of redirects. The more modern among you can use the newer method, with parameters built right into the URL. It’s more likely, though, you’ll want to use the SEO friendly anchor links, or the even friendlier direct links. You can even allow affiliates to customize their own links for their purposes (though you still get to review then approve or decline what they come up with).

Many platforms offer multi level marketing options, but PA Pro adds to that with a Forced Matrix feature. With this, affiliate program managers have precise control over the size and “shape” of the affiliate tiers. By forcing tiers, everybody gets a shot to earn off someone below them, while admins can also prevent commissions from getting out of hand.

Like the Forced Matrix, Fraud Protection is another thing we’ve seen in other platforms, but not to the degree that PA Pro implements it. Again, the drive here is for flexibility and control, and so it’s not surprising that the software lets its users come at fraud from a few different angles. You can guard against fraudulent clicks, sales, and affiliate signups, and so based on a variety of factors.

委员会本身也可以这样说:有很多方法可以奖励您的会员。它们可以基于销售以外的行动 - 用于新闻通讯注册,用户注册和类似的事情。有经常出现的佣金,您也可以在分支机构中分配佣金。借助佣金小组,您可以确保每个人都得到应有的收益,并且有了绩效奖励,PA PRO可以在达到某些绩效里程碑时自动将分支机构转移到更高的薪水小组中。

向您的会员提供营销材料是广告系列的关键部分,而PA Pro再次将其比竞争对手更进一步。每个可能的横幅广告都可以使用:交互式横幅,静态图像横幅,灯箱横幅。在什么是PA Pro的几个失火中,也支持基于Flash的横幅,为什么?我们已经过去一年了。有一个横幅旋转器功能,它可以完全执行听起来的样子。所有这些都可以与Banner Manager一起管理。

如广告所述,报告功能是提前的。PA Pro可以提供大量信息,鉴于您可以使用多少,这并不奇怪。除了您期望的标准跟踪数据外,您还以多种方式看到了它,以真正了解有效的方法和无效的内容。与横幅广告相关的报告向您展示了哪些响应最多。地图覆盖报告向您显示了您想要看到的任何度量的地理(销售,佣金等)。This map is one of the other of PA Pro’s missteps: drills down as deep as a country, which is a nice feature in Europe but largely useless in the U.S. Still the reporting is very in-depth, to the point that one feature is to have everything distilled down to a Quick Report.


There are a total of 229 integrations supported by PA Pro. Over 100 of them are e-commerce/shopping cart platforms, so if you’re wondering if the one you use is supported: yes, it is. The same can be said for your payment platform of choice. There are nearly 70 of those supported.




It’s also a little behind, by way of its missing a few integrations—which is something that’s difficult to say about software that can work with over 225 other pieces of software. That, and the missing connection with social media platforms, are where Post Affiliate Pro’s developers show their age a little. Still, the platform offers so much, and at such a competitive price, that it’s hard not to recommend to businesses of just about any size. A small business could afford it, but might not ever use half the features. But for anyone who wants a great degree of control over how they implement affiliate marketing, Post Affiliate Pro is an obvious choice.

Last Updated:
4.8out of 5 stars
Best for:
Medium and Large Sized Businesses
from $129
4.8out of 5 stars
Best for:
Medium and Large Sized Businesses
from $129