
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Any sized SaaS business
On request
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Any sized SaaS business
On request

Affiliate marketing is a term that’s only become known to the mainstream in the past decade or two, and that’s thanks to digital marketing and e-commerce going mainstream. Truth is, affiliate marketing has been around for much longer than the internet, even if it wasn’t called that. That Value Added Reseller who built out data centers with tech they neither created nor manufactured? Affiliate marketers. Brick and mortar retailers giving discounts for referring a friend? Affiliate marketers. That gym you joined increasing rewards as your referrals stay members? Affiliate marketers.

The point here is that the only thing new about referral links and the like is that mechanism by which affiliate marketing works. The concepts are as old as marketing itself. For software developers creating platforms to manage the digital version of affiliate marketing, this is a blessing and a curse: the features their software should have were already invented. They just need to make them work well. But that also means that standing out in a crowd of competitors is more difficult. How do you differentiate yourself from an alternative to your solution if you’re both essentially doing the same thing?

这样做的一个方法是去傻人的路线nders of PartnerStack did: focus on a specific niche of business. This is the core reasoning behind PartnerStack being marketed as a platform specifically for SaaS companies. There’s nothing in its feature stack that would prevent you from using it for, say, an online t-shirt shop. And it might even be a good choice for things like subscription boxes and other monthly billing services. But, by focusing on SaaS, the software’s partner marketplace is a much more targeted approach for the companies that use the software. SaaS companies like and Asana can buy into quality software from many of PartnerStack’s competitors. But, they can’t get access to a marketplace of B2B focused affiliates and resellers filled with people who know the business of SaaS. With Partnerstack, they’ll find they get both.

More than just an affiliate marketing management platform, PartnerStack goes all in on business partnerships with an extensive array of features and flexible program creation—specifically for SaaS companies.
Pros and Cons
Customizable onboarding and training for partners and affiliates
Drip Rewards give greater control over how and when payouts are made (perfect for subscription based services)
复杂的设置 /陡峭的学习曲线
Best for: Any sized SaaS business



Saas就像SaaS一样,因此Partnerstack正是如此,这也就不足为奇了 - 他们拥有真正的彻底合作伙伴计划,这并不令人震惊。也就是说,访问该平台的定价不是基于一些预制计划。Partnerstack不仅要做会员营销,因此每个客户都根据自己的目标和首选渠道获得自己的自定义计划。

Beyond that monthly or annual pricing, they also charge a fee described as a “Take Fee” as a percentage of everything you’re paying to your partners. PartnerStack’ssupport FAQ doc解释收费费有助于“随着计划的增长,扩大我们对您计划的支持,并分享了通过我们的市场使新合作伙伴进入他们计划的相互调整激励措施。”

Remember, the fees you pay to access and use the software are customized based on the objectives and scale of your campaigns, so this is not to say that this is a dealbreaker for using the platform. But if the subscription price is customized, make sure you factor those fees into your total cost while negotiating.


Because PartnerStack covers so many different types of partnership, setup can be a little complicated. Thanks to a well designed interface and clearly defined workflow, you won’t ever feel lost in the platform. But there’s a lot to cover in setting up your programs, and depending on how deep you go it could be time consuming and a bit complicated. The payoff to this upfront effort, though, is twofold. First, PartnerStack uses a very flexible system based on triggers you define—when X happens, take Y action。在设置过程中能够配置各种触发器会为您带来第二个好处,这就是程序直播时一切顺利的运行方式。这是真正的自动化。

Rewards and payouts can also be a little more sophisticated than a simple trigger like “If an affiliate sends me a new prospect, and that prospect signs up, pay a $50 finders fee.” With PartnerStack, you can also create drip rewards—rewards that payout after a certain amount of time. This is especially important for SaaS companies, who definitely don’t want to be paying affiliates for signups that are cancelled within a month. With drip rewards, you can configure things so the reward doesn’t get paid out until the new user stays a customer for whatever minimum amount of time you specify. You can also use drip rewards to pay out over a period of time. If an affiliate refers someone who ends up pre-paying their first year, you might not want to pay the reward in a lump sum; you can set the drip rewards to pay it out in monthly installments, for example.


Another way to use Challenges highlights another of PartnerStacks unique features, which is partner onboarding. An integration with SAP Litmos enables PartnerStack customers to create their own training courses for their partners, educating them on the various programs you’re running and how they can best participate. By creating a Challenge that rewards new partners for completing the onboarding process, you increase the likelihood that they’ll finish it—and increase the chances of their success in participating.

The onboarding process is just one of the ways that PartnerStack makes things easier on your affiliates. Another is the partner portal: here, your affiliates can access the marketplace, manage their own progress, set payment preferences, and access the onboarding materials and marketing assets, among other things. They’re even able to create their own custom links appended to the referral link you’ve provided. For example, you’ve tasked your partners with driving new signups; your affiliates can create a personalized link that redirects clicks to the URL you specified, something。Any parameters you’ve defined are automatically baked into this.



Partnerstack在其网站上吹嘘它“与其他每种[Tech]堆栈连接”,但仅列出了一些更常见的软件工具。除了上面提到的SAP Litmos集成之外,有些挖掘出来的列表还显示出更全面的列表。


There are also several integrations that make easy work of importing new customers and leads from your partners into your CRM. Salesforce makes the list, of course, but so does Hubspot, ClickFunnels, Copper, and Pipedrive.





Are you an e-commerce retailer trying to drive traffic and sales? PartnerStack isn’t for you. To be fair, you could use it—the features are there—but it won’t be as easy a setup as those platforms that were built for businesses like yours. And their marketplace of potential partners and affiliates would be of little benefit.

That’s because the marketplace is curated for partners with specific skill sets around the even more specific vertical of SaaS software developers. Think of it like a matchmaking service: anyone can create an account on a matchmaking site and it could have all the same features as other matchmaking services. But if you’re searching for something specific, you probably won’t find what you’re looking for.


4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Any sized SaaS business
On request
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Any sized SaaS business
On request