
No matter whether you're interested in creating video sales letters (VSL) for your business or are wondering what video sales letters even are, you've come to the right place. In this article, we're going to share everything you need to know about these powerful marketing tools: what they are, why you need them, what to include, how to create them, and even some great software suggestions to make creation easy. We'll wrap up with a few video sales letter examples to inspire you.


What Is a Video Sales Letter?

A video sales letter is a video that promotes your product or service to a potential customer. Great video sales letters will grab attention, appeal to the problems and pain points of yourtarget audience,突出显示您的产品作为这些疼痛点的答案,并激发您的目标受众转换。为了额外的提升,视频销售信件将包括社交证明和您品牌信誉的证据。可以将视频销售信件添加到您的主页,单独的销售页面或登陆页面(用作视频广告),与您的视频广告链接marketing emails, 和更多。


视频销售信件是您的一个很好的补充有几个原因marketing strategy。虽然常规销售信件有效,但视频销售信件包含video marketingwhich has grown in popularity and effectiveness over the past several years. And for good reason, 69% of people say they’d most prefer to learn about a new product or service by watching a short video (Wyzowl). It's no surprise that 88% of marketers report that they'll be spending more dollars on video campaigns in the future (Social Media Week). Here are some of the benefits of video sales letters that you'll appreciate:

  • They're persuasive.Video sales letters make it easy to share information that will persuade your target audience to take action.
  • 他们参与其中。视频以页面上的文本无法汲取潜在客户的方式。由于音调并没有使人想象力,因此您可以使用视频销售信件来炫耀品牌的个性并分享有关您品牌的重要信息。
  • 它们在视觉上很吸引人。虽然您可以在基于文本的营销中添加图像并有效地使用字体和颜色,但视频具有运动的优势。您可以利用它来实时显示您的产品,并比基于文本的营销更容易吸引受众的注意。
  • They pack an emotional punch.Video eliminates the need for your target audience to make their own decisions about what it is you're trying to say and instead conveys the full emotional intent of your marketing campaign.


Before we jump into the process of how to create video sales letters, let's take a moment to discuss what good video sales letters should include. While your video sales letter doesn't need to include everything we're going to cover here, it's important to consider what you want to achieve with your video and what you'll need to include to make that happen.


你的视频销售信件需要有一个强有力的市场经济地位sage, and the best way to make sure you've got that covered is by creating a script for your video. Here's what your script needs to do:

  • 通过相关内容吸引观众的关注
  • State the problem or pain points
  • Agitate the problem (how does this problem show up in the day-to-day lives of your potential customers?)
  • 提供您的产品或服务作为解决方案
  • Include social proof to inspire confidence and boost credibility
  • Detail the benefits of your product or service
  • Inspire urgency or FOMO ("fear of missing out") to encourage action
  • Include a call to action so viewers know what to do next
  • Illustrate what sets you apart from your competitors

Powerful Imagery

Your video sales letters must include engaging graphics and imagery that successfully convey your message, evoke emotions in viewers, and provide additional information.


Now that you understand the benefits of video sales letters, you're probably wondering how to create a video sales letter of your own. For such a powerfulmarketing tactic, it's a pretty simple process—just three steps (assuming you've already determined product/market fit).

Write Your Script

The script for your VSL should start off with a hook. This could be an interesting question, a controversial statement, or staggering statistics. Anything that demands attention immediately and is relevant to your product or service will do. If you've only ever created text-based copy before, think of the hook as your headline.


From there, it's all about establishing yourself as the solution to those pain points and offering your audience社会证明to let them know that you know what you're talking about. To build credibility, you can share testimonials from other happy customers, let viewers know about your credentials, and a whole lot more. The goal with this part of your script is to establish yourself as an authority on the topic and inspire trust.

在结束视频之前,您可能需要为观众提供某种奖励。这可能是购买价格,奖金内容的折扣 - 您可能用作铅磁铁的任何东西都可以使用。然后,在您给了他们所有这些其他其他原因之后,您实际上告诉他们以引人注目的call to action

Produce Your Video

Once you have your script nailed down, you'll need to actually produce your video sales letter. Now, we have video production as a single step in the process of creating a VSL, but you probably already know that video production is a multi-step process. You can always hire a视频制作公司to handle this piece for you, but many smaller brands have opted to do their own video production to save time and maintain stricter control over the process.

那么,视频制作是什么?与大多数事情一样,答案是“取决于”。对于初学者来说,这取决于将在何时何地使用视频。如果您要为视频销售信创建着陆页或销售页面,或者您直接在主页上使用它,则需要确保其抛光。如果您的VSL将在社交媒体上共享,那么您可能会更加放松video production。Beyond that, there's the question of whether or not you'll be using all or part of your VSL in your email marketing. If that's the case, you'll probably want to personalize parts of the video to reach particular segments of your email marketing list.

You'll also need to decide how you want the video to look and feel, where you're going to host it, and how much you can afford to spend. Video production can get pretty expensive (we're talking upwards of $50,000), but you could also end up spending on $50–$350 depending on the answers to the questions we've posed here and the platforms you use to create your VSL.


完成VSL后,您必须推广它。我们发现,宣传视频销售信的三种最佳方法是创建独立的着陆页,building an email campaign, and using paid ads.

Landing pages are probably the most common way businesses promote their video sales letters. It can be as simple as creating a page, adding a headline, embedding the video, and wrapping things up with a call to action. There are also platforms like ClickFunnels that you can use to create an entiremarketing funnelfor your VSL.

电子邮件营销是创建着陆页后的下一步。当您准备好登录页面时,您可以在电子邮件营销活动中分享它,以吸引到目标页面和VSL的流量。和电子邮件营销, you have the added benefit of being able to personalize your subject line, email copy, and even add dynamic content for specific segments. And, including the word "video" in your email subject line can boost open rates by up to 6%, according to Super Office!

Finally, don't be afraid to create Google orFacebook ad campaignsto drive traffic to your VSL landing page or use your VSL itself as a video ad.




Promo.com has already been used to create more than two million scroll-stopping marketing videos. It includes 2500+ video templates, over 23 million premium HD videos and photos, and award-winning customer support. If you want to create video sales letters that make an impact, Promo.com can make it happen.




枢纽是一个奇迹ful tool to create, manage, and host your video sales letters. The video hosting tool lets you create and share videos directly from your CRM so you can track your VSLs and make sure your leads are watching them. Plus, HubSpot can record your screen during sales calls so leads can refer to the recording after your meeting.


Wyzowl is another excellent choice for creating video sales letters to increase your sales and convert more leads to customers. With Wyzowl, you can create live-action, demo, or animated videos. The platform has its own animated graphics that you can add to your videos. If you're looking for something to really wow your prospects, Wyzowl lets you create interactive videos so your leads can sit in the driver's seat.


这是我们绝对喜欢的视频销售信件的一些示例。这些VSL娱乐,引人入胜且产生影响 - 您需要VSL做的一切。


这个视频销售信函矮胖的如厕的例子is, well, pretty wild. However, it does follow the format you'd expect from a VSL (Problem, Agitation, Solution), and with more than 39 million views on YouTube, it's clear that this VSL hits the mark when it comes to entertaining viewers.



3。Frank Kern

This video sales letter example from Frank Kern is great because it's not slick and polished, nor does it feel overly salesy. While the VSL includes everything you would expect to see in an effective video sales letter, the video itself is a bit rough which makes it a bit more personable.
