
Increasing engagement is about more than just sending a lot of emails and adding personalization.

You'll get better results when you focus on creating compelling and irresistibly clickable calls to action. That's how you can motivate shoppers to click that checkout button instead of abandoning their cart - or at least get them to sign up for your marketing emails.但是,正如任何试图通过任何实际措施增加参与度的人都可以告诉您,这并不容易。

Sometimes you need a few great examples from other top-notch marketers to help you on your way.因此,这里有20个出色的CTA示例,可以快速浏览您的参与之路,从而获得销售。但首先...



A call to action (CTA) is a message included on homepages, landing pages, popups, blog posts, and emails that encourages visitors or readers to take a certain action. Typically, CTAs are quick phrases on buttons, but they can also be leading sentences ahead of a link, button, or other action. Some of the more common CTAs are simple phrases like “subscribe,” “learn more,” “buy now,” and “sign up.” CTAs are an important piece of your marketing funnel and can help move your leads to the next stage. You’ll hear a lot about CTAs if you explore电子邮件营销最佳实践

20 CTA Examples to Inspire You




Although “Learn More” is a pretty simple CTA, it’s perfect alongside the selling point in the ad: Purple’s mattresses have a specific design that makes them the best mattress you’ll ever own. Even thoughFacebook广告就您可以为广告选择的CTA而言,这是非常有限的,此CTA与有趣的视频(和Black Friday Sale提供400美元的折扣)相结合,使这是一个有效的CTA示例。

2. Netflix: Get Access

“Get Access” is a CTA that implies a bit ofexclusivity。该CTA与页面上的其余副本相结合,让用户知道Netflix可以为他们提供访问流行的节目和电影,而他们将无法获得其他任何地方。另外,使用“随时取消”使用户更容易说“是”。


3. Evernote:免费注册


4. AppleTV+: Watch Now

AppleTV+ has a very simple CTA that’s supported by the drama of the website itself. The bright white CTA button encouraging users to “Watch Now” pops from the page as snippets of movies play in the background. It’s a great setup that reaches visitors where they are and encourages them to take that next step to sign up for the service.

The only thing we don’t love is the fact that it takes several clicks through until you get to actually watch anything. Apple could streamline the sign-up process and make it much smoother.

5. Earthhero:享受10%的折扣

EarthHero是一个在线商店for environmentally-minded people. Their call to action is set up to speak directly to their目标听众凭借之前的副本,上面放着诸如“有所作为”,“牢记星球”和“可持续性”之类的短语。它使购物者知道,当他们对待自己的产品可持续时,他们可以并且应该对自己进行治疗。它使购物者觉得自己对地球和自己有益。

6. EPIC: Start a New Project With Us

Digital design companyEPIC has a website that’s, well, pretty epic. When you click the menu, you’ll see the image above that includes one of our favorite CTA examples: “Start a New Project With Us.” There’s a lot to be loved about that CTA. First, they use the cost-neutral and powerful word “start” before signaling that they’ll be a partner in your project by using “with us” at the end of their CTA.

7. Cloudspot:获取您的应用程序

来自CloudSpot的CTA示例来自他们不再存在的主要磁铁广告系列,但我们仍然可以从中学习并激发我们的灵感。有了这个广告系列,CloudSpot不仅要尝试grow their email listbut also get more users on their app. CloudSpot uses the CTA “Get Your App” which is a great way to draw users into the offer and is better at getting users to feel that the app is for them than, say, “Get Our App.”


Few things sell better than the word “free” and the marketers at Proof are banking on it. While there are two obvious CTA examples on Proof’s homepage, we’re going to focus on the CTA that’s right in the middle of the page: “Try for free.” The headline copy primes visitors with the assertion that you can “convert up to 300% more leads and sales” which makes the “Try for free” CTA even more tempting.

9. Shakr:今天与我们安排演示


10. Lyft:准备骑车

This is one of our favorite CTA examples that addresses the pandemic during 2020. Using the words “prepare to ride” as their CTA in this email, Lyft lets passengers know that things have changed a bit. In the email, they share information about the ride requirements and what riders need to do to keep themselves safe. The CTA lets riders know that they’ll be able to get more up-to-date information that will help them ride safely.

11. Officevibe:免费尝试


12. Dropbox Paper: Browse template library




14. 4cean:加入干净的海洋运动

This is one of the more simple CTA examples but it’s just so effective. Everything about the popup is soothing. The blues and whites make you think about the ocean. The copy for the CTA (“Join the clean ocean movement”) is everything that the visitors to this site need to be ready to sign up. Plus, the 10% discount offer is a very nice touch.


在这里,我们从一个网站上有两个CTA示例。通常,不建议使用两个行动电话,尤其是当他们带领两个不同目的地的访客时。但是,该网站上的两个CTA对于格陵兰旅游网站来说是有意义的,因为冬季的格陵兰岛与夏季的格陵兰岛有很大不同的氛围。这也是一种开始的好方法细分您的列表so you can send targeted emails based on when subscribers are thinking about visiting.

16. The Listings Lab: Fill Your Calendar With Appointments


17. Hubspot:获得免费CRM



Lush基本上有三个CTA示例可在这里查看。简单而指示的副本将访客带到“建立自己的礼物”按钮。尽管我们认为主要CTA是标题“建立礼物”,但第二句话也是一个很棒的CTA。然后,您的按钮为另一个很棒的CTA示例提供了个性化行动呼吁,直接指向访客建立自己的礼物,而不仅仅是“ A”礼物。

19. Dollar Shave Club:尝试俱乐部

Dollar Shave Club以其墙壁广告和古怪而闻名品牌个性。与其余的营销相比,DSC的这一电子邮件非常醇厚,但是CTA“尝试俱乐部”非常有效。“尝试”一词适合许多读者,因为这意味着如果他们不喜欢该产品,这很容易。这减少了用户的摩擦,使他们更有可能说是。

20. Trello:注册 - 免费!

Trello starts out with a bold headline that lets visitors know what Trello can do for them and their team. The star of the show, of course, is the CTA “Sign Up – It’s Free!” As we’ve already mentioned, the word “free” really works.



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