22 Influencer Merch Ideas to Launch Your Online Store [UPDATED]

If you’re looking for influencer merch ideas to give your brand a boost with an additional revenue stream, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’re going to cover 22 of the best influencer merch ideas you can start selling today. Plus, you’ll get some great tips you can use to identify the merch that your audience really wants so you’re not wasting your energy or resources.


But, it’s important to remember that a large number of followers doesn’t necessarily mean success. Just ask Instagram influencer Arii who was unable to get her 2.7 million followers to buy even 36 t-shirts. The failure here was entirely marketing related, not because Arii didn’t have enough followers. Had Arii done more promotion and created a product that matched her brand, the story likely would’ve been much different.Just take a look at influencers like PewDiePie, Zach King, Loren Gray, Avani Gregg, and the D’Amelio sisters. All of these influencers and more are absolutely crushing the influencer merch game. And you can too!


Influencer Merch Ideas to Launch Your Online Store:


Printify是一个按需网络的印刷网络,仔细研究了人们最常购买的产品。他们发现功能性,无侵入性的多功能产品是最大的赢家。这包括T恤,背心,连帽衫,帽子,长袖衬衫和杯子等物品。而且,前面的徽标或设计胜出,这很好,因为这有助于展示brand message

主要创建营销与品牌或品牌logos (81%) or an illustration of something thoughtful or funny (50%) and typically use a minimalistic brand message. As far as colors go, black is king (78%) followed by multicolor (53%), pastels (42%), and white (25%).

No matter what you sell or the colors you use, the most important thing to remember is that your merch has to stand out. There are tons of影响者,品牌,乐队和艺术家争夺关注。您的商品需要大声与听众交谈,以至于他们不能忽略其电话。为了帮助您,这是我们最喜欢的有影响力的商品想法的22个。

22 Influencer Merch Ideas to Start Selling

真实的谈话:很多商品并不是那么好。它最终被推入壁橱和抽屉,收集灰尘,而不是被磨损和使用(最好是在您自己的追随者身上social media channels). On our list of influencer merch ideas, you’ll find the “tried and true” products that people love, but we’ve also included a few less common influencer merch ideas that will excite your followers and keep things fresh.

1. Digital Merch

koji - creator ecommerce tool

Digital products are becoming quite the trend these days. From NFTs to custom digital art to phone backgrounds, digital assets are easy to sell online and relatively cheaper to produce, not to mention you won’t need keep physical inventory or storage.

功能强大的电子商务工具Koji为创建者提供了数百个应用程序,可以帮助您销售数字产品和物理产品。通过KojiSell Downloadable Files应用程序,您可以轻松地出售像主题艺术品这样的数字商品。同时,它出售实物产品Koji App可让您通过您的Bio链接出售物理物品,例如此处列出的其他商品。

2. Hats and Bandanas

Hats and Bandanas merch

People love hats. With the different types of hats out there, it’s easy to find something for everyone. This makes them a great influencer merch idea to add to your shop. Bandanas are another good option that you can market to folks who don’t necessarily like hats but have a dog who will look great in your branded bandana.

3. Custom Mugs


Coffee, tea, or something else entirely if you’re a rebel… No matter what you put in them, coffee mugs are pretty great. Custom mugs give your followers a fun way to start their day off thinking of you. Maybe not a great influencer merch idea if your audience is younger thanGen Z, but if you have a solidly adult following, coffee mugs are going to sell.

4. Socks


Yes, socks. A couple of years ago, Copyhackers sent out socks to new enrollees in their copywriting school and those socks are still making an appearance on the Copyhackers Slack channel. Socks are big business. In fact, in 2018 the global socks market was valued around $11.7 billion (GlobalNewswire). Novelty socks are an awesome addition to your有影响力的商店

5. Totes

Totes influencer merch ideas

手提袋是非常受欢迎的(和我们的一个非常favorite influencer merch ideas). Not only are they a functional item, but with some countries as well as California and New York in the US banning plastic bags, reusable bags are going to be more and more in demand. Plus, they offer a ton of real estate for agreat design


Fanny Packs merch

Fanny Pack看起来不错,超级功能性,并且在过去几年中,所有性别的人都在受欢迎程度上都越来越受欢迎。


Artbooks merch idaes

如果你是一个n artist, you probably have a lot of artwork that you’re not planning on selling as individual pieces. But that doesn’t mean they can’t make you money! Your followers will be happy to part with their dollars to get an artbook that features your work. You could even include commentary about each piece you’re including to make it more meaningful and personal.

8. Lyric Books

如果你是一个音乐影响者who writes your own lyrics, offering a book of your lyrics is a great influencer merch idea that will get your followers excited. You can make it super personal with copies of handwritten lyrics pages that show off your songwriting process. You can also include commentary and notes on each song so your followers can get a deeper insight into your music.



笔记本是一个很棒的影响者的商品创意for a few different reasons. If you have a younger audience that’s in school, your followers can use your branded notebooks in class, exposing your brand to more people who fit your目标人群。If your audience is older, they still need to take notes in work meetings, so it’s basically the same thing. Plus, tons of people journal so adding a notebook to your merch store covers lots of bases.

10. Blankets and Throws


Blankets and throws are soft, warm, fuzzy, and useful. Your followers will be able to use them curled up on their couch at home, out and about at a picnic with friends, or at other outdoor events where they’re bound to get lots of eyes on them.


Patches good for merch


12. Custom Earbud Cases

Custom Earbud Cases


13. Custom Coffee and Coffee Beans

Custom Coffee and Coffee Beans

Coffee makes the world go ‘round and it’s one of the most creative influencer merch ideas we’ve found. If it fits in with your brand, find a company like乔的车库咖啡或者吉利斯咖啡公司与之合作。


Branded magnets are a fun way to keep your brand top of mind when they’re at home or school. You can also create and sell bumper sticker magnets so your followers can show their support no matter where they go.



吉他挑选和鼓声是出色的有影响力的商品创意for音乐影响者s。They’re not exactly useful, unless your followers decide to use them instead of keeping them on display, but they’re regularly top sellers for bands.

16. Hoodies

Hoodies merch ideas




Beanies are another great item for cooler months, but they can easily be worn three-fourths of the year. Beanies are pretty versatile style-wise. You can get them with or without poms on top and they’re available with a knit design or even patches or embroidery with your branding.

18. Tank Tops



19. Keychains


Keychains are generally cheap to produce and can sell for a larger margin even while keeping them inexpensive for your followers. They’re simple, useful, and fun and some people like to collect them.

20. Messenger Bags and Backpacks


Messenger袋和背包比手提袋更耐用,并且携带比Fanny Pack还要多得多。无论您的观众年龄多大,Messenger包和背包都是智能的物品,要包括在您的影响者商店中。

21. Stickers


Stickers are one of the most versatile influencer merch options. Your followers can put them just about anywhere to show off their support for your brand. They’re a cheap and fun way to boost品牌意识



Over the past couple of years, phone cases have become very popular influencer merch products. The only thing we don’t love is that they tend to be available for a limited number of devices (basically iPhones). Take a look at your分析而且,如果您发现大多数关注者都在iOS上网上商城


既然您已经有了大量的有影响力的商品想法,那么该谈论如何为您的特定受众而磨练正确的商品了。许多有影响力的人犯了一个错误,即在选择要出售的商品时仅考虑利润。虽然可以这样成功,但如果您默认仅出售连帽衫和T恤,您确实会限制自己。只做一点research into what your audience wantswill go a long way towards increasing your sales and revenue.

Start by identifying the items with the best profit marginsandthe most demand. This is likely going to be stickers and magnets, depending on how you price and ship. But, if you’d rather offer something else, feel free. After you’ve identified the items you want to offer, you’ll need to make sure that the demand is there before making a big investment. Do a trial run with a small amount of the product and see how they sell.

It can also help to询问您的追随者what merch they’d be willing to buy from you. They’re the ones you’re going to be selling to, after all. If they don’t want what you’re offering, you’re not going to make any money. If you do any touring or run contests, consider including merch that you can sell as well as include in promotions without breaking the bank.

Finally, you’ll need to track your sales to understand what’s working and what isn’t. Don’t ignore your analytics. You may find that those notebooks that爱并不是真正动的,但您无法保持连帽衫的库存。在这种情况下,最好提出另一种连帽衫设计并停止携带笔记本。


When you’re trying tomonetize your social mediaas an influencer, it’s best to start with standard merch and branch out from there depending on what your followers want from you. And,有影响力的商品公司如果您不感兴趣地投资或维护库存,则可以提供按需打印服务(例如篝火或电子股),是很棒的选择。

Regardless of how you decide to create and distribute your merch, the influencer merch ideas included on this list are a wonderful combination of traditional and less common items your followers are sure to love.
