
You probably already know that email marketing has the best return on investment of any marketing channel—4200%, in fact. That means for every $1 you invest in email marketing, you have the potential of earning back $42. Of course, email marketing requires its fair share of resources to do it right. That's why we've put together this email marketing ROI guide so you can understand what you'll get in return for your time and money. Plus, we'll give you some great ideas to improve your email marketing ROI that you can put to work right away!


Completely new to email marketing? Check out this ultimateguide to email marketingto get started.

Email Marketing ROI: Everything You Need to Know:

What Is Email Marketing ROI?

投资回报率(ROI)不仅与电子邮件营销有关的术语,而且是跨行业和营销渠道使用的通用盈利措施。电子邮件营销投资回报率是您的电子邮件营销的有效性的指标,因此您可以更好地了解特定的特定程度email marketing campaignsare motivating and inspiring your audience to take action and make purchases. Email marketing ROI takes into account any of the funds you spend on email marketing (advertising, creating your email campaigns, growing your email list, etc.). The basic email marketing ROI formula is:

(Gained Value - Spent Value) / Spent Value = ROI

Let's talk a bit more about the return on email marketing formula and what Gained Value and Spent Value are.


To calculate the return on your email marketing investments, you'll need to know two values: Gained Value and Spent Value.

Gained Value:How much you've earned from email marketing throughout the timeframe you're looking at.

Spent Value:How much you've invested in your email marketing campaign. This includes the costs of your email service provider as well as pay for the people involved in creating your email marketing campaigns.

Once you've figured out how much you've earned and spent on email marketing, you have what you need to calculate your email marketing ROI and can simply plug those numbers into the formula. For example, let's say you spent $5,000 on a sales email sequence and from that sequence your business brought in $250,000 in sales. When you put it into the email marketing ROI formula, it looks like this:

($250,000 - $5,000) / $5,000 = $49



Glad you asked! Let's walk through why email marketing ROI is important.

Why Your Email Marketing ROI Is Important

There are several different marketing channels you can use to connect with customers and potential customers. But how do you figure out how to split your money among those marketing channels? Or maybe you want to know if you should focus your efforts on increasing your reply rate or your click-through rate on your email marketing campaigns? Knowing your email marketing ROI can help you make these important business decisions.



Without data, you're pretty much making marketing decisions on a whim. Accurate data enables you to make well-informed decisions about youremail marketing strategiesand avoid costly mistakes. Knowing your email marketing ROI helps you make the right decisions to increase your email marketing revenue.

Create Stronger Buyer Personas

When you know how to calculate your email marketing ROI you can use that information to figure out which of your target customers are responding to your email marketing campaigns. In turn, this helps you refine those buyer personas to make them stronger. From there, you can use your buyer personas to better understand the pain points your potential customers experience. You can then address those pain points and how you can solve them in your email marketing. When you have strong buyer personas you can optimize your conversions in several ways. For example, you might create landing pages for certain email promotions.


Once you have stronger buyer personas, you can better segment your email list. This helps you send more targeted marketing messages and content to your subscribers. That degree of targeting will increase the value of your email marketing and will result in higher click-through rates and conversions.

If you’ve never segmented your email list, start small. Think about your most responsive and engaged customers and create a segment for them. From there, move on to creating a segment for two or three more target customers. You can even create segments for specific email marketing campaigns or promotions.

Personalize Your Email Marketing

So, you were able to create stronger buyer personas and break your email list into better segments. Now you can use that foundation topersonalize your emails. Personalization can make the difference between a successful email marketing campaign and a flop. In fact, 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized messaging and 80% of frequent shoppers only shop with brands that personalize the experience (SmarterHQ).

Drive More Traffic to Your Website


Increase Your Conversion Rates

最终,了解您的电子邮件营销投资回报率将帮助您提高转化率,这正是您需要提高底线和发展业务所需的。您的电子邮件营销投资回报率使您非常重要的反馈有关工作和无效的反馈。鉴于它很容易衡量和跟踪,因此没有理由不专注于此email marketing benchmark.



Craft Compelling Subject Lines

Your subject line is what draws the attention of your subscribers and motivates them to click on your email to read it. Two of the highest-performing subject lines are those that include an offer or urgency. Of course, there are only so many promotions and urgent messages you can send before your subscribers just don't care anymore, so you should spread out those types of subject lines. Try throwing in an interesting question to pique subscribers' interest.

Learn more aboutcreating irresistibly clickable subject lines.


Automating your email marketing can help you reduce costs and increase your email marketing ROI. Mostemail marketing services包括您可以根据特定条件发送电子邮件的自动化功能。这可能是他们的购买历史,网站上的行为,过去与您的电子邮件营销活动的交战等等。您也可以使用自动化安排并在正确的时间发送电子邮件新闻通讯和促销电子邮件。以下是一些电子邮件营销自动化工作流程,您可以用来简化您的电子邮件营销:

Welcome emails.使用自动欢迎电子邮件系列欢迎新订户,并分享有关您品牌的更多信息。您甚至可以在此欢迎电子邮件中包括Harry's的特殊优惠:

交易电子邮件。These are typically things like order confirmations, shipping confirmations, account changes, etc. Here’s an example of a transactional email from Nike:

Abandoned cart emails.About 70% of shoppers abandon their carts. You can recapture some of those potentially lost sales by sending an automated abandoned cart recovery email series. Here’s a great example of an abandoned cart email from Nomad:


您的电子邮件订户不想感觉像成千上万的列表中的另一个电子邮件地址。Personalizationcan make your subscribers feel special and make them more receptive to your marketing message because it feels like it's just for them. We recommend not only using your subscribers' names in your subject lines and email copy but using dynamic content to make it easier to reach multiple segments without creating entirely separate emails. Here are some ways you can personalize your emails:

  • Product recommendations.个性化产品建议非常适合向您的客户展示您了解他们的信息。
  • 分割。根据行为,兴趣和人口统计创建不同的细分市场。
  • Special offers.Send your subscribers personalized special offers to increase click-through rates and conversions.
  • Dynamic content.动态内容是根据偏好,行为和兴趣而改变的内容。

Here’s an example of personalization using location from Temboo:

Make Emails Mobile-Friendly

According to Campaign Monitor, more than 50% of users access their email from mobile devices. If your emails aren't optimized for mobile users, you're going to miss out on sales and engagement. Manyemail marketing servicesmake it easy to preview what your email will look like on desktop and mobile. If you useemail marketing templatesto create attractive and consistent emails, make sure that your template works for mobile devices, too. Here are some ways you can optimize your email marketing for mobile devices:

  • 保持主题行短而有力
  • Use a single-column layout that’s less than 600px wide
  • Use a large, readable font
  • 包括小型压缩图像
  • Make your links easily tappable by spacing them out
  • Include a call to action that stands out from the rest of the email


如果你想上升你的电子邮件营销投资回报率(and who doesn't?) you'll want to test and optimize your emails. This might mean testing two different subject lines against one another or testing different CTAs in your email copy to see which performs the best. There are limitless possibilities for split-testing and A/B testing. We recommend testing one change at a time to ensure that you're getting the most accurate performance results. Here are some testing best practices:

  • Test one element at a time.It might seem like you’re saving time by testing more than one element, but you’re not going to be able to confirm which change resulted in increased performance.
  • Send emails at the same time for each test.During your testing, be sure to send your emails at the same time so you’re not also testing the send time.
  • 找到正确的样本量。You’ll need at least 1,000 observations for each test. This doesn’t mean an audience of 1,000 subscribers, but a sample size that results in 1,000 observations. So, if you’re testing click-through rates you’ll need 1,000 click-throughs.


Email marketing has the best ROI of any marketing channel, period. You can use email marketing to communicate with customers, educate them, and lead them through yourmarketing funnelto increase your email marketing ROI and boost your revenue. Tracking your email marketing ROI provides you invaluable information that you can use to improve your email marketing success.

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