
As a consumer, there are brands you automatically trust for quality – whether it’s Rolex for watches, Whole Foods for groceries, Williams Sonoma for cookware, or Dyson for household appliances. So when you’re going to buy something, you’d instinctually want to buy from these brands because you have the peace of mind that the quality would meet your expectations. That’s how much power brand reputation has on consumers and their purchase decisions.

但是对于品牌而言,随着在线评论和社交媒体帖子的更容易被消费者访问,建立和保持良好的声誉已成为一个重大挑战。一个小错误可能会造成严重的损害,需要数年的重建。这使得不断寻找对您品牌声誉的任何威胁并在它们失控之前对其进行修复至关重要。在本指南中,我们深入了解品牌声誉 - 为什么重要,如何测量它以及如何改进它。


What Is Brand Reputation?

Brand reputation refers to the perception that everyone else has of your brand i.e. how consumers, stakeholders, media, and competitors see your brand. It can be affected by a combination of factors including the quality and price point of your products, your customer service, yourmarketing strategies, and your employee experiences.


因此,它密切monit是极其重要的or and manage it to avoid any long-term damage to your business. In fact, 87% of executives in a德勤调查说声誉风险是其业务的最大战略风险。这是因为负面的声誉事件可能会对您的业务产生负面影响。根据同一项调查,在声誉不良事件后,有41%的公司经历了收入和品牌价值损失。



Identify Key Brand Reputation Metrics


  • How popular is your brand?
  • Are people talking about your brand?
  • How do people feel about your brand?
  • 与竞争对手相比,您的票价如何?


  • 抵达 -This gives you an idea of how popular your brand is. It looks at factors like how many followers you have on social media and how manyYouTube用户你有。
  • 分享声音(SOV) -This tells you how much conversation you own in comparison to your competitors, with brand mentions being a powerful indicator.
  • 情感 -这可以帮助您了解有关品牌对话背后的潜在情感。换句话说,您可以了解人们对您的品牌的感觉。

Besides these, you may also use other metrics like your search engine ranking, customer satisfaction score, and online reviews to get a fuller picture of where your brand reputation stands.

Use the Right Monitoring Tool

Many社交媒体监控工具come with the ability to measure the above brand reputation metrics. But it’s important to find one that can help you track the metrics that are important to you.

Talkwater Analytics例如,带有强大的品牌管理工具,可帮助您完整地了解品牌知觉。使用AI驱动的情感分析,它为您提供了有关品牌知名度,用户满意度,产品感知和客户忠诚度的见解。即时警报使您可以检测到任何威胁并在它们成为危机之前对其进行修复。此外,它不仅仅是文本提到的,可以分析通过图像和视频进行的对话。




With even the smallest mistakes having the potential to ruin your brand reputation, building and growing your reputation is no easy feat. While the best practices below don’t guarantee a positive brand reputation, following them consistently will significantly improve your chances of earning one.


Who better than your customers to tell you how you can fix your brand reputation? As they deal directly with your business, your customers are the best people to tell you what you’re doing wrong, what needs improving, and what you’re doing right. So listen to their social media conversations,collect feedback,并积极监视评论以了解他们的脑海。

This can give you valuable insights into what issues your customers are facing, how you can improve their experiences, and what you need to keep doing. Plus, showing them that you’re actively listening to them is a great way to make them feel valued, which further adds to the客户体验随后,您的品牌声誉。



After your customers, your employees are the next best source of information on what your brand is lacking. As they maintain a direct line of contact with your customers, they can get first-hand information about the problems that your customers are facing that are affecting your brand reputation. And since they have an inside view, they can also provide actionable insights into exactly which processes need fixing to solve those problems.

例如,与客户支持联系的漫长等待时间可能是您的客户沮丧的主要原因,导致数千条有关客户服务差的推文。但是您的员工知道为什么漫长的等待时间会发生,以及可以解决问题的原因 - 无论是实时聊天支持以转移某些手机流量还是更好的工具以提高工作效率。

Moreover, their own experience as employees of your brand also influences your brand reputation as a whole as it affectsemployee advocacy。您是否提供合理的福利和薪水?您关心他们的工作与生活平衡吗?您正在做什么来解决他们的担忧?您是否正在为他们提供足够的培训和资源来更好地完成工作?188金宝慱网站

All of these factors will play into your overall brand reputation. So it’s important to genuinely care about your employees and listen to their feedback and grievances. This will help you understand not only how you can help them do their jobs better, but also how to improve their experience working for your brand.

HubSpot has an excellent reputation as one of the最好的工作场所由于公司如何对待员工。他们提供特权like remote work options, unlimited vacation, five-year sabbatical, generous parental benefits, tuition reimbursement, leadership development opportunities, and many more for a healthy work-life balance.







While this might be a one-off scenario, making a habit of not responding to your customers will ultimately take a toll on your brand reputation as more and more people start posting about how they never got a response. And soon, the public will know your brand as one that doesn’t care about responding to customer complaints and queries.




In a world that’s become oversaturated with marketing ploys, consumers are increasingly craving authenticity from brands. They want to be able to trust your brand when you’re telling them that X product will solve Y problem or that you’re supporting a certain cause. An honest and authentic brand that’s transparent with their business values and practices has a strong chance of boosting its reputation in the long run.


实际上,一个发芽社会调查found that 85% of people would give your brand a second chance after a bad experience if you have a history of being transparent. And 85% would stick by your brand during a crisis if you’re known for being transparent. Moreover, 89% would trust you again if you admit to a mistake and share the steps you’re taking to resolve the issue.

Consumers expect your brand to be transparent about changes to your products or services and your company values. Policy changes, employment practices, and pricing decisions should also be openly shared with your audience on social media to improve the transparency factor.



Build a Reputation that Lasts




Brand reputation refers to the perception that everyone else has of your brand i.e. how consumers, stakeholders, media, and competitors see your brand. It’s the factor influencing people’s trust in your brand, their purchase decisions, and their loyalty toward your brand.

How do I find my brand reputation?

You can monitor your brand reputation using social media monitoring tools that let you track metrics like sentiment, reach, and share of voice.

How do you manage your brand reputation?

管理您的声誉需要在问题成为声誉风险之前迅速回应问题 - 无论是客户投诉还是负面审查。您还可以通过聆听客户和员工来管理品牌声誉。

What is ORM in social media?





