17 Incredible Personal Branding Examples That Will Inspire You to Build Your Own

Personal branding is a crucial part of today’s business world. This is particularly so in the eCommerce space, where consumers often look for trust from a familiar face.


有第三类,企业仅依靠名人影响者作为公司的面貌。可能是最难忘的案例是乔治·费尔曼烧烤炉。该烤架是由Spectrum品牌制造和出售的。但是,您永远不会在任何品牌中看到这个名字。该公司完全依靠名人影响者乔治·福尔曼(George Foreman)的个人品牌来出售其产品。


17 Incredible Personal Branding Examples:

1.诺亚·卡根(Noah Kagan)

诺亚·卡根(Noah Kagan)

开展业务并不是最简单的事情。大多数首次企业家都在努力提出可行的想法,而失败的原因是他们只是没有扎实的计划。诺亚·卡根(Noah Kagan)在那儿留下了自己的印记。他是企业家和商人的拥护者,并且已经致力于十年来帮助人们以闪电般的速度发现,计划和开展业务。


Kagan’s brand doesn’t just end on his site. He hosts a诺亚·卡根(Noah Kagan)Presents,一个播客,其中包括世界上最有趣的人。他采访了企业家,运动员和名人。在YouTube上,Kagan提供了实用的商业建议,剥夺了错误信息的层面以及自我怀疑的企业家,商人必须帮助他们蓬勃发展。

2.Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk

加里·瓦尼库克(Gary Vaynerchuk)可能是现代美国最多产的企业家之一。儿子到白俄罗斯移民,他在纽约皇后区长大。Vaynerchuk以其强烈的企业家精神,快速执行的能力以及他的业务成功而闻名。他没有为分享他的历史的一个方面是,直到三十多岁,他才无处可去。多年来,Vaynerchuk在父亲的酒类商店工作。那时,他从一家3,000万美元的公司中种植了它。他还开创了在线葡萄酒评论,推出葡萄酒图书馆在90年代,他每天都在五年窗口审查葡萄酒的演出。

Vaynerchuk已经成为了发言人for entrepreneurs and anyone who wants more happiness from life. His message is to forgo the trappings of society and focus on finding out what you’re passionate about, and how to turn it into a paying opportunity.

Vaynerchuk is also a five-time best selling author and serves as the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising firm. His brand shines on almost every social media platform, and he hosts a regular podcast called The GaryVee Audio Experience.



勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)是世界上最成功的运动员和篮球运动员之一。他通常被称为“詹姆斯国王”,以积极的榜样和灵感而闻名。他的故事始于他长大的俄亥俄州阿克伦。他和“ Fab Fire”领导St. Vincent-St。玛丽高中获得了三个州冠军,他沿途获得了一系列奖项。

今天,他是一个现象。在球场上,他正式将迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)作为NBA的最高得分手之一。在球场外,詹姆斯的品牌是电。他分散到媒体,零售业,还创建了我保证学校,这是阿克伦一所免费的公立小学。他的品牌毫无疑问,但同样具有战略意义。他还落后于非常成功的广告,例如耐克(Nike)的“训练日(努力争取伟大)”,这是詹姆斯(James)一生中一生的一瞥,当时他遇到了在住所大门露营的球迷。


4。Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)的明星崛起迅速而令人印象深刻。迄今为止,他出现在27部故事片中,并获得了206个奖项的提名,在屏幕上取得了成功。他的演艺生涯并不令人惊奇,但他同样在众人瞩目的焦点中出现了更加紧迫和更大的事业。1998年,他建立了莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)

Foundation. Its goal: restore balance to threatened ecosystems, ensuring the long-term health and well-being of all Earth’s inhabitants.

Creating the foundation has seen many other prominent figures rally behind DiCaprio to do amazing work. From Thailand’s Prime Minister, Yingluck Shingawatra, pledging to end the ivory trade in 2013, to raising $40 million in funds for conservation efforts where auctioned items included $3 million for two private concerts performed by Elton John.

DiCaprio’s status has elevated over the years. His rise is partly due to his acting career, but also due to his philanthropy, making his brand much more impactful. To share his work, he turns to social media for direct access to the world.

5。莫·法拉(Mo Farah)

莫·法拉(Mo Farah)



Farah’s made it a point to embrace media, sharing developments around his brand as he partners with others. On social media, he keeps the conversation going via Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, sharing his experiences.

6。Sean Ogle

Sean Ogle

当你去位置叛军网站,很明显它是谁的网站。这是肖恩·奥格尔(Sean Ogle)的个人奥德赛网站。



You don’t have to read long to discover that Sean is a 33-year-old entrepreneur, who blogs about how he manages to travel the world and lives the life he loves.


7.Danny Iny


Danny Iny是以前是Firepole Marketing Mirasee的创始人和面孔。他还是该名单中另一名成员乔恩·莫罗(Jon Morrow)的前学生,无疑从乔恩(Jon)那里学到了一些他的技能。

丹尼(Danny)一直对他的公司采取动手实践。值得注意的是,如果您在公司的电子邮件列表中,您会收到来自“ Danny Iny”的电子邮件,而不是从“ Mirasee”中获得。他以一种有风度的方式将它们全部写作(作为Mirasee的创始人/首席执行官)。

One of the reasons for this probably dates back to when he was star student on Jon Morrow’s Guest Blogging course. At that time, Danny set the record for most guest blog posts of anybody who had taken the course. These built massive recognition of his name, and he now has a byline on many of the world's top blogs.

8.杰夫·戈恩斯(Jeff Goins)

杰夫·戈恩斯(Jeff Goins)


显然,当他创建自己的网站时,他看到了个人品牌的价值。Goins Writer做什么,这是一个[Jeff] Goins的网站,教您写得更好。甚至他的肩带也很简单明了:该网站给出了“写作,生活和创造性工作的想法”。


The site features testimonials from well-known bloggers and authors, Darren Rowse, Michael Hyatt, and Brian Clark. All three testimonials highlight Jeff’s writing.

Inevitably, Jeff’s site and social channels, focus on Jeff’s books, most of which are about the writing and creative process.

There even seems to be in congruence with his social accounts. When I went to Jeff’s Twitter account, I noticed that Michael Hyatt was at the top of Twitter’s suggestions for “Who to Follow” – the same Michael Hyatt who states that “Jeff Goins has become one of my favorite bloggers” on the home page of Goinswriter.

9.Neil Patel

Neil Patel

尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)是一个营销大师,他的面孔遍布互联网。他通过建模他的教学来教授如何在线营销。

他创立了或共同创立了多家公司,这些公司为需要营销援助的在线营销人员和公司提供服务。其中包括Kissmetrics(一个跟踪访问您的网站的分析平台),Crazy Egg(一种允许网站所有者访问您的网站时访问者在做什么的分析软件)和Hello Bar(一项可帮助您收集电子邮件地址的服务从您的网站)。

He is now the CMO and Co-Founder of Neil Patel Digital, an agency that aims to help the world’s top companies exponentially grow their traffic.

但是,除了其他任何事情之外,尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)是关于在线营销的博客之王。他每天都在写深入的博客文章已有多年了,最近一次是在他的自称网站上Neil Patel


尼尔非常是他公司的主人。他甚至在尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)网站上有一张卡通图片,作为尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)网站的Favicon。该网站始终将橙色用作其主要重音颜色,他在他的所有社交形象中继续进行。


10。Gordon Tredgold

Gordon Tredgold

戈登Tredgold教公司和个人simple, powerful and proven leadership techniques that deliver amazing results fast. Indeed he calls his approach to leadership FAST, which he describes as encompassing four principles every business needs to achieve success and drive results.

戈登围绕着自己的角色促进他的整个业务 - 以至于他以自己的名字命名了自己的网站,gordontredgold.com。The main image on the site above the fold shows Gordon speaking, Most of the videos on the site show Gordon explaining some facet of leadership. Similarly, the blog posts are all written by Gordon and are his opinion pieces on aspects of leadership.


Gordon has clearly understood that anybody who bases their personal brand on being a leadership expert, needs to be able to provide evidence of leadership expertise. He highlights his own leadership strengths and experience on his website About page.

11.乔恩·莫罗(Jon Morrow)

乔恩·莫罗(Jon Morrow)

乔恩·莫罗(Jon Morrow)has built a reputation over the last decade as being the Mr. Blogger of the internet. He rose from humble beginnings and a severe disability to become one of the world’s most successful bloggers. And although he doesn't use his name as the title of his blog, he has still managed to build a personal brand from his writing.

Jon was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) as a child. This means that he can scarcely move any muscles. As he stated in one of his blog posts, he should be dead by now – most people with SMA don’t survive very long into adulthood.

Yet Jon was not prepared to let his disability slow him down and stop him from living his dreams. He decided to blog and tell his story.


From this, he built up his own site, now calledSmartBlogger。那个网站以及他开设的各种课程,每月为他超过100,000美元。

尽管SmartBlogger现在是团队合作,但Jon Morrow显然已经建立了个人品牌。他的客人在网上写博客,为自己起名字。他与读者花费时间相同的社交媒体渠道活跃。乔恩(Jon)为Problogger写的一篇来宾帖子是他们阅读最多的帖子。

12.Mark Manson

Mark Manson

Mark Manson is a self-help author, blogger, and entrepreneur. Like many on this list, he understands the importance of his utilizing his name. His website isMarkmanson.net,它重点介绍了马克(个人)如何帮助您。

Mark built his whole persona on being straight-up and to the point. His site is not for the easily offended. His most successful book (which made the NY Times bestselling list) is calledThe Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, and he uses the unedited version of that title whenever he discusses it online.

His work is sufficiently popular for him to have a Subscribers only section, with in-depth blog posts available only to those who pay.

Mark keeps a consistent brand image. His regular readers could probably recognize his writing even if he didn’t use a byline. His posts are long, in-depth, irreverent, and above all inherently honest.



颂歌is a freelance writer who has reached the pinnacle of her profession. Not only can she command impressive prices for her writing, but she teaches others how to succeed in the industry.

Her main website, where she provides help to prospective and struggling writers is谋生。该网站的徽标显示了坐在电脑上的女人(可能是卡罗尔(Carol))的卡通图像,准备写杰作。


She has also set up a writer’s community, called The Den, which provides training to help writers improve their skills, as well as a forum for writers to network with each other.

Carol is consistent with her personal branding. She uses the same headshot across her websites and social media. Her copy focuses on her skills and provides evidence of ways she can help you, whether you are an existing writer, or somebody wanting to write.

She also publicly advocates for writers and pushes against the content mills who underpay and mistreat writers who don’t know that there are better gigs available.

14。Seth Godin

Seth Godin

Seth Godin is probably helped by having a distinct appearance. He could never be thought of as a gray man who could melt into a crowd.

在过去的25年中,他建立了业务和营销专家的声誉。那时,他出版了20多本书,通常带有古怪的,发人深省的书籍,例如紫色牛:通过杰出来改变您的业务Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing out of Sync?Purple Cow sold over 150,000 copies in more than 23 print runs in its first two years.


塞思已经确立了自己简短博客文章的大师。At a time when most people aim for 2000-word long-form blog posts, Seth writes small gems of about 200 words. He writes in a distinctive style which is succinct and to the point. Each post pinpoints a single idea.

Indeed Seth Godin’s personal branding is so strong that his name has now become synonymous with a short post. I have heard editors say, “Only Seth Godin can get away with that” when they believed that a post was too short.

15。Lolly Daskal

Lolly Daskal

Lolly Daskalis a coach, consultant, and speaker, focusing on global leadership and consulting. She is a highly sought after executive leadership coach and business consultant.



Lolly Guest博客并为许多著名商业出版物编写专栏,包括《福布斯》,《商业内幕》,《快速公司》,《哈佛商业评论》和《公司》。

Lolly Daskal is an advisor to Fortune 500 CEOs and boards. She speaks to business and organizations around the globe about personal and professional growth.

16。Kim Garst

Kim Garst

金·加斯特(Kim Garst)是另一位承认在线使用一致角色的重要性。她的特殊优势是社会销售。她创立并启发了繁荣!社交是一家社会销售培训和咨询公司,在最近出售其利益之前。

Kim is front and center of herkimgarst.com网站。她在这里也非常清楚自己的业务目标:“我帮助企业家开始并建立有利可图的业务。”

There is no doubt that Kim is the center of her website. She heads the About section “Who is this Gal?” and makes her accomplishments clear.

As Kim’s expertise is in social selling. It should be no surprise that she has a clearly-defined presence on her own social media accounts. She posts frequently, and her posting style is distinctive and consistent.




如果不包括个人品牌女士 - 奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey),此列表将是不完整的。她是世界上少数几个人都知道她的名字的人之一。


There is now considerable equity in the Oprah name. And she has managed this by challenging people to get the best out of themselves; to reach their full potential.


But personal branding has a broader meaning for Oprah. She has discovered that she can use her branding to help change people's actions. She gives the example of a woman who watched Oprah's show. After seeing Oprah deliver the same message in three episodes, this woman was convinced to stop hitting her children. She heard Oprah give a consistent message multiple times, and eventually came to agree with what Oprah had said.

Oprah sees that there are two critical parts of her personal brand. One is the need to be consistent. If people consistently see her act in a certain way, it makes them think, and in turn, alters how they act. But allied to this is the need to be true to your intentions. She believes intention plays a crucial role in effective branding.
