
我们都知道有多少企业依靠他们的品牌来取得成功。带一个孩子经过两家汉堡餐厅,观看他们的反应。他们会大声疾呼,让您停在乔的无名汉堡或麦当劳吗?当然,他们会选择他们认识的品牌 - 麦当劳。好吧,人们的情况没有什么不同。个人品牌以相同的方式工作。人们对自己所认识的名字的兴趣比陌生人的名字更具兴趣。


我们已经简要介绍了什么是个人品牌 - 影响者指南。As we saw then your personal brand is the way you promote yourself. It is your unique combination of skills, experience, and personality, what you want the world to see. It is how you tell your story.

Your personal brand can be a combination of how people look at you in real life, how the media portrays you, and the impression that people glean from any references to you online.那么如何创建一个个人品牌,使您受到关注?以下是您应该通过的一些步骤来建立一个可以最终与利基市场主人竞争的品牌。


An In-Depth Look at Personal Branding:









You cannot build a successful personal brand if it does not align with their core values. You need to come across as being authentic and genuine to yourself.

You develop core values as you progress through life. They are deeply personal and are the heart of who you are. You may not consciously realize it, but your fundamental values influence most of your life decisions.

如果您尚未发现自己的核心价值观,则应立即坐下来分析自己。斯科特·杰弗里(Scott Jeffrey)提供了七个步骤发现您的个人核心价值观。正如斯科特所说:“价值观指导我们的行为,为我们提供个人行为守则。”

Surprisingly, most people do not know their core values. They muddle their way through life, not really understanding the decisions they make. If you do not understand yourself, how can you expect others to understand you?



It is also important to remember why you are creating a personal brand. It is not just to help you get a better job or grow your business. Your personal brand is just as much about helping you find happiness in your professional life. You are unlikely to feel fulfilled if you create a “fake” brand that is not you. Do not ignore the things you truly value – even if that means that the “you” in your brand, is not perfect.





但是,您也可能会有专业的激情 - 与工作有关的活动,您特别喜欢。如果您目前没有任何东西,这表明您可能处于错误的工作状态。英国的《电报》建议eight ways to find the true passion in life that has eluded you

You will probably find that your passion fits in nicely with the core values you previously determined. However, you cannot ignore your personality traits, either.

We are all born with an individualized combination of personality traits, positive, neutral, and negative. According toD.P. Farrington and D. Joliffe,“人格特征一直存在着在特定情况下以特定方式行事的潜在倾向。”

我们的个性特征是天生的。我们可以拥有数百种可能的特征。这是638 Primary Personality Traits

如果你是来创建一种引人注目的,真实的人nal brand vision, it needs to reflect your personality traits – perhaps focusing on your more positive traits while deemphasizing your inevitable negative traits.

As we got through life, weacquired a combination of skills。有些是美好生活的基本和必不可少的 - 我们的生活技能。其他人更适合特定任务,工作或行业。随着年龄的增长,您会建立可就业,可转让和专业 /与工作有关的技能的曲目。

You are more likely to want to focus on your skill strength areas when you create your personal brand vision. Sure, you can acquire skills in new areas in the future, but you would not usually focus on these until you have learned them.

Stage 2: Decide Your Niche and Target Audience

You could look at all the factors you analyzed in Stage 1 – your passions, values, traits, and skills – as supply factors when you create your personal brand. Knowing these, you could probably design a brand that emphasizes everything good about you and your areas of strength. It would highlight everything that you have to offer people.

However, you are unlikely to want to highlight everything at which you are proficient. Indeed, many things in which you excel will be of little value to your personal brand. You might be an excellent knitter, but there is probably little demand for hand-knitted garments nowadays. You might have a vast collection of English comics, and can easily distinguish a Lion from a Tiger from a Beano - but you are unlikely to be able to make money from this knowledge.

The second area to consider is demand factors. For your personal band to succeed, you need to emphasize your ability to offer something about which people care. Your personal brand is irrelevant if nobody is interested in what you have to offer.

Just as a business needs to define its audience, so does a person creating a brand. You need to ask yourself, why you are doing this. Whom are you trying to impress? There is little point in trying to be generic and impressing everybody.

Go back to your vision. If you are to meet your vision, what goals do you need to set? What steps do you need to follow to reach your goals, and whom do you need to impress to turn these goals into reality?

Ideally, you will want to focus on a niche where can demonstrate skill. However, for this to be of use, there has to be a clear target audience that cares about the subject. You want to become the go-to person in that niche – the person who people have faith to come to for advice.

Sometimes your niche may appear very general. While that will mean that there is a huge target audience, it will also suggest that you will have stiff competition. In that case, you could consider narrowing your focus, while still making sure that there is still a sizeable enough target audience to warrant your expertise.

For instance, you may have discovered that you have expertise as a novelist. Even in this internet-dominated age, many people still read books. However, there are also many novelists. Most top authors focus on one genre. Stephen King could probably write successful novels in a wide range of genres, but he found it easier to focus solely on establishing a reputation as a horror writer.

Stage 3: Determine Your Point of Difference



例如,迈克尔·凯悦(Michael Hyatt)和马克·曼森(Mark Manson)是两个成功的博客作者。两个人都在寻找寻找方法来改善生活方向并可能发展领导能力的人。

Michael Hyattis a devout Christiana and a spiritual leader. While he does not force his religious views on his followers, he does not shy away from them either. This means that his posts tend to emphasize moral choices and follow a Christian ethos. A typical Michael Hyatt book title isLiving Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want

马克·曼森(Mark Manson)还提供自助,并写有关如何改善生活的文章。他遇到了一个世界更加世界。他说话坦率,直截了当。引用主页his website,“我写了关于大想法的文章,并给出了不糟糕的生活建议。有人说我是个白痴。其他人说我挽救了他们的生命。阅读并自己决定。”他在亚马逊上的最畅销头衔是不给予f*ck的微妙艺术- 您永远无法想象迈克尔·凯悦(Michael Hyatt)使用的书名。




Look back at our article,有12个人通过个人品牌展示了专业知识。You will notice that everybody profiled operates professional, well-designed websites. The websites all follow a clear color scheme and are pleasing to the eye.



While some have chosen a simplistic, minimalist look, others have gone for a more luxurious, detailed look. Largely the appearance of each site reflects the tastes of the target audience who visit on a regular basis.





Short-term you could produce a reasonable one yourself by using a template in an app like帆布。但是,您最终将想要一个专业设计的。

Website / Blog

You will want your own website. While social sites like a Facebook page have their place, ultimately they are not yours. Facebook only has to change their rules or close down, and your page is gone.


If you are going to meet your personal branding objectives, however, you will need to ensure that your website features the kinds of topics that will interest your target audience. Sure, a personal blog where you write about what you did today and what you ate may gain traction in Google for a search on your name. But it will not interest the type of people you are targeting.

例如,如果你的目标是成为一个费用rt on leadership, you need to ensure that your website provides valuable content about being a leader. The aforementioned Michael Hyatt has done this well. His site attracts people looking for advice and assistance on leadership. It helps connect the name, “Michael Hyatt” with the topic, “leadership.”

A recent change to Google’s algorithm does mean that it is no longer possible to dominate a topic search with your own site, however. Google prefers to select just one page from a particular web domain for each search. Therefore, you will want the search engine rankings to show a mix of the best work on your personal blog/webpage mixed in with other relevant web pages where your name appears.


一旦建立了自己的网站并创建了可见的任何人,您就可以考虑在其他相关博客上发布来宾。如果您在这里成功,您的来宾博客文章还将出现在搜索您的名字中 - 并希望可以搜索适当的主题关键字术语。来宾博客背后的想法是,您在利基市场中“借用”了一个受欢迎的博客的观众。

Effectively, a blog that accepts your request for a guest post is saying to you, “if you can write a post my audience will love, I’ll let you put a small advertisement at the bottom of the post.” Your “ad” will actually be a link in your guest post author bio to a relevant page on your own website.


There are three main requirements for a good site for guest blogging:

  1. The site is popular and attracts a large enough audience to warrant your time. The easiest way to know this is by whether the posts on the site generally receive many comments and/or social media engagements.
  2. 该博客接受来宾帖子。仅使用单个作家或员工中的某人的网站上没有意义的投球
  3. 该博客对其作者表示赞赏,并允许作者简历中的链接。如果没人知道您写这篇文章,您将一无所获。

Social Media



Stage 5: Create Your Blog and Content Strategy

建立积极个人品牌的最简单方法涉及定期博客和保持积极的社交媒体形象的混合。当Google Analytics(分析)可以使阅读令人沮丧时,在您的博客初期很容易灰心。但是,在线成功确实归结为两个步骤:

  1. 创建高质量的内容
  2. 尽可能积极地宣传您的内容


内容的类型将取决于您的利基市场。我们在影响者营销中心发现,长材内容在我们的金博宝188备用网址行业中最有效。我们的大多数人12个令人难以置信的个人品牌示例文章报告相同。奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)是一个例外,但这可能是因为她在离线环境中取名。

There is on other exception on this list, who made his name with short-form content. That is Seth Godin. He established himself as themaster of short blog posts。Indeed, his target audience would be stunned if Seth was to write the 2000-word plus pieces, favored by the likes of Neil Patel or Jon Morrow. His readers would probably skim read such a post, rather than taking in any nuances.


Stage 6: Create Your Social Media Strategy


While each channel does have its own rules and practices, you will still want to keep your presence on each as similar as possible.

Every social account that your target audience may find needs to look professional. Of course, the definition of “professional” does depend on your target audience and the persona you deliberately portray. Mark Manson’s social pages are, as you would expect, far less formal than Michael Hyatt’s are. However, you need to ensure that you never post anything that would appear inappropriate to your target audience.

Use that same professional profile photo on every social channel (and preferably on your website as well). If you really feel the need to have a Facebook or Instagram profile just for friends and family, set up one in a name that is different from the one you use in your public persona – and only accept friend requests from people you genuinely know in real life.

You will want to keep that consistency going, with the imagery you use on your social sites. Use the same color scheme on each of your social sites, along with the same types of images. You want to speak in the same “voice” on each of your social sites, using the same tone and forms of language.



正如我们所看到的使用Instagram主题标签来发展追随者的最终指南, hashtags are vital for Instagram success. Indeed, you can use up to 30 hashtags there. But in reality, you should probably limit yourself to no more than nine.

If you were to try nine hashtags on other platforms, you would have problems, however. The ideal tweet includes one or two hashtags. It is debatable whether hashtags have any value on Facebook at all.

因此,您应该为每个社交帐户自定义帖子。您的帖子应该相似 - 共享相同类型的内容并使用相同的音调 - 但适应每个网络的优势。

It is important to remember that users of social networks expect you to be social. You should share a variety of posts, both of yours and those of other people. Let your personality flow through at times. Whatever you do, do not just use your account for sales. That is the kiss of death on social networks.

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Stage 7: Outreach and Make Your Name Known


Outreach involves providing value to influencers in your niche – the people who already have established audiences who you hope to ‘borrow”.





You can use your elevator pitch whenever you meet anybody new who you feel could widen the spread of your personal brand.

Consider becoming a member of your local Chamber of Commerce or equivalent. Attend their meetings and events and talk to relevant people. Keep your eye out for relevant conferences related to your niche. They provide an excellent opportunity to meet people and engage them in conversation.

We have already discussed the benefits of having a coordinated social media strategy. You can use social media for outreach, too. Both Facebook and LinkedIn provide niche-based groups that may be of interest to you. Indeed, if you are particularly confident you could start your own groups on either of these platforms.

Just remember, though, these groups are for the benefit of all members. People quickly grow sick of anyone who merely wants to sell his products or talk solely about himself. You have to provide value to the group’s members. If you do that often enough, nobody will begrudge you the occasional personal promotion.

您可以扩大名称的范围的另一种方式是订阅HARO- 帮助记者出去。Haro每天三次向您发送记者的请求,以获取有关特定主题的信息或报价。努力回答与您的利基市场有关的问题。您很可能会发现记者在他或她的新闻文章中引用您的话,甚至可以链接到您的博客。

Another successful way to spread your name is to searchQuora有关与您的主题区域有关的问题。如果您觉得可以提供帮助,请写一篇信息丰富的文章。如果您希望人们注意到,它将需要具有高标准和乐于助人的帮助,因此不要使其看起来像广告。如果您有一篇有关Quora问题的人感兴趣的帖子,则可以在答案中链接到您的博客。

Stage 8: Find Yourself Mentors


A “personal brand” may suggest that it is all about you. No. To be successful, you will need to take any help you can get.

当你变得更好,你将开始增加access to successful players in your field. Many of these people will be happy to help and guide you.

Find mentors, to help you. Most successful people do. A mentor acts as a confidant who gives you direction and options. Of course, ultimately, you make your own choices. Your mentor is not here to tell you what to do. He or she is there to give you guidance as you make your decision, however.

结论 - 创建您的个人品牌

Personal branding can take considerable time and energy. You are not going to be able to do it quickly – it could take a significant time for you to become the “go to” person in your niche.

But people do succeed in building a recognized personal brand. And the ROI on that investment can be incredibly high.


This means that your personal brand needs to be very authentic and true to the real you. You cannot manufacture a persona and expect people to recognize you as the go-to person. If you try, it will not be long before people realize that you are as fictional as Harry Potter is, without his boyish charm or the ability to perform magic.

You can take inspiration from others, take on board your mentors’ ideas, and take note of your followers’ problems. Ultimately, you have to be you. You have to embrace your differences, and build the personal brand that matches your personality.


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