


What Is a Remote Job?

远程工作是罗可以做任何工作cation outside the business's main or satellite offices. The big appeal for a lot of these jobs is that you can do them from home (and maybe never wear pants again). Remote jobs require a certain level of competence and comfort with technology—even if you work for yourself, you're probably going to need to use a platform like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to conduct client meetings.

As with anything, there are advantages and disadvantages to remote jobs. Not needing to commute to anywhere except your sofa or home office is a huge perk of remote work. Plus, many remote jobs offer flexible schedules so you can adjust your schedule to maximize work-life balance. On the downside, remote jobs can be lonely for the extroverts among us and communication can sometimes be a challenge. Plus, you're not likely to have as much oversight as you would in an on-site job, so if you lack internal motivation to keep yourself on task remote work probably isn't the greatest fit for you.

20 Best Remote Jobs for 2021

准备从事远程工作并穿着睡衣工作了吗?这是20个最好的远程工作(不是side hustles, but legit remote jobs) we've found this year.


开发人员的工作可以从应用程序意味着什么,游戏,being a full-stack developer—pretty much anything to do with coding. If you're particularly techy and know how to code, you can find remote developer jobs in abundance. And, generally speaking, the remote jobs available for developers can be with top companies and pay pretty well. Not a developer? Try signing up for something like LaunchCode or taking some coding classes to learn. Once you have some knowledge under your belt, you can get connected with an internship or junior developer role.


Graphic designers是视觉创建者,创建从徽标到字体到信息图表以及两者之间的所有内容的所有内容。由于并非每个人都是艺术的,但是每个人都需要他们的内容(数字和印刷)来看起来艺术和专业,因此在整个行业都有需求。


你和人在一起吗?客户服务可能就在您的小巷上。许多在线零售商和企业雇用客户服务人员来远程处理工作 - 您只需要手机和互联网访问即可。如果这对您来说很有趣,请寻找虚拟呼叫中心工作,甚至是基于电子邮件或基于电子邮件的远程职位live chat customer service



5. Travel Agent

尽管Covid-19严重限制了2020年的旅游业,但这是新的一年,疫苗在这里!随着2021年的继续,越来越多的人接种疫苗,旅行将爆炸 - 大概是我们有一段时间没有看到的水平,因为人们终于可以离开家园。旅行社做出旅行安排,创建行程,并为各种客户提供有关商务旅行和假期的建议。而且,这是您可以从您拥有电话和互联网服务的任何地方完成的工作。

6. Outbound Sales

If you're persuasive, trustworthy, and love talking to strangers, you might just be the perfect fit for an outbound sales position. It's just like it sounds: you reach out to new people to tell them about how your employer's products or services will change their lives.

7. Web Designer

Web designers create websites for brands of all sizes and industries. As more and more businesses get online and eCommerce continues to expand, the need for qualified web designers is going to continue to increase. Web designers are creative professionals who use their technical and artistic skills to build eye-catching and functional websites or online storefronts. Some designers choose to specialize in a specific content management system or电子商务平台, like WordPress or Shopify.



9. Transcriptionist


10. ESL老师




12. Digital Marketer

数字营销人员通常会为其雇主处理在线业务 - 韦斯特人,SEO,博客策略,email marketing, social media, etc. The goal of a digital marketer is to bring in customers for their employer or clients (for freelance digital marketers). There's a lot of growth potential for digital marketers since they can always learn additional marketing skills that make them more attractive to larger businesses.

13. Writer


14. Bookkeeper

如今,簿记是一项受欢迎的远程工作。您可以作为自由簿记员自己开展业务,也可以找到远程工作的商业招聘簿记员(其中很多)并为其他人工作。如果您热爱数字,有组织,并且对会计原则有一定的了解,那么您可以成为簿记员 - 不需要学位。

15. Social Media Manager

Social media manager positions are the best remote jobs for people who understand what works on社交媒体平台188滚球地址例如Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Tiktok等。为了成功地担任这个角色,您需要对每个平台的所作所为和不做的事情以及最适合每个平台的类型熟悉。如果您也有分析的想法,那将为您提供一条腿social media strategy

16. Influencer

我们可能有点偏见,但我们认为这是一个影响者is one of the best remote jobs, period. If you understand social media and can create engaging and entertaining content, you can be successful as an influencer. It starts with building a following and then reaching out to brands you want to partner with (eventually, the brands might reach out to you). And, don't worry about having too few followers. There are many differenttypes of influencers在那里,品牌越来越了解纳米和微型影响者(具有1000多个追随者)的好处。





19. Project Manager

Project managers are in demand no matter the industry. These are the people who keep things moving. They're typically responsible for planning out deadlines, ensuring that resources and people are allocated appropriately to keep the project pushing ahead, and just generally make sure people stay on task. These days, it's important for project managers to be well-versed in敏捷系统,即使他们正在管理营销项目。


Content uploaders are the people who add copy and content to websites. This could be anything from uploading videos and images to adding product descriptions to importing blog posts or anything in between. What's really great about this remote job opportunity is that it doesn't require much more than the ability to navigate the backend of various content management systems.


既然您已经看到了可用的远程作业范围,那么您可能想知道如何找到自己的技能和目标之一。实际上,有几个致力于远程作业的工作网站。另外,许多传统的职业网站在其位置过滤器中都有“家中的工作”或“远程”选项。自Covid-19于2020年将世界发送给世界以来,此选项已越来越多。gig economy:

  • Flexjobs:该网站包括50个不同的工作类别的远程办公和远程工作,包括自由演出以及兼职和全职工作。
  • 我们远程工作:该网站每月有超过250万个访问者,并被亚马逊和Google等一些大牌公司使用。
  • Remote.co:该站点是由Flexjobs创建者创建的,仅专注于跨职位类别的远程作业,包括自由职业,兼职和全职远程工作。
  • 骰子:If you're a tech professional looking for a remote job, this is the site for you. Use the filters to choose remote work only and you're good to go.
  • Upwork:如果您正在寻找自由职业工作,那么UPWORK就值得一看。您会在网站上找到诸如Airbnb和Dropbox招聘自由职业者之类的大公司,其中包括营销,管理员,客户服务等几个工作类别。


There you have it—20 of our picks for the best remote jobs and where you can find them. The jobs we've included on this list can easily become remote careers, allowing you to earn a full-time income from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you want to travel.
