





在零工经济工作中,工人完成了小型任务,例如撰写文章,出版社交媒体内容, or delivering groceries in exchange for payment. Gig workers can work set hours or by project, depending on the tasks they need to complete. Many gig workers work a traditional job during set hours and devote a set of hours outside of that job for their gig job (orside hustle,正如他们有时所说的)。

Pros & Cons of Gig Jobs


One of the biggest advantages of gig worker jobs is the flexibility they provide. Gig workers can choose where they work and when as well as which clients they want to work with. Some gig workers will even be able to set their own rates. On the downside, gig economy jobs don't offer benefits like health insurance, vacation pay, or other things you might have come to expect from working traditional jobs. With a side hustle, you're essentially in business for yourself so if you're on your own if you need access to insurance or want to take time off.

Some gig workers use gig economy jobs to try something new. Taking on a side hustle that aligns with a career you're interested in is a great way to find out if you're actually going to enjoy it without disrupting your entire life and saying goodbye to your full-time job before you're sure. Of course, working more hours than you'd work in a traditional job is hard work. Despite the flexibility offered with gig economy jobs, some gig workers still suffer from burnout. Others become disillusioned with the inconsistent income that accompanies project-based work.

Types of Gig Economy Jobs


  • Driving and delivery:In these gig economy jobs, workers deliver people, food, and a number of other things using their car or bicycle.
  • 体力劳动:如果你强烈,喜欢清洁,或者其他handy, you can find jobs doing those things for others in exchange for money.
  • Skilled labor:您是木匠,磨坊主,水管工还是其他类型的熟练工人?您可以找到为需要这些技能的客户工作的零工经济工作。
  • 按需出租:出租您的房屋,汽车,船等,以赚取额外的钱。
  • 营销,写作,簿记和业务:If your talent lies in marketing, writing, bookkeeping, or other business tasks, you can find freelance work to supplement your income.

Where to Find Gig Economy Jobs

Most gig economy jobs can be found online on the sites that we've included below. We recommend starting off by signing up for accounts with the sites that cater to your specific skill set. This will give you access to the people who are looking to hire those with the very skills you have. Sometimes, though, you might not be able to find gig economy jobs that work for you online. Don't worry—we're going to share a few ways to find gig economy jobs offline, too.

Uber,Lyft和Amazon Flex


亚马逊弹性, you won't be delivering people but packages. Like Uber and Lyft, you'll use Amazon's app to find out where Amazon needs delivery drivers and take on as many deliveries as you want. Amazon Flex also looks for delivery drivers in local areas where they don't have hubs or large warehouses, so even if you're not right in a large metro area, this could be a good gig economy job for you.






Like Upwork,Fiverris a platform where freelancers can offer their services to customers looking for those skills. Most Fiverr jobs fall underdigital marketing,图形设计,写作和翻译。


For people who like more physical or tactile work, there'sTaskRabbit。Taskers on TaskRabbit can create a profile with their rates and experience level for the task categories in which they want to work. Tasks could be anything from cleaning to assembling furniture to gardening.




自由职业者是世界上最大的自由职业和众包平台,拥有超过247个国家 /地区的4500万企业和自由职业者。自2008年以来就不足为奇了。不幸的是,与自由职业者有低薪项目的历史,因此对于那些刚刚起步并试图迅速建立投资组合的人来说,这可能是最好的。



11 Best Gig Economy Jobs to Check Out



数字营销涵盖了许多不同的任务,例如电子邮件通讯,SEO,内容营销, 和更多。如果您有营销或文案的背景,数字营销是一项出色的零工经济工作。您可以通过UPWORK等网站在网上找到客户,并在您自己的家中舒适地远程工作。

2. Graphic Design

Graphic designers create the stunning images that businesses need to keep their leads and customers engaged and delighted. This could include graphics for社交媒体平台188滚球地址,徽标,书籍封面,网站设计或您热衷于创建的任何其他内容。


自由写作可以包括文案写作, content writing, and even journalism. If you're a strong writer who has never met a deadline you didn't love and you have expertise that you can leverage to find customers you actually want to work with, freelance writing is one of the most flexible gig economy jobs around.

4. Facebook广告管理

FacebookAds任何社交媒体平台的广告都是闯入数字营销的有趣方式。创建广告不需要任何特殊技能 - 只是敏锐的眼睛和一些文案写作技巧。您可以通过UPWORK和FIVERR等网站在线找到客户,并与当地企业接触以销售广告的重要性以及您创建它们的能力。

5. Handyman Services



有大量的送货服务和乘车共享业务一直在寻找驾驶员。如果您喜欢开车,但不想开车驱车,请考虑为邮政伴侣,Uber Eats,Doordash或其他食品送货服务提供食物。如果您是购物和开车,也有杂货店送货服务,例如Instacart。而且,我们已经提到了Amazon Flex,但是如果您有兴趣交付软件包,它将在这里重复。

7. Instagram营销人员

如果您喜欢Instagram,我们将为您提供好消息。Instagram是影响者营销的好地方,并成为金博宝188备用网址Instagram影响者is easier than you probably think. If you're serious about Instagram marketing, we recommend working on增长您的Instagram关注并与听众互动。随着您的关注者数量的增加,您将变得对品牌作为影响者的吸引力。一旦您有能力,您可能需要考虑加入金博宝188备用网址影响者营销网络to help you get connected with brands looking for influencers.


8. dog狗,宠物坐着或保姆


9. Airbnb主持人

We've already talked about renting out space as an Airbnb host, but it's really one of the easiest gig economy jobs. If you want to get creative and add value for renters, you can set up local experiences like brewery tours, hikes, bar hops, and more.

10. Coding


11. Create and Sell Online Courses



