Build a Winning DeFi Social Media Marketing Strategy

分散的金融(DEFI)仍然是一项相对较新的金融技术,但这并没有阻止多年来其受欢迎程度的急剧上升。实际上,区块链市场规模预计将被重视$67.4 billion by 2026



Build a Winning DeFi Social Media Marketing Strategy:





While other factors come into play, like branding, PR, SEO, and ratings, a good way to get your project’s name out there is through social media. But before you begin creating posts, doing giveaways, or working with influencers, develop a strategy with a clear direction.


Define Your Goals

Before jumping into the deliverables, define what outcomes you want from your marketing. This will guide you when implementing any promotion or investing resources into a campaign.

Some examples of goals for your DeFi project include:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Boosting utilization of your project
  • 将流量推向着陆页
  • Generating community engagement


  • 一定数量landing page visits在一个月
  • A specific number of提及在社交媒体上
  • 增加百分比使用或收入
  • 社交资料页面查看,转发或评论
  • A number ofcoins从气流发送

Decide Who Your Target Audience Is



Once you know your target audience, put yourself in their shoes to better understand them. If there’s a popular Youtuber or Influencer in your target audience, watch some of their videos. If there’s a subreddit where your audience frequently posts, get in on the discussion.

Think about hashtags your audience follows on Twitter and Instagram. What Tiktok accounts get a lot of engagement? While it may seem tedious to go through different social media channels, looking through threads will help you learn your audience. In turn, you can produce content that caters to their interests.


想想您的前五名竞争对手 - 建立的项目甚至像您这样的初创项目。他们用哪些社交媒体渠道来推广他们的项目?他们发布哪些内容格式(视频,静态图像,新闻等)?


  • How often do they post on social media?
  • Do they sponsor content?
  • 他们与有影响力的人合作吗?
  • 他们是在进行赠品还是空投?
  • How actively are they engaging with their followers?
  • 他们使用什么标签?
  • How do they brand themselves?



Now that you’ve gotten a feel for what your audience wants and nabbed a few ideas from your competitors, it’s time to narrow down which channels you’ll publish to.


reddit:An excellent channel for discussions, news, and content about DeFi projects. Popular subreddits among the DeFi community include:


YouTube:如果您的预算不在您的预算之内,可以创建视频内容,请参加!流行的与Defi相关的YouTube频道99bitcoins,,,,Coinsider,,,,和白板加密have hundreds of thousands of subscribers and bring in many views per video. Educational content created by experts in the industry is highly valued.


However, some accounts aren’t as credible and promote projects more than deliver educational, unbiased content, which can be frustrating for users. But that doesn’t mean exclude it from the channels you post on.



Use the information you’ve gathered from your competitor research to determine how often you should post and what captions and hashtags to use. With social media, the more active you are, the better—but don’t spam your followers. A few posts a week is a good start.


使用免费的,预制的模板在线(或创建自己的)在Google表上设计一个日历。另一个选择是通过社交媒体管理平台制作您的编辑日历188滚球地址之后,,,,发芽社交, 或者Buffer。These platforms allow you to plan your posts and draft, schedule, and publish social posts directly on social media channels like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more.


Influencer marketing is prominent in the DeFi and crypto communities. Word of mouth can make a startup DeFi project viral with proper promotion.

但是有一个陷阱 - 对与您合作的影响者保持警惕。很大的追随者并不意味着信誉。有人很容易为追随者,点击,订婚等付款。

Do some research to find trusted influencers your audience respects.

DeFi Dad例如,是YouTuber的著名YouTuber和影响者。他的格式包括与各种与区块链技术有关的主题的专家进行交谈。

You can take various approaches when collaborating with influencers, like hosting airdrops, giveaways, being a panelist on a webinar or podcast, and more.

不要只是发帖 - 活跃在社区中

区块链空间是一个社区,尤其是在Twitter和Reddit上。因此,不要只是发布 - 是对话的一部分。跟随有影响力的人,竞争对手,新闻媒体,Defi项目爱好者,并与趋势讨论保持同步。


如果人们参与您的内容,请尽量不要等待几天来做出回应 - 钥匙正在积极且一致。

Track Your Results

Now, for those KPIs we mentioned earlier. Once you’ve done your research and put together your content plan, you’ll need to track your results to see if your strategy is successful or what the ROI is on your campaign.

Let’s say your primary goal was to generate brand awareness for your new DeFi project and get your name out there. Your KPIs may be the number of followers you gained, how much engagement your social channels received, or how many views your content garnered.



Wrapping Up

Yes, it may seem like a lot of work to get a social media strategy up and running, but the time you spend doing the research pays off once you see the results.


