
需要一些帮助您的化妆技能吗?或者,也许您正在寻找美容影响者来推广您的产品?无论哪种方式,我们现在都可以覆盖您的30位最佳美容影响者列表。我们在此列表中展示的美容影响者来自各种不同的背景 - 化妆师,护肤专家,美容爱好者 - 但他们都有一个共同点:当您寻找最新趋势时,它们是美容影响者,最好的产品和围绕所有事物的教育。


许多品牌正在转向beauty influencers这些天来推广他们的产品。这是一个更便宜的选择,可以吸引名人来吹捧您的产品的好处,而有影响力的人在他们使用的社交媒体平台上的参与度往往更好。188滚球地址另外,美容影响者以推动信封和逆转常规美容规范而闻名,为该行业开辟了一条大胆的新道路。

Fromnano-influencers to mega-influencers两者之间的所有内容,我们将涵盖您可以用来提高美容品牌营销的最佳和最聪明的东西,或者只是学习如何掌握削减折痕。

1.Michelle Wong

Michelle Wong of @LabMuffinBeautyScience is more than a beauty influencer. She has a Ph.D. in medicinal and supramolecular chemistry! As you can imagine, this sets her up as an authority when it comes to the science behind skincare. In addition to in-depth product reviews and product tutorials, Michelle dives deep into how beauty products work and how our skin reacts to them. If you want to get into the science behind beauty, Michelle Wong is a beauty influencer to follow!

2.Huda Kattan

Huda Kattan是一位前化妆师,她的职业生涯始于2010年的博客作者。此后,她以Huda Beauty的名字推出了一系列美容产品。Huda带来了数万美元赞助帖子and is incredibly selective about the brands she works with. Makes sense since she has her own beauty line.

3.Nyane Lebajoa

Nyane Lebajoa是莱索托(Lesotho)的美容影响者,她一生都在英国度过。她Instagram提要is filled with stunning images covering everything from wigs to fashion to makeup. She currently works with Temper Hair and NYX Cosmetics. From Nyane, you can expect to get high-fashion, professional-grade images with a bit of spice.

4.Hikari Murakami

Hikari Murakami是居住在南加州的化妆师和妈妈。在她的Instagram个人资料, she shares easy-to-do beauty tips, insights into life as a mom, and Japanese recipes. Hikari encourages her followers to focus on emphasizing their natural beauty and keeps them up-to-date about all the latest beauty trends and products.

5.凯蒂·简·休斯(Katie Jane Hughes)

凯蒂·简·休斯(Katie Jane Hughes)是一位名人和社论化妆师,他利用她的平台来教追随者,从如何获得露水,新生婴儿的光芒到可以进行工作就绪的化妆的技巧。她与Net-A-Porter,Weleda和Glossier等品牌合作,以其大胆而充满活力的化妆外观而闻名。在她的Instagram帐户上,您会发现皮肤护理建议和美容技巧。


如果您喜欢美丽,您可能听说过詹姆斯·查尔斯. In 2016, he became the first male-identifying brand ambassador for CoverGirl. Over the course of his career, he's been mired in controversy. However, he still has an enormous following and has recently (as of April 2021) taken a break from posting on his YouTube channel.

7。Ashley Quiroz

Ashley Quiroz是一位才华横溢的化妆师,两个孩子的母亲,也应该关注的美容人物。在她的YouTube频道,她确实比较了现在和更早的时期化妆趋势,分享自己的化妆和护肤程序,并尝试从顶级美容品牌中使用产品。

8。杰基·艾娜(Jackie Aina)

杰基·艾纳(Jackie Aina)是美容领域的尼日利亚裔美国人YouTube影响者。她的视频令人难以置信,她分享了有关该行业顶级产品的诚实评论。除了美容内容外,您还会发现她的自我保健建议并提及她的自我保健品牌Forvr的情绪。杰基(Jackie)是化妆品行业中有色人种的可见性的强有力的拥护者。

9。Nikkie De Jager

Nikkie De Jager transgender woman with a famous YouTube makeup tutorial channel. Her personal brand is all about empowerment, breaking free of social norms, and being true to yourself. Her skills as a makeup artist are off the charts — she regularly shares stunning costume makeup looks as well as beautiful surprises like her butterfly eye makeup look. If you're looking for a way to set your brand apart from the other beauty brands out there, having Nikkie as a品牌代言人would do it.

10.纳贝拉·诺尔(Nabela Noor)

纳贝拉·诺尔(Nabela Noor)是Instagram影响者in beauty. She has her own lifestyle brand, Zeba, and uses Instagram to challenge the beauty standards imposed by society. She's an ambassador for Glamour's #BlendOutBullying campaign and was featured on the cover of Glamour Magazine UK in February 2020. Her mission is to "redefine beauty one post at a time," and since she's partnered with several top beauty brands like NARS Cosmetics, Sephora, GlamGlow, and Anastasia Beverly Hills, it seems that she's accomplishing it.




克里斯塔·艾伦(Christa Allen)是一名演员转变为界面的人。她在这两个方面都建立了广泛的追随者蒂克托克和Instagram。在她的饲料中,您会发现健康摄影,化妆教程等的精心策划组合。


杰夫里之星is not only a successful beauty influencer on YouTube, he also has his own line of cosmetics. On his YouTube channel, Jeffree shares information and education about his own products. You'll also find product reviews, behind-the-scenes, and more.

14.Anna O.Brien

安娜·奥·布赖恩(Anna O. Brien)在蒂克托克(Tiktok)上积累了巨大的追随者,这在很大程度上要归功于她的精力和闪闪发光的个性。她是一位出色的化妆师,具有从大胆和醒目的外观到日常穿着的技能。她最近出版了一本书叫充满光明的生活:积极思考,自我接受并在(有时)消极的世界中找到火花的指南.

15.Nyma Tang

Nyma Tang is a Sudanese beauty blogger andYouTube影响者. Her YouTube seriesThe Darkest Shade非常受欢迎。在该系列中,NYMA测试了许多品牌中最黑暗的肤色阴影,以找到包容性产品。除了她的化妆教程外,NYMA还具有皮肤,头发和指甲尖端,以及针对深色肤色的美容建议。

16。米歇尔·潘(Michelle Phan)

米歇尔·潘(Michelle Phan)通常被称为“原始美容vlogger”。她已经在互联网的几年中已经存在了很长时间,共享化妆教程,创建了自己的化妆系列,然后从2015年开始从互联网中消失了几年后卷土重来。她的YouTube频道充满了每天钉住每天的化妆品hacks。寻找服装化妆外观等等。

17。Em Ford

Em Ford是另一位美容影响者,她开始写博客,此后在YouTube上积累了超过一百万的关注者,在Instagram上积累了约80万。尽管有严重的痤疮,但EM还是作为美容影响者建立了巨大的追随者,她的#RedefinePretty运动针对污名和欺凌,围绕着胎记,痤疮和疤痕等皮肤状况。

18。Desi Perkins

Desi Perkinsis a former makeup artist who has launched her own brand, Dezi Skin. On Instagram and YouTube, you'll find her sharing makeup tutorials on everything from perfecting the smokey eye to Halloween makeup. She also shares self-care tips, hair help, product reviews, and has recently started sharing more about becoming a mother.

19。Hannah Mussette

如果您想了解自然的护发,汉娜·马斯塞特(Hannah Mussette)是您的首选美容影响者。在她的YouTube频道上,她教订阅者如何在家中自己做自己的盒辫子,完美的无热卷发等。她还分享了护肤视频,生活更新,并尝试了不同的产品。

20。雷切尔·克莱尔·莱文(Rachel Claire Levin)

雷切尔·克莱尔·莱文(Rachel Claire Levin)是一位美容影响者,他在史蒂夫·哈维(Steve Harvey)的一集中扮演,拥有超过1400万YouTube用户。2020年,雷切尔(Rachel)推出了自己的化妆品牌RclóCosmetics。她也有崭露头角的音乐事业。

21。Shannon Harris

眼影艺术家和指甲艺术家Shannon Harris自2009年以来一直在YouTube上。这些天,她的YouTube视频涵盖了所有妆容,从新产品测试到剪裁到混乱,有时是低调的化妆外观。香农看起来像是刻板印象的“隔壁女孩”,对于美容影响者来说,她花了很多时间在没有化妆的情况下花在相机上。您也可以在Instagram和Tiktok上找到她。


摄影师兼化妆师罗宾·布莱克(Robin Black)在手柄“ Beautyisboring”上进行。当然,她在Instagram提要上分享的外观不过是。她专门研究肖像摄影,通常具有鲜艳,鲜艳的色彩。罗宾于2020年初发行美容素描本(illustrated by Regina Yazdi) which shows the step-by-step process to create gorgeous makeup looks on your own, from eyebrows to lips.

23.曼尼·古铁雷斯(Manny Gutierrez)

曼尼·古铁雷斯(Manny Gutierrez)是一位自学成才的美容影响者,在Instagram上拥有超过400万追随者。在他的饲料中,他分享了产品评论,化妆教程,生活方式帖子,并为如何使低质量化妆的追随者提供了提示。他与之合作基于订阅的业务Boxycharm并代表像Lunar Beauty这样的品牌。另外,他与其他影响者Liza Koshy合作。如果您正在寻找一个男性身份,身体阳性的美容影响者,请关注Manny Gutierrez。


塔瓦里斯·杰斐逊is beautiful. There's no debating it. He's also a talented makeup artist who regularly serves up glam. His Instagram feed is filled with short videos and jaw-dropping selfies that will inspire you to create your own makeup looks.

25.thuy le

thuy leis a London-based makeup artist, beauty influencer, andYouTube名人whose makeup tutorials are both beautiful and entertaining. On her YouTube channel, Thuy shares about her life via vlogs, and no topic is taboo — she shares about Brazilian butt lifts, her plastic surgery experience, and more. In addition to life updates, you'll find product reviews for some high-profile brands. In the past, she's partnered with brands like Urban Decay, Fenty Beauty, and Too Faced.

26.Shayla Mitchell

Shayla Mitchell是一个美容的影响者,品牌代言人适用于ColorPop化妆品。在她的Instagram提要上,她使用从休闲到完整的魅力的样式分享了时尚,美丽和化妆。她一直在发布一些很棒的化妆教程InstagramReels,您还可以在YouTube上找到她共享的化妆教程。


亚伦风暴是一个非二进制美影响者shares absolutely stunning eye makeup work. They also share about their skincare routine, but the real star of the show is the artistry behind these eye makeup looks. Keep an eye on them!


基坦is a beauty influencer who provides tips and tricks on the production behind beauty influencing. You'll find her sharing about how to编辑您的Instagram照片或促进她创建的预设。Kiitan的外观令人惊叹,她一直在与沃尔玛和TJ Maxx等主要品牌合作也就不足为奇了。

29。Rin Rodriguez

Rin Rodriguezis a gender-nonconforming beauty influencer who shows off bright hair, piercings, and fashion and makeup that gives a big nod to goth. Truthfully, despite the sometimes harsh (but beautiful) makeup and fashion looks, Rin still looks like an adorable little pixie. And, it's not all goth — they often show off looks that are more whimsical and light. Either way, Rin pulls it off. That's probably why they've partnered with brands like Urban Decay, Milk Makeup, and Ink of Elation.


我们要谈论的最后一个美容影响者是ZoëSugg。这位英国影响者近十年来一直是最佳美容人士的影响者之一。她开始在YouTube上时尚运输和美容产品运输视频. Since then, she's amassed millions of followers on YouTube and Instagram and has launched her own beauty and lifestyle brands. She's even launched an incredibly popular beauty and lifestyle blog, Zoella, and has written and published a few books. Zoë's team also partnered with Lush Cosmetics to promote a mental health campaign, #DigitalDetoxDay, on IGTV.


Who are the top beauty influencers?


1. Michelle Wong
2. Huda Kattan
3. Nyane Lebajoa
5.凯蒂·简·休斯(Katie Jane Hughes)
7。Ashley Quiroz
8.杰基·艾娜(Jackie Aina)
9。Nikkie De Jager
10. Nabela Noor
11. Renée
13. Jeffree Star
14. Anna O. Brien
15. Nyma Tang
16. Michelle Phan
17。Em Ford
18. Desi Perkins
19。Hannah Mussette
21。Shannon Harris
23. Manny Gutierrez
24. Tavaris Jefferson
25. Thuy Le
26. Shayla Mitchell
29. Rin Rodriguez

What are beauty influencers?



The best beauty influencers are confident, artistic, and passionate. Many of them use their platforms to advocate for projects they believe in and look for brands to represent that support their values.
