
Subscription-based business models are nothing new. Things like Netflix, Spotify, and your email marketing service are all subscription-based services. And subscription-based business is booming. The latest research shows that subscription-based businesses are getting 5X faster revenue growth than the S&P 500 to the tune of 18.2% vs. 3.6%.

Part of the reason that subscription-based businesses are thriving is that technology makes it easy. Business owners can upload content, live stream, and accept payments with ease. Plus, CRM software mixed with email marketing makes staying in touch with customers to build and nurture those relationships easier than ever before.

But a lot goes into turning a profit.


Want to find out your earnings potential? Check out our Subscription Revenue Calculator.










Through the subscription revenue model, business owners generate revenue by charging a recurring fee processed at regular intervals. When subscription-based businesses are able to培养长期客户关系,这会导致经常收入,只要企业努力继续增加其他客户并保留他们已经拥有的客户,就会随着时间的推移而复合。


There are two key differences between subscription revenue and regular revenue: recurring payments and the importance of customer retention. No matter what you're selling, if you're using the subscription revenue model, you'll want to be sure that you're providing continuing value to your customers so they continue to subscribe.





You can get just about anything in a subscription box these days. From pet supplies and toys to make-up to tea and beyond, there's probably a subscription box for it.


So many software companies have gone for a SaaS (Software-as-a-Subscription) service model. If the software can be used online, it's likely to have a subscription-based model. This goes for everything from accounting software like QuickBooks toemail marketing services


This type of subscription-based business is similar to the subscription boxes we've already talked about. Instead of paying for a box of products, however, you might be paying for recurring shipments of consumable supplies like toilet paper, razor blades, or electric toothbrush heads.

New to eCommerce? Here’s如何开始电子商务业务在2021年。


These subscriptions give you access to private content. Netflix, Spotify, and OnlyFans fall into this category as do countless others. With these services, you're typically paying for on-demand content or other perks (like free shipping).

How to Start a Subscription-Based Business



What are you hoping to accomplish with your subscription-based business? No matter whether your goal is to hit a specific revenue, sell a specific number of subscriptions, or getting a certain number of customers, you need to figure it out. This will help you target the right audience and set the right pricing.


2. Do Research




  • Which companies offer similar products
  • 他们有,他们失踪的特性
  • 他们的客户对他们的看法(这是找出客户想要和没有得到的好机会)
  • 他们的消息是什么样的

社交听力is a great tool you can use for competitive analysis. This is the practice of analyzing social media messages, comments, mentions, and more on a specific topic.



Identify Your Target Audience



Product-market fit simply means where your subscription-based business fits into the market. This research helps you validate your business and understand how many people are in need of the solution you have to offer. Once you've shown that there's a need, you know you have a viable offer.


完成后research on your competitors,您将获得有关目标受众的大量信息,可以用来创建买家角色。买方角色是代表您的目标受众或理想客户的虚构人的详细概况。如果您的订阅业务是B2B, your buyer personas will be representations of your perfect fictional client business or brand. No matter if you're a B2B or B2C business, however, you're very likely to end up with more than one buyer persona.


Some businesses might call that good and skip out on creating buyer personas because they think they're too much work.



To start building your buyer personas, take another look at the data you've already collected about your target audience and start segmenting it. Note the characteristics of your potential customers, what they're like, and how you can reach them. Once you have your audience segmented into three to five (or more) buyer personas, start to flesh out those personas as though they're real people before moving on to buildingmarketing strategies您可能会用来针对那些买家。


Where your unique selling proposition is about where you are in relation to your competitors, your价值主张is more customer-focused and focuses on how your subscription-based business will improve their lives. This makes it a lot easier for potential customers to justify signing up. Take the time to build an obvious value proposition so your customers have no doubt what's in it for them. This might mean:

  • Directly explaining the value of your subscription business to your customers, preferably with facts and figures to back your claims up.
  • 向潜在客户展示您与竞争对手的不同以及为什么选择自己的意义是有道理的。
  • 吸引人们进入您的品牌和业务,鼓励他们学习更多。


5. Set the Right Price


  • 扁平率:以固定价格提供套装功能
  • Tiered:offering different sets of features at different pricing.
  • 基于用法:the "pay as you go" model where customers only pay for what they use
  • 使用者:客户根据使用多少人来付款
  • 胜诉:客户根据特定产品功能付款
  • Freemium:customers can try out your product (usually with limited features) for a trial period


6. Test and Analyze

After doing competitor research, building comprehensive buyer personas, creating your value proposition, and setting your price it's time to test out your strategy. One of the most common ways to do this is with a beta launch or field trial. Here's how to conduct a beta launch:

  • 查找用户。寻找与您的买家角色相匹配的测试人员,因此您将从最喜欢目标客户的人那里获得有价值的信息。
  • 得到反馈。您需要测试用户的定量和定性反馈。定量反馈是数值的(是或否,按比例等级等),并提供可用于查找模式和做出预测的数据。定性反馈是非数字的(文本,视频或音频响应)。这些数据可帮助您了解概念,观点和经验,因此您可以获得更深入的见解或产生新的想法。
  • Tweak your offer.根据您收到的反馈,对您的报价进行调整,然后重试。

You don't need to limit yourself to doing beta tests only at the beginning. You can use them for changes to your offer whenever you want. They're a great way to get a better understanding of your audience and what works for them.




Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

MRR is the monthly revenue that comes in from your subscriptions and is a good indicator of your business's health. When you're just starting out, aim for an MRR in the double digits—10%–20%. Here's the formula:


ARPU is the average revenue brought in from each subscription over a specific timeframe. This shouldn't include free or freemium users. This number can tell you if you have too many customers in either high or low-priced plans. If you have a lot of customers paying for the high-priced products, there's a good possibility that many of those users would gladly pay more. If you have too many customers in the low-priced plans, however, you probably need toimprove your marketingor increase the value of your higher-priced plans so subscribers find them to be worth the extra money.




Lifetime Value (LTV)

CLV的平均收入带来的a specific customer over the life of that customer (how long they've been a customer). This can help you understand how much money you should allocate to marketing to get new customers. Here's the formula:


How to Start an Email Subscription Business

你知道你可以使用email newsletter作为有利可图的订阅业务?付费新闻通讯将帮助您产生重复的收入,但是要使您的电子邮件新闻通讯保持吸引力和有价值,以使订阅者每月返回。在本节中,我们将向您展示如何开始电子邮件订阅业务。

Set a Goal




First, you need to identify your ideal student. We recommend looking back through the section about creating a buyer persona and create buyer personas for each of the types of people you're targeting. Keep in mind not only what your target audience looks like but also how your online course can benefit them.



  • Expertise.If you're an expert in a certain field or subject, create an online course for it.
  • Personal experience.You don't have to be a professional to have knowledge about a topic that people will pay to learn about. You can draw on your personal experience to create a high-quality and valuable course.
  • 对您来说是新的。If you don't have the expertise or personal experience in a topic, you can still create a great course about it. Sharing what you're learning in real-time is very helpful for the people who are also curious about your topic but don't want to go it alone.

Before you commit to a topic, be sure to check out your would-be competition to make sure that you have a full understanding of what's already available on your topic. Don't shy away from topics that have high competition—it just means that there's demand there. Of course, you don't want to fight with your competitors for scraps, so we recommend choosing a topic that has a nice, middle-of-the-road level of competition.


首先创建你的大纲in your course. With that outline, you'll have a better understanding of how many lessons your course will need. You'll also want to look for ways you can increase your course's value and price through upsells and bonus content.

After you've outlined your course, you'll need a way to make it pretty,创建一个在线课程着陆页并交付。



  • Community.一个engaged online community is a big selling point for online courses. The platform you choose should include a community element so students can develop relationships and learn from one another.
  • 动态课程。您不想提供一块文字。当然,您可以,但是具有动态内容的课程,例如图像,视频,下载,GIF等,对于潜在学生来说将是更大的吸引力。
  • 扩张。您可能不会在一门课程中停止,因此寻找一个平台,该平台可以轻松添加其他内容和更多课程……甚至可以添加突破性和策划组。
  • 可移植性。Everyone is on their mobile devices these days. Find an online course platform that will be with students wherever they are, accessible from both desktop and mobile devices.

Establish Pricing


  • How long it took you to create the course
  • 课程质量和相关内容
  • How involved you (or the instructors) will be in providing live sessions, feedback, etc.
  • 从长远来看,课程为学生创造的价值


Launch Your Online Course

您准备启动!我们建议将您的课程启动到一个小组,然后再将其发布给世界。这使您有机会测试您的课程并从测试人员那里获得反馈,因此您可以在完整发布之前对课程进行调整。如果您的测试发布良好,或者您已经采用了必要的更改,则可以market your online course致全世界。




在这里,我们再次与目标受众在一起。如果您正在营销或影响者,您永远不会摆脱识别目标受众的需求。这些人对您所说的话感兴趣。实际上,他们很感兴趣,以至于他们愿意为此付出代价。当您定义目标受众时,您可以创建targeted marketing campaigns这会引入新的订户,并防止您的现有订户离开。

3. Set a Schedule


4. Set Your Price

We've already covered the various pricing models you can use for your subscription-based business so refer to that section for a refresher. Most paid subscriptions are priced between $2–$15 per month. However, we recommend doing some研究竞争对手and how much they charge for paid email newsletter subscriptions. Just remember that the higher your price point, the more value you need to provide.

5. Set Up Your Email Marketing Service and Payment Options

首先将您的付款平台(PayPal,Stripe等)连接到您的电子邮件营销服务。由于付款平台和188滚球地址email marketing services是如此不同,您需要检查特定平台的文档。188滚球地址

6. Create a Landing Page

It may be tempting to just push your paid email newsletter subscription anywhere on your website you can, it makes a huge difference having a dedicated landing page to sell the subscription. This way, you can go into detail about what subscribers will get for their ongoing investment and how often you'll be sending emails among other things. A custom landing page makes it a lot easier to sell just about anything.

7. Grow Your Email List




Membership sites can be either paid or free (or both) and involve gating (locking or hiding) certain content or sections on your website. This gated content is only available after people subscribe. There are different types of membership sites:

  • 滴水。订阅者每月支付每月添加新内容的访问权限的每月付款。
  • 全in。Subscribers get access to all the content at once. You'll want to be sure to add something valuable that happens on a recurring basis to keep subscribers around.
  • Online community.订户支付访问私人论坛和团体的费用。
  • Service.订户支付包括通过会员部分访问资源和工具的服务。188金宝慱网站




Once you have a few ideas for a niche, check out your competition and the market. Who are your competitors? What are they doing? What kinds of products and services are there? Are people paying for information in this niche?

2. Validate Your Offer

So, you've chosen a niche. Now it's time to take a much closer look at your competitors to find out what they're offering, who is taking them up on those offers, how they're targeting potential customers, how successful they are, and more. You can also use SEO tools to find out if people are searching for your niche (the more people are searching for it, the higher the demand). Another great way to find out if your membership site offers something that people are looking for is to check online forums and社交媒体to find out if people are talking about it.

3. Create Your Minimum Viable Product



How is your membership site going to make money?

If you answered "people are going to pay to join," you have more planning to do if you want your membership site to be profitable.


These are the questions you'll need to answer about your own pricing and offering to create a获利策略


There are all sorts of membership platforms like卡哈比,新生和愿望清单会员,使创建梦想中的会员网站变得容易。如果您使用wordpress.org来管理您的网站,则有几个高质量的会员网站插件,可让您只需单击几下将WordPress网站转换为会员网站。


找到正确的会员网站平台和付款处理器后,您就可以创建和发布您的内容based on the specifications of your chosen membership site platform.


Member engagement is key to your growth. This might mean offering live webinars, members-only forums or Slack channels, private Facebook groups where members can interact with the business owner, and more. The goal is to create a membership site that keeps subscribers engaged and feeling like they're constantly getting value from their investment. You can also use their feedback and comments to guide your future features, services, and products.



  • IsMyGirl.每月订阅,消息迷,通过请求创建自定义内容等等。
  • IsMyGuy.The men-only alternative to IsMyGirl.
  • 忠诚。每月订阅,消息迷,通过请求创建自定义内容等等。
  • mym.fans。每月订阅,消息迷,通过请求创建自定义内容等等。
  • Fancentro。每月订阅,消息迷,通过请求创建自定义内容等等。You also get landing pages to help promote your page.


  • Buy Me a Coffee.一个基于捐赠的会员平台,可以接受粉丝的一次性和每月支持。
  • Ko-fi.Similar to Buy Me a Coffee, subscribers can make monthly donations for creators.
  • SubscribeStar.一个独立的会员平台,可满足教育工作者,音乐家和视觉艺术家的需求。
  • 锚听者的支持。A Patreon-style subscription service that allows creators to receive recurring donations from fans.



Set a Goal




First, you need to identify your ideal student. We recommend looking back through the section about creating a buyer persona and create buyer personas for each of the types of people you're targeting. Keep in mind not only what your target audience looks like but also how your online course can benefit them.



  • Expertise.If you're an expert in a certain field or subject, create an online course for it.
  • Personal experience.You don't have to be a professional to have knowledge about a topic that people will pay to learn about. You can draw on your personal experience to create a high-quality and valuable course.
  • 对您来说是新的。If you don't have the expertise or personal experience in a topic, you can still create a great course about it. Sharing what you're learning in real-time is very helpful for the people who are also curious about your topic but don't want to go it alone.

Before you commit to a topic, be sure to check out your would-be competition to make sure that you have a full understanding of what's already available on your topic. Don't shy away from topics that have high competition—it just means that there's demand there. Of course, you don't want to fight with your competitors for scraps, so we recommend choosing a topic that has a nice, middle-of-the-road level of competition.


首先创建你的大纲in your course. With that outline, you'll have a better understanding of how many lessons your course will need. You'll also want to look for ways you can increase your course's value and price through upsells and bonus content.

After you've outlined your course, you'll need a way to make it pretty,创建一个在线课程着陆页并交付。



  • Community.一个engaged online community is a big selling point for online courses. The platform you choose should include a community element so students can develop relationships and learn from one another.
  • 动态课程。您不想提供一块文字。当然,您可以,但是具有动态内容的课程,例如图像,视频,下载,GIF等,对于潜在学生来说将是更大的吸引力。
  • 扩张。您可能不会在一门课程中停止,因此寻找一个平台,该平台可以轻松添加其他内容和更多课程……甚至可以添加突破性和策划组。
  • 可移植性。Everyone is on their mobile devices these days. Find an online course platform that will be with students wherever they are, accessible from both desktop and mobile devices.

Establish Pricing


  • How long it took you to create the course
  • 课程质量和相关内容
  • How involved you (or the instructors) will be in providing live sessions, feedback, etc.
  • 从长远来看,课程为学生创造的价值


Launch Your Online Course

您准备启动!我们建议将您的课程启动到一个小组,然后再将其发布给世界。这使您有机会测试您的课程并从测试人员那里获得反馈,因此您可以在完整发布之前对课程进行调整。如果您的测试发布良好,或者您已经采用了必要的更改,则可以market your online course致全世界。


Congratulations! Your subscription-based business is launched. Now what?


You've put a lot of work into getting your subscription-based offering ready for your target audience and now you need to do the work of promoting it. Fortunately, with the rise of social media, the steady reliability ofemail marketing, and the power of partnerships and influencer relationships, marketing your course can actually be pretty easy and even fun.


Email marketing has the best ROI of any marketing channel with a4200% return。这意味着您有可能每花1美元赚42美元。您的电子邮件列表是开始营销基于订阅的业务的第一个也是最佳场所。您甚至可以使用免费试用或迷你课程来鼓励您的电子邮件订阅者尝试基于订阅的业务。


A social media presence is important for any business, but if you're selling a subscription-based product or service it's vital to be active on the social media platforms your target audience uses. Be sure to create a page or profile for your business on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other social media platform that makes sense to reach the right audience. Beyond that, you'll need to employ社交媒体marketing strategies为了使您的观众对您的品牌以及您所提供的产品感到兴奋和兴奋。

Partnerships and Influencer Marketing

金博宝188备用网址is a fantastic way to build excitement about your subscription-based business. You'll need to find an influencer that fits with your brand's personality and who appreciates and understands the products and services you're selling. And don't be afraid to reach out to your network to find other people and businesses to partner with.


