
Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit us in 2020, virtual events have become a mainstay in our work and social lives. Even as we appear to be nearing the end of this pandemic, it seems as if virtual meetings, conferences, and other events will be a permanent fixture in the全球事件市场。有些人仍然对大型聚会感到不舒服,而出于健康原因,确实无法参加面对面的会议。


由于虚拟事件的便利性,所谓的“混合事件”的普及 - 面对面和虚拟事件的混合。这只是您的标准实体活动,增加了技术,可以为那些无法参加的人提供虚拟出勤。一学习发现podlecial的混合动力或虚拟聚会仅占所有事件的18.9%。大流行之后,数字发生了变化,有59.5%的活动计划者接受采访,表明他们打算继续进行混合事件。只有5.4%的受访者无意组织混合事件,而35.1%的受访者可能会回答。



Virtual Events Statistics You Need To Know:


  • 到2027年,虚拟事件的市场估计将达到3665亿美元。

2021年,全球虚拟展会的市场价值ed at$114 billion,专家估计它将大致增长3660亿美元到2027年。其增长的主要因素是全球互联网使用率的流行率。有了互联网,世界上越来越多的人能够远程连接和合作。这自然会导致对在线会议和会议的需求增加,以便能够有效地工作。


  • Webinars are the most popular form of virtual events.

网络研讨会最高Statista的民意调查在2020年最喜欢的数字活动中。ON24网络研讨会基准报告2021揭示了这一点营销人员的72%say that webinars directly impact their revenue and pipeline. Meanwhile, 99% of respondents from the small business and enterprise sector in aStatista调查说,网络研讨会是其营销策略的重要组成部分。据89%的受访者称,网络研讨会提供的潜在客户比其他渠道要多得多。此外,有78%的人报告说,网络研讨会降低了其每条线索成本。

查看我们的清单顶级影响金博宝188备用网址者营销活动和网络研讨会for 2022-2023.

  • 按需内容在受欢迎程度上增加。

Meanwhile, convenience seems to be the leading factor in the prevalence of webinars among participants, as on-demand content from these events is becoming more popular. Live webinars are still widely used, though the trend shows a decrease in attendance at live events while按需查看一直在增加

  • 在混合事件中,比在线上的人更喜欢身体上的存在。

A 2021Statista调查表明,有57%的受访者宁愿亲自参加混合活动,而33%的受访者更喜欢实际参加。尽管大多数受访者倾向于在身体上参加,但数字表明,这不是绝大多数的人,三分之一的受访者仍然偏爱虚拟出勤率。

  • 平均而言,大规模虚拟事件的成本徘徊在500至8,000美元之间。

公司最昂贵的成本是platform, which provides all the technology required to successfully host a large virtual event. The second most expensive cost is the speakers and moderators. But even if it can be a bit costly, it is still less expensive than an in-person event and more cost-effective. Organizers wouldn’t need to book a venue, transportation, lodging, and catering for everyone. However, they’ll need to ensure that the platform they use can handle all the requirements to make the event as smooth as possible and prevent video fatigue among the attendees during the event.

License fees for video conferencing tools and platforms are usually priced on a monthly or annual subscription. Small events can cost you approximately $50 a month, while bigger events can set you back as much as $8,000 a month. Some companies charge add-ons for premium services, such as branding and sponsorship booths, while others have most features built-in at a fixed monthly rate. They can also charge you per registrant depending on their pricing model.


  • 虚拟活动场地
  • 虚拟会议套件,礼物或赠品
  • 活动的着陆页
  • 预先录制会议的视频编辑
  • 技术支援
  • Staff training
  • Branded backdrops or green screens
  • 干燥或排练
  • 安全
  • Post-event editing (for on-demand viewing after the event)
  • In-depth analytics
  • 促进虚拟事件需要几周的时间和不同的渠道才能推动注册。



Markletic also reports that 80% of organizers promote virtual events via their website, and 60% use social media. Meanwhile, 76% recommend电子邮件营销作为促销最有效的渠道。


  • 大约有74%的组织者报告说,活动六个月后看到了正投资回报率。

即使有一个非助攻率为35%- 一个比起面对面事件的数字要高 - 虚拟事件产生了积极的投资回报率。为了提高这些类型的事件的收入,组织者还接受个人会议或整个功能的赞助。

  • 即使在大流行之后,人们仍然倾向于参加虚拟活动。

While意见各不相同depending on the country, people are still willing to attend virtual events after COVID-19. European countries and Australia tend to favor in-person events. In the United Kingdom, for example, only 39% of respondents will do both video conferencing and in-person meetings, while 56% prefer to meet in person only. On the other hand, Asian and American countries are more flexible. 52% percent of US respondents report that they will attend both virtual and in-person events; in Japan, the number is higher at 65%. Across the world, however, the percentage of people who plan to attend only virtual events after the health crisis is low, typically below 10%.


Platforms for Virtual Events and Conferences

The demand for virtual conference tools and apps surged in 2020 thanks to the pandemic. Virtual events can be small or large, private or public, and they may require different tools like breakout rooms,live streaming解决方案或白板等教学工具。

Virtual Event Platform vs. Video Conferencing Tools







The video conferencing app Zoom emerged as the领先者when the pandemic hit and offices were forced to communicate via video calls. In 2020, they issued385,200新许可证,增加了470%。仅在亚太地区,2020年第二季度的第二季度下载量超过1.29亿,在2021年第三季度下载了超过5000万个。它作为企业首选的远程会议工具的地位得到了89%的重点。Zoom用户使用该应用程序进行商务会议。

This isn’t to say that Zoom is only popular in offices. In fact, 64% of users utilize the app for social calls, having online meetups with friends and family during the pandemic. Zoom meetings typically range, on average, from 31 to 60 minutes. In terms of webinars, Zoom hosted more than450亿个网络研讨会分钟在2020年。

To compare usage statistics from pre-pandemic times, Zoom had 10 million daily meeting participants in 2019, and it grew a whopping 3,000% to 300 million in 2020.

Microsoft团队 - 虚拟活动平台


Microsoft Teams is the second most used teleconferencing tool, with12%受访者将其命名为他们选择的视频会议平台。尽管对Zoom的立场,但团队的增长实际上比2020年第二季度的后者更高。微软团队报告了增长894%从2020年3月到6月。2019年有2000万用户截至2020年底的1.15亿,在2022年和2.7亿用户。与Zoom相似,Microsoft团队的用户来自35-54岁的人。但是,比Zoom更多的教育机构使用团队。

由于它是Microsoft家族的一部分,因此团队拥有巨大的全球影响力,可在181个国家 /地区和44种语言中获得。

airmeet- Platform for Virtual Events


airmeetis another virtual event platform that saw tremendous growth during the pandemic. In the latter part of 2020, the startup company doubled its value from March of the same year, hitting5000万美元在九月。尽管在此期间处于公共Beta模式,但Airmeet报告说,2020年中期使用的使用率增加了2,000%,而没有任何广告投资。

该公司侧重于大规模的虚拟和混合活动,继续在全球市场上扩张。根据首席执行官兼创始人Lalit Mangal的说法经济时报的报告, Airmeet is expected to achieve an annual revenue run rate of $20 million in the next year, up from their current $5 million. Confidence in the future of virtual events seems to be going strong, as the company was able to raise $35 million early this year from investors.

According to the company, over 120,000 event organizers have used Airmeet to stream 150 million minutes of video around the world.

Aside from Zoom, Teams, and Airmeet, the虚拟活动平台全球市场报告2022列出了全球使用的其他主要虚拟事件平台:188滚球地址

  • 6Connex
  • cvent
  • Webex
  • vFairs
  • Hubilo
  • BigMarker
  • 霍金
  • 雷莫
  • Kestone
  • 加速
  • 惠娃
  • Eventmobi
  • ON24
  • vconfex





混合事件的技术也正在迅速发展,因此我们可以期望在虚拟事件中获得更好的体验。一个例子是使用virtual realityto give online attendees a more realistic and immersive experience. The VR/AR industry is growing, so it would not be far-fetched to assume that we can expect to see VR/AR components at hybrid events for virtual guests within the next few years.

