
It is anticipated that more than2.14 billion世界各地的人们将在2021年在线购物。如果您有在线业务,那么您可以定位的大量消费者。但是,没有全面的电子商务marketing plan,有多少个在线购物者以及他们花了多少钱并不重要,因为您的竞争对手会不断成为他们的头脑顶点。

在电子商务营销方面,有效的活动应包括电子邮件营销,内容营销,社交媒体营销,会员营销and search engine marketing. To help you make the most of these different types of channels, we have scoured the web and found these 15 eCommerce marketing strategies, many of which your competitors probably have not implemented yet.


1. Personalize Your Brand


2. Concentrate on Customer Experience

To succeed in eCommerce, you need to exceed the expectations of your customers. One key area to focus on is your response time. As it is not humanly possible to reply to every single message within a couple of minutes, it is best to enlist the help of automation tools like聊天机器人,实时聊天和其他可以照顾最常见查询的自动响应者。



愿望列表实际上对于电子商务营销人员来说是非常有用的工具,即使大多数访问者很少创建它们,而且当他们这样做时,通常会忘记它们。秘密 - 为您的目标受众提供某种类型的创造动力。例如,您可以在他们希望销售的一件项目中,向订户发送电子邮件。您甚至可以进一步迈出一步创建特殊的促销代码对于已愿意创建排他性感的产品项目。

Another way to leverage the full potential of wishlists is to make them shareable. This way, a customer will be able to share his/her wishlist on social media, which in turn helps to increase brand awareness and attract new website visitors.

4. Create Various Gift Guides


5. Share Event Invites

In addition to emailing gift guides to your email subscriber list continuously throughout the year, you can also include calendar invites in these promotional emails. You can do this by giving your subscribers the option to save the date of your sale to their calendars. All in all, it is a creative way to ensure your promotion remains memorable, especially during the more popular events, and this strategy can also help your brand to stay in the minds of mid-funnel prospects who are eager to make a purchase.

6. Optimize your Product Pages for Search Engines

SEO forms a key part of any digital marketing strategy. While there are many aspects of your web design that you should pay attention to, your product pages, in particular, are important. All your product pages should have unique title tags, engaging meta descriptions, multiple product photos and well-written product descriptions that use the relevant target keywords.

7. Use Retargeting


In short, retargeting is when you track users who have browsed your site and then show them ads while they are surfing the web with the goal of getting them to visit your website again. The logic behind this approach is simple: users who have already taken an interest in your site are more likely to buy a product later.

The mostsuccessful retargeting adsare very specific. Also, while you can get good results by retargeting your advertisements on social media platforms, Google Ads are the most important place.

8. Write Guest Posts

To help you boost website traffic and sales, you can also focus on creating backlinks. One of the easiest ways to create backlinks is to write guest posts for other websites. Though, for this to be effective, limit it to relevant websites in your industry so that the readers will be more likely to click on the backlinks.

9. Use Quizzes to Grow Leads

导致磁铁顶部的想法之一是创建测试zes. Not only is it more interactive and engaging than other types of lead magnets, but with the right approach you can also find out where a user is in the buyer’s journey. You can, for instance, word the first question of the quiz in such a manner to figure out the user’s level of interest in your product or service. After a user has completed a quiz, you can then redirect him/her to a personalized page that shows the results along with product recommendations.

10. Offer Free Shipping

While simple,free shippingremains one of the best incentives. By offering free shipping, your customers will be more motivated to complete the checkout process and add more products to their shopping cart.

To maximize the effectiveness of this eCommerce marketing strategy, you can set a minimum amount that customers must spend in order to qualify for free shipping. You can then take it one step further and notify customers if they are missing out on free shipping and how much more they need to spend. Then, if you want to take it another step further, you can even recommend a few inexpensive products that they can quickly add to their cart in order to take advantage of the offer.

11. Include Social Proof in Your Emails

Sometimes a potential customer simply needs to read a testimonial written by a happy customer to quash any hesitation. Though, testimonials and other forms of social proof are often only included in the website design of eCommerce businesses. To take your marketing strategy one step further and differentiate your brand from its competitors, you can also include testimonials in your email newsletters and promotional emails. You can, for instance, leave the detailed product description for the actual product page, and instead use a shorter product review for your email content. A one-sentence customer testimonial can also be used effectively in the subject line to help arouse interest.

12.与(微 - )有影响力的人一起工作


13. Experiment with Upselling and Cross-selling


To help you develop an effective cross-selling strategy, you should start by taking a look at your product inventory and data related to customer purchases. This way, you will have a much better idea of the products that are typically bought together.




If you do not make a point to ask for reviews, you will have very little social proof to include on your website and share in your emails. One way to encourage your customers to leave a review or refer your brand and its products or services to their network is to send them a follow-up email a couple of days after they have placed an order. You can also, for instance, introduce them to your referral program that offers them some type of discount.


None of these eCommerce marketing strategies will be of any use if your target audience fails to complete the checkout process. It takes hard work to win the trust of strangers and convince them to purchase a product. So, it would be a real shame if your checkout process does not keep that trust.


Another way to help instill trust is to make it clear which forms of payment you accept. In addition to showing the logos of the credit cards that are welcomed, you can also include the logos of security seals. This way, customers will feel much more comfortable to proceed with the payment.

At the end of the day, your goal should be to restrict the entirecheckout processto a single page. If this is impossible, be sure to include a progress bar at the bottom of the page and make all the buttons clear so that customers never feel lost during the checkout process.

Wrapping Things Up

The best eCommerce marketing strategies have clearly defined goals, keep their target audience in mind and change in response to trends. Using the several marketing tools that are available, any online brand can create campaigns that will help them to attract the right type of customer and keep long-term customers engaged. From SEO to social proof to shipping, even by starting small, the right strategy can still help you to scale your online business.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you improve your checkout process?


Should I offer free shipping?

Yes, if your business can afford it, it can be a good idea to offer free shipping as it remains one of the most effective incentives. By offering free shipping, your customers will be more motivated to complete the checkout process and even to add more products to their shopping cart. To maximize the effectiveness of free shipping, you can set a minimum amount that customers must spend in order to qualify for free shipping.

Is retargeting effective?

When done right, retargeting can be one of the best eCommerce marketing strategies. In short, it is when you track users who have browsed your site and then show them ads while they are surfing the web with the goal of getting them to visit your website again. The logic behind this approach is that users who have already taken an interest in your site are more likely to buy a product later. To ensure it is effective, your retargeting ads should be very specific.

How can you encourage customers to create wishlists?

You can encourage your customers to create wishlists by offering them some type of incentive to create them. You can, for instance, tell your customers that you will send them an email whenever one of the items that they have wishlisted go on sale. Another way to get more people to create wishlists is to make them shareable, in other words enabling your customers to share their wishlists on social media.

How can you improve your brand?


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