
Brick-and-mortar stores can rely on their physical location to attract attention. And, if they don’t get enough foot traffic, they can always move to a better location where they compete with a finite number of other stores. But what do you do if you have an online store? How can you ensure that your eCommerce business stands out and that enough customers visit your store?




In a nutshell, the goal of eCommerce marketing is to generate awareness about a business that sells its services or products online. Instead of the focus being on marketing the services or products online, eCommerce marketing specifically zooms in on marketing an online store. From search engines to social media, there are various strategies that are used to boost online sales and generate more website traffic for the store.


Effective marketing strategies are dynamic. They change in response to the latest电子商务趋势和算法以确保您的投资回报率保持尽可能高。以下是一些最常见的电子商务营销类型,可帮助您吸引网站流量并扩展在线业务。


根据我们的影响者营销2021研究,金博宝188备用网址预计影响者营销行业将或多或少地增长138亿美元in 2021. That works out to an increase of more than $4 billion in just a single year. What’s more, 90% of the participants in this study believe that this type of eCommerce marketing is effective.




As of December 2020, Facebook had an average of over18亿日常活跃用户。那只是Facebook。用户群不仅巨大,而且人们花了很多时间在帖子中滚动。根据GWI关于2021年社交媒体营销趋势的报告,人们每天在社交媒体上花费超过两个小时。

更重要的是,社交媒体还对消费者的购买决策产生了重大影响。例如,60%of people say they discover new products on Instagram.

很明显 - 所有电子商务企业都必须在多个社交媒体平台上有业务。188滚球地址虽然有200多个社交平台,但您只能专注于目标受众花费大部分时间的188滚球地址平台。除了Facebook和Instagram,另一个top social media platformsto concentrate on are: YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Quora.

Instagram, in particular, can be a useful platform as it’s more visual than other platforms, like Twitter, which helps you to showcase your products better. For video content like product demos, video blogs, and DIY tutorials, YouTube offers huge advertising potential.

Whichever platforms you decide to use, ensure that you have a strategy that will help you to strike the right balance between sharing promotional content and other types of content that your audience will find relevant and useful.

All in all, it's a great way to help you build relationships with your target audience and gather reviews. So, be sure to include links to your social media profiles on your store’s website and encourage visitors and customers to follow you on social media too.

Email marketing

While email marketing is not as new as social media marketing or influencer marketing, it's still extremely effective. In fact, email marketing still delivers a better return on investment than any other marketing channel.

What makesemail marketing如此之好,您的电子邮件列表已选择注册到您的列表。这使您的电子邮件订阅者列表成为极有价值的工具,您应该积极尝试从一开始就成长。


Affiliate marketing

简而言之,affiliate marketing是指使用个人帮助您的产品出售。如果您设法通过他们向您的网站转介的流量进行销售(这些销售是通过会员链接追踪的 - 一个独特的网站链接到您的电子商务网站),则该会员将获得佣金。佣金利率可以是销售价格的一定百分比,并且可能是5%至30%。但是,也可以使用其他类型的奖励等奖励代码。

What makesaffiliate marketing如此有吸引力的电子商务营销策略是,它是一种低风险和低成本的营销策略,适用于营销预算有限的小型电子商务企业。您只有在销售发生后才付款。加,它可以帮助在线商店更快地吸引更多潜在客户,而无需花更多的钱在营销上。


Search engine marketing (SEM)


Content marketing




Content marketing should start with your store’s website. It's a vital part of your content marketing strategy. Before you start a blog or write guest posts for other relevant websites, first see to it that you’ve optimized your product pages. So, double-check that you include the right keywords in your page titles, image alt text, and headers. Ideally, you want to make sure that your target keyword(s) appear on all of your web pages.

除了创建optimized product pages, it can also pay to add FAQ and testimonial sections to your website. Both these types of pages can be a gold mine for long-tail keywords that will help to drive traffic and build authority for your website. More specifically, a FAQ page can also help you to improve the customer experience and reduce your workload, while testimonials are a great source of social proof to help create trust.


In addition to starting your own blog, you should also make a concerted effort to include guest posts from time to time. If there are websites that rank for keywords that relate to your online business and its offerings, reach out to them and ask if you can create content for them. You can either offer to write a guest post from scratch or flesh out one of the website’s existing posts by adding more up-to-date content or statistics in the form of an engaging infographic. Not only will writing a guest post introduce more consumers to your store, but search engines will also view your website as more reliable and authoritative.





如果hosting your own podcast听起来太艰巨了,您可以简单地创建一个广告安排,并使用一些播客,您的目标受众会发现相关或与其他播客联系,询问他们是否可以作为客人出现。将播客用作电子商务营销渠道的额外优点之一是,您还可以通过创建博客文章或将主要要点汇总到信息图中来重新利用播客内容。



Not only do these video marketing statistics show that it works, but there are also a good selection of videos that you can create. From product demonstrations to unboxing videos, it’s a great way to connect with your target audience and grow excitement about your product range.



1. Upsell products

Sometimes customers add the cheapest products to their carts not because they’re cheapskates but because they didn’t know there was a better, albeit more expensive, product available. In fact, upselling can work out better than focusing on getting new customers.

To implement upselling effectively, start by ensuring that customers know about your entire range of products related to the original item that they searched for. Then, when making a suggestion, focus on why the upgrade will be better for them. As your customers will compare whichever product you try to upsell to the cheaper price of the original item, it’s crucial that you explain why paying more will be worthwhile.

2. Lower cart abandonment

Unless the queues are too long, cart abandonment isn’t really an issue for brick-and-mortar stores. Though, for eCommerce stores, it’s a whole different picture. The average documented shopping cart abandonment rate can be as much as 70%, according to the Baymard Institute. And, every time this happens, you lose out on a sale.



3. Grow your subscriber list

Email marketing remains one of the most effective marketing strategies. One of the advantages offered by email marketing is that it’s more intimate. By personalizing the subject lines of your email, you can already capture the attention of your audience and stand out.

Another advantage is that, unlike a social media post, you can say a lot more in a single email. There are no character limits.

Before you focus on crafting captivating campaigns, you first need to grow your subscriber list. After all, what’s the use in investing time, money, and effort into an email, if it will reach only a few?

One of the easiest ways to get more subscribers is to encourage your audience to sign up for your newsletter or subscribe to your blog. In short, you need to offer some type of lead magnet - a valuable piece of content. Ultimate guides, eBooks, and bonus packs all work well.


为了充分利用您的订阅者列表,您的电子邮件活动还应提供有价值的内容。同样重要的是,您应该通过电子邮件定期进行沟通 - 不要将其仅限于每月的新闻通讯。Other email campaign ideas include a follow-up email with tips for their most recent purchase, reminders about upcoming special occasions (if you’re feeling generous, you can also throw in a promo code), or a survey about their recent interactions with your brand.

5. Use live chat to engage with visitors




To succeed in eCommerce, you need to surpass the expectations of your target audience. Offering a first-class customer experience is no longer a nice-to-have feature. In today’s day and age, it’s compulsory.

Without paying special attention to customer service and the customers’ overall experience when browsing your website, your products simply won’t sell. It should be easy to shop via your site and, if a customer needs more help, your response time should be fast. This is why live chat, in addition to email, is so valuable.


除了期待无缝体验,有限公司nsumers have also become used to an element of personalization. In short, personalization uses data about customers, such as their past actions and preferences, to deliver an experience that will be better suited to the user. From product recommendations to sharing category-specific promo codes, there are several电子商务个性化示例帮助您进行转换。

例如,Moschino chose to include product recommendations on its checkout page instead of its product pages. This way, they can possibly cross-sell other items based on the user’s preferences to boost the average order value.


8. Embrace responsive design

根据GSMA Intelligence,截至2021年7月,拥有超过52亿个独特的移动用户。因此,预计在2021年的大部分在线销售就不足为奇了(53.9%)将通过移动设备生成。




When discussing eCommerce, this piece of advice sounds a bit counterintuitive. One of the major advantages of starting an online store is the fact that you can reach an international audience. However, by remembering your locals you can boost online sales.



10. Implement a customer loyalty program





At the end of the day, effective marketing remembers to continue focusing on the customer even after he/she has made a purchase. This means that you should continue to engage with your previous customers if you want to build a network of loyal customers.

11. Take advantage of UGC






13. Create content continuously




14. Remind customers about their wishlists





根据Digital Commerce 360​​收集的数据,免费送货是消费者在决定支持哪个在线商店时要考虑的最重要的因素。虽然这对每个人都不是可行的,但您至少需要探索此选项。实际上,您可以使用一些策略,可以使您走这条路线。







Frequently Asked Questions

Should you use a content calendar?

Many eCommerce businesses often use a content calendar to plan and schedule their content. These templates are the best way to plan and organize upcoming content as it lets you populate your content calendar with posts ahead of time so that you can post consistently and strategically take advantage of events and trends that are relevant to your brand's target audience. While better planning is one of its primary advantages, it will also ensure that everyone knows what’s expected and help you to customize your content.



What are email drip campaigns and should you use them?



Yes, if your eCommerce business can afford it, free shipping is an excellent marketing strategy. All in all, it remains one of the most effective incentives. By including free shipping, your customers will be more motivated to proceed to checkout. What’s more, to make the most of free shipping, you can set a minimum amount that customers must spend in order to qualify for free shipping. This way, you can also increase the average order value.

How can you find influencers to help you with eCommerce marketing?

一种选择是与有影响力的营销机构合作。金博宝188备用网址许多有影响金博宝188备用网址力的营销机构都是全方位服务,换句话说,他们可以在影响者营销过程的每个阶段为您提供帮助。另一个选择是使用有影响力的营销软件工具,例如Tagger金博宝188备用网址 Media,开放式影响或发布租金。这些类型的工具提供的服务通常包括影响者搜索和发现,除其他功能,例如内容审查,广告系列管理,报告,第三方分析以及影响者和受众分析。
