101+ eCommerce Business Ideas for 2022

You might have a vague idea about setting up an eCommerce business, but not really have a concrete idea about what you should sell. Nowadays, you can find just about anything online, and unless you already have business ideas about your product, you may feel overwhelmed. You don't exactly want to spend ages building a site and buying in stock, only to find that people have no interest in purchasing your product, or that you have a gigantic low-price competitor who dominates the market.

eCommerce businesses are no different from other companies. You need to begin by planning your business, rather than rushing in without real thought. If you search online, you will find numerous articles suggesting products you could sell on the internet. We have gone through many of these and collated some of the best suggestions from across the internet.




In a Burst blog post,Shopifyoffers a list of over 20 trending business ideas. The largest eCommerce platform has suggested business ideas that it has noticed are particularly popular this year. Shopify changes its suggestions regularly, so the examples you see by clicking through to the link may differ from those they suggested when we wrote this post.


  1. Women's fashion
  2. 艺术用品
  3. Makeup & cosmetics
  4. Camping equipment
  5. 袜子
  6. 厨房用品
  7. T-shirts
  8. 儿童时尚
  9. Men's fashion
  10. 健身追踪器
  11. Headphones
  12. 钱包和手袋
  13. 蜡烛
  14. 海滩毛巾和玩具
  15. 手表
  16. Jewelry
  17. 润唇膏
  18. LED运动鞋
  19. 手镯
  20. 蓝牙扬声器
  21. 手机盒
  22. 咖啡
  23. Bath bombs
  24. 瑜伽产品
  25. Enamel pins





  1. 货币化的利基亚马逊会员网站销售私人标签产品
  2. 私人标签女性的天然护肤产品
  3. 将手工零食卖给宠物主人
  4. Wholesale baby toiletries for eco-friendly parents
  5. Print-on-demand lifestyle apparel
  6. Dropship HIIT设备并向初学者出售培训计划
  7. 推出男士的美容订阅盒
  8. 租用高端时尚到预算的时尚达人
  9. 按需提供有机食品,以清洁饮食爱好者
  10. 为精通计算机的学生创建在线课程
  11. 白色标签预包装的无麸质食物
  12. 向女性的手工制作珠宝
  13. 私人标签竹牙刷
  14. 投票高价物品
  15. 私人标签男士包


  • 市场和销售增长
  • growth on Google Trends
  • 强大的亚马逊销售
  • bloggers and influencers
  • 明确的利基类型
  • Facebook上可识别的利基观众






  1. Beauty and health products
  2. Selling second-hand products
  3. 智能手表
  4. Smart home products
  5. 在线教育课程
  6. Selling eBooks
  7. 内容写作
  8. 儿童玩具和游戏







  1. 时尚/珠宝产品市场 - 利基示例
  2. Smart home products and accessories – business idea
  3. AR/VR headsets, apps, and accessories store – business idea
  4. vape硬件,口味和液体 - 利基示例
  5. 在线学习平台 - 启动业务理念188滚球地址
  6. 3D资产商店 - 商业理念
  7. 电动踏板车,滑板和气垫板 - 利基示例
  8. 在线杂货和食品 - 电子商务业务创意
  9. 利基订阅框 - 利基示例
  10. 搪瓷销 - 电子商务产品理念
  11. 自拍无人机 - 利基示例
  12. 智能手表 - 电子商务产品理念
  13. 仪表板 - 商业理念
  14. 视频门铃 - 商业想法
  15. 婴儿嬉戏者 - 电子商务产品理念
  16. Face masks – eCommerce product idea
  17. 厨房和餐垫 - 电子商务产品的想法
  18. Personal safety equipment – eCommerce product idea
  19. Digital marketing – business idea
  20. 在线健身教练 - 利基示例






  1. 订阅模型
  2. Meal Delivery
  3. 在线教育
  4. Affiliate Marketing
  5. 天然产品
  6. 健康服务
  7. 教练和指导
  8. 创意服务
  9. Technical Services
  10. 代发货
  11. 旅行服务
  12. 婚礼服务
  13. Fashion Reselling
  14. Face Masks






  1. 利基时尚社区建立快速和销售良好,例如,不使用品牌的极简主义服装,具有优质面料(丹尼尔·沃洛克(Daniel Wallock),市场策略师,沃洛克媒体(Wallock Media))或更广泛地找到,找到利基服装产品并出售(布雷特·欧文斯创始人Leaddyno)
  2. 在线数字保健服务正在上升,例如在线私人教练课程和数字课程(Ryan Pfleger,创始人,Paywhirl)或构建有助于数字保健产品的产品更容易为有需要的人提供(需求的主管Sweta Patel,一代,Cognoa)
  3. Sell Industrial B2B products for high margins with little competition, e.g., construction supply related eCommerce (Eric Carlson, Co-Founder, 10X Factory), B2B (Ross Simmonds, Founder, Foundation Marketing), industrial equipment, and industrial pharmaceutical equipment (Daniel Wallock, Marketing Strategist, Wallock Media)
  4. 确定超级利基产品,例如无麸质产品(凯利·摩尔,自由作家),将两个或三个壁ches结合到一个高度专业的微型新奇(Ryan Bemiller,创始人,购物信号),以服务为导向的业务,可以在服务中个性化产品。高水平(唐纳德·佩蒂特(Donald Pettit),销售与合作伙伴经理,销售活动)
  5. 规划师有大量的追随者,例如计划者,诸如计划者,子弹期刊,配件,贴纸,旅行者的笔记本,笔,贴纸,Washi磁带,书签,书签等(Suzanne Moore,叙述者)
  6. 目标技术精通的退休人员(在线购物),例如,Yarn通常吸引了较旧的消费者领域,现在也可以在线瞄准潜在客户(Emil Kristensen,联合创始人&CMO,Sleeknote)
  7. 吸引人们的意识形态,例如,有巨大的机会开发产品,以一种非常激进的(且希望幽默)的方式来支持特定的肥皂盒立场(Jordan Brannon,总裁和COO,联盟技术)
  8. 教育行业正在获得大型投资者雄鹿,具有教育出版和个性化内容创建背景背景的电子商务企业家将在这里具有重要优势(联合创始人兼产品负责人David Feng,Reamaze)
  9. Do things Amazon can't, e.g., custom-built items – it could be a car, furniture, jewelry, or something that gives people one-of-a-kind goods (Vladimir Gendelman, Founder and CEO, Company Folders, Inc.). Pick a narrow lane, and own it (John McCann, CEO, Spectrum Audio, & Co-Founder, Quote Ninja, Inc.) Anything heavy online that ships via LTL freight is relatively underserved (Jason Boyce, Co-founder & CEO, Dazadi)
  10. 找到令人困惑的产品(并提供有用的说明)。我会寻找有关如何安装或使用该产品问题的产品(詹姆斯·汤姆森(James Thomson),总裁,繁荣秀)
  11. Passion is the most important part! What we need more of in this world is people who offer their unique "art" to the world. (Christopher Cowden, Director of Operations, Grace and Lace). I would recommend any entrepreneur to go with what they're passionate about. (Jason Ehmke, Senior Client Data Analyst, AddShoppers.com). Just focus on doing what you love better than someone else. (Greg Johnston, Managing Director, Be A Part Of)
  12. 删除中间商以赢得大型胜利,即任何公司在由中间商主导的行业中以降低价格提供有限的报价的公司。(Max DB,HeymaxDB创始人 - 内容策略)
  13. 深知的知识具有最大的力量。您的特殊知识来自以前的工作生活,或者您的专家爱好。(詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown),兰德姆(Randem)客户参与经理)
  14. 解决自己的问题。考虑一下我可以解决的问题和/或什么是我可以做得更好的产品。(丹尼尔·沃洛克(Daniel Wallock),沃洛克媒体营销策略师)
  15. 使用Kickstarter进行研究,例如,保持最新的小工具和技术(Bill Bailey CEO,Nodal Ninja)。
  16. Sell something cool. The key nowadays is to stop focusing so much on demographics and niches and instead focus on psychographics within a niche (David Tendrich, CEO & Co-Founder, Reliable PSD).

Frequently Asked Questions



Which are the best niche e-commerce ideas?

According to an article by eCommerce CEO, the following are some of the best niche ideas: print-on-demand lifestyle apparel, a beauty subscription box for men, and online courses for computer-savvy students.

What are some good e-commerce product ideas?


What are the most profitable e-commerce business ideas?

埃德斯克has identified 14 profitable e-commerce business ideas for 2022. These include: meal delivery, online education, coaching and mentoring, subscription models, wellness services, dropshipping and fashion reselling. FeedbackExpress made a similar list, but only included 8 ideas. While they also identified ideas like online education and selling second-hand products, their list also included content writing and selling smartwatches.


According to Ecommerce CEO, you need to have a clear niche type, and strong Amazon sales. Bloggers and influencers are also helpful along with an identifiable niche audience on Facebook.

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