


What is Etsy?

Etsy is an eCommerce platform that features handmade and personalized products. It is an online marketplace where you can browse a variety of unique items, from jewelry and ceramic ware, to vintage items.


Etsy went online in 2005 as a community connecting independent artists and small businesses with interested buyers. Today, Etsy is competing head-to-head with other eCommerce platforms such as Shopify and Amazon.

Key Etsy Statistics and Facts

The rise of eCommerce presents multiple opportunities for customers to place a purchase or avail of a service. Etsy sets itself apart from major competitors as a niche online selling platform for products that are made, marketed, and organized by creators and entrepreneurs.

  • Etsy在2020年产生了价值17亿美元的收入。


Etsy在2020年目睹了100%的收入增加。creator economyprospered despite how the coronavirus pandemic put most economic activity on pause. Emerging creators and entrepreneurs flock to Etsy to sell their craft to their intended audience.


  • Etsy有近1亿活跃的买家。


In 2019, there were 46.35 million active buyers on Etsy. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, more individuals pursued to earn income through creative works and selling them on Etsy. By the end of 2020, the number of Etsy buyers nearly doubled to 81 million. The steady increase in customers is significant to Etsy’s progress as the leading marketplace for artisanal crafts.

  • Etsy is home to around 7.5 million active sellers.

Etsy至少报告750万卖方place their products up for sale on the platform. This overshadows Amazon’s 1.9 million active sellers. As Etsy is curated to market products toward a specific audience, sellers may find it easier to attract customers on the platform compared to a large marketplace that’s selling a little bit of everything for all audiences.

  • Etsy商人在234个国家 /地区冰雹,英国领先国际Etsy卖家。


Etsy向234个国家 /地区的买卖双方开放。但是,有关付款过程和运输的某些限制可能存在。30%的国际Etsy卖家来自英国。



Selling on Etsy

  • You can market to a niche audience.

Unlike other eCommerce platforms that cater to a general audience, Etsy’s specific customer base makes it easier for entrepreneurs to attract buyers and generate sales. The platform has been known to support independent creatives in connecting with customers who are interested in unique crafts and gift items.

  • Setting up a shop is easy with Etsy.

Rather than setting up a shopping website, merchants can immediately list products for sale with Etsy. Etsy makes the whole business setup ordeal quick and easy, as the platform is always ready to welcome new sellers. Etsy also helps take some burden off from taking care of taxes by automated tax deductions, where applicable.

  • Etsy上列出的产品可在搜索引擎上搜索。

产品可见性和品牌知名度取决于您的产品在搜索结果上的排名。借助适当的Etsy SEO,搜索引擎(例如Google,Yahoo和Bing)可以拉出Etsy产品列表,并在搜索结果的第一页上显示它们。

  • Etsy收取最少的清单和交易费用。

Etsy is strongly favored by emerging entrepreneurs because of the lowlisting and transaction costs。一个新的清单的价格为20美分。产品清单有效期为四个月;您可以选择一种自动续订方法(以20美分的价格收费)或设置另一个产品列表。另一方面,付款处理费在每个国家 /地区都有不同。

  • Etsy可以容纳数字产品。


  • Etsy已结合了分析和见解功能。

Monitoring your product listings, monthly sales, and managing inventory is manageable with Etsy’s in-house analytics tools and optimization functions. Manage your shop and keep track of traffic withEtsy Stats

  • 您可以通过Etsy广告使产品可以发现。



  • 经常性费用会影响收入增长。


  • Email marketing to Etsy buyers is challenging.

Etsy does not collect buyers’ email addresses. Unless you promote your weekly newsletter and special offers in the About section and across other social media platforms, customer retention via email is a challenge with Etsy.

  • Etsy不处理运输和交货。


How Much Do Etsy Sellers Make?


Aside from the time you invest in creating products, the demand, availability of materials, and cost of operations determine your pricing and the profit you earn. Certainfull-time Etsy shop owners已经赚了第一百万,而一些较新的企业家每月赚取不到一百美元。


前Etsy Marketing Strategies and Tips

Etsy Marketing Strategies and Tips

  • Understand your target audience.

When setting up a shop, it’s important to see things from the buyer’s perspective. How does your product intend to help your target audience? What problems or issues does it address? Optimizing your products according to your customers’ needs can help drive more traffic to your Etsy shop.

  • 建立一个独特的品牌。

Etsy is saturated with merchants marketing to the same customer base. Product listings can look similar but come from varying sellers. To stand out from the rest, it is important for you to establish your presence online. A clear brand identity allows customers to recognize your shop and products from the 60+ million products on Etsy.

Consistency is key to good branding. Set up a matching icon and header that align with your brand’s personality. Compose an engaging description of what the shop has to offer so customers can have a brief glimpse of your products and operations. Humanizing the brand also lets potential buyers know who is working behind it.


  • 在您的Etsy SEO上工作,以更好地搜索排名。

许多放弃Etsy因为平台依赖good SEO。为您的Etsy商店设置SEO可能会很累,但这是您列表排名较高的搜索结果的必要策略。







  • 通过Etsy广告扩大您的影响力。

Etsy邀请商人通过付费广告活动吸引客户并产生销售。设定的最低预算Etsy广告across the platform is US$1. Ads are displayed on Etsy Search, Category Pages, and on the Etsy app.

Etsy employs a pay-per-click (PPC) model for running ads. Merchants will only have to Etsy for every click the ad receives. Advertising on Etsy raises brand awareness and increases traction.

  • Extend your marketing campaign with Pinterest.


Setting up a Pinterest Business account is the first step in establishing your presence on Pinterest as a business owner. With Pinterest, your audience can try out your ideas, share it with the community, and inspire others to see more of your content.


The Pinterest community is also interested in transacting with brands that have organized and visually pleasing Pinterest boards. These boards help potential customers to determine how products can improve their daily routine or liven up a workspace.


Pinterest广告还可以帮助Etsy卖家利用其产品的可见性,并在现场和异地推动流量。与Pinterest的自动化的受众定位, your advertising campaign can reach people who search for similar keywords or follow topics related to your product offerings.

  • 在Facebook上宣传您的Etsy产品列表。

Marketing on one of the world’s biggest social media platforms can deliver high returns for your Etsy shop.Facebook为企业主提供了很多机会,将其产品和服务宣传给预期的受众。

FacebookAdsis an affordable advertising solution for boosting your Facebook posts and redirecting potential customers to your Etsy product listings. Facebook groups are also great spaces to promote your Etsy shop.




  • 让新客户在Instagram上找到您。




With anInstagram业务profile, you get to maximize Instagram’s Advertising features. You can share links as a Swipe Up feature on your Instagram Stories. Adding the Contact Button on your profile also welcomes collaboration offers and partnership deals with influencers.

Learn more on the benefits of an Instagram Business profile这里

  • 将您的产品推广到Tiktok上的潜在客户。

蒂克托克社区(Tiktok Community)充满了舞蹈挑战,趋势音频和产品拖船。tiktok用户观看产品评论和演示,以说服下订单。如果您想产生更多的销售,Tiktok上的营销is your next best bet.

@keisenpaiIt's there this time#CosPlayCountdown #kanekimask #tokyoghoulcosplay #etsyshop ♬ Running Away - VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring

Attracting customers on TikTok requires wit and creativity. Use trending audio and challenges to be easily discovered amid the platform’s complex algorithm. Because TikTok’s content is purely video, you can share various motion content related to your Etsy shop. You can share behind-the-scenes clips of your daily routine as an Etsy shop owner or demonstrate the process of making your products.


  • Interact and build a community with your customers

Etsy guarantees that its user base, from buyers to sellers, are invested in artisanal crafts and unique items. Engaging with your customers helps strengthen trust and customer retention. Hear out your customers’ feedback and consider them in your next product launch. You can also build a loyal following by giving away freebies and special discount coupons.

  • 与影响者合作


While partnership deals are more on the costly side of digital marketing, seasoned Etsy shop owners can explore this technique and compare the shop’s analytics from before and after implementing influencer marketing.



With Etsy nearing 8 million sellers, making your products stand out from competing items can be a challenge. Explore your options and market your products across other social media platforms. Multi-channel marketing campaigns help Etsy shop owners generate more sales than waiting for onsite customers to notice the products you offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I sell on Etsy?

Etsy supports a variety of goods and products. You can sell ceramic goods, printables, greeting cards, custom-made jewelry, collectibles, clothes, and digital products.

How do I earn money on Etsy?



Practicing various marketing strategies can motivate customers to visit your Etsy shop and place an order. Promote your product listings on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and TikTok for added visibility. You can also invest part of your budget in advertising campaigns to reach your target audience.

Through which social media platform should I market my Etsy shop?



To gain positive customer reviews, you must offer smooth and transparent transactions from beginning to end. While customers are not required to leave reviews, you can encourage them to share feedback with product giveaways, discount coupons, and the likes.

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