
Pinteresthas been around for over a decade, building a sizable following throughout the years. It has also evolved to being not only a social media platform but an invaluable marketing tool as well.


The platform is primarily a visual search engine. Pinterest serves as a large inspiration board—it’s where people go to find ideas and references for projects, vacations, outfits, and more. It’s also a space where people can plan their purchases and start forming purchasing decisions.

这使Pinterest成为会员营销的可行途径 - 您的受众已经有兴趣或意图购买。您只需要向他们朝着正确的方向推动一下即可。本指南探讨了如何利用Pinterest在2022年获得额外收入。我们提供了一些可行的技巧和最佳实践,以帮助您迈出第一步。


Pinterestand Why It’s a Great Tool for Affiliate Marketing



Pinterestvs. Facebook vs. Instagram

等待 - 它显示照片和视频,您也可以喜欢并分享帖子吗?那么,它与Facebook或Instagram等其他社交媒体平台有何不同?188滚球地址

While Facebook does let you post and promote photos and videos (either your own or another’s), the platform isn’t focused solely on visual content. Instagram, while also a visual-focused platform, focuses on content that you yourself generate.

同时,Pinterest允许用户上传并共享自己的引脚。他们还可以浏览平台的结束240 billion pinsand add them to their board.

One advantage Pinterest has over other social media platforms when it comes to affiliate marketing is its visual nature. It’s like a search engine designed specifically for photos and videos. For example, if you’re searching for “contemporary fashion”, you’re likely to stumble upon something like this:




Pinterestisn’t just about photos and videos. You’ll also find pins that link to tutorials, articles, and more.




Given its similarities to conventional search engines, you can also apply SEO principles to improve your search rankings and drive traffic to your links.

Pinterest的Sustained Popularity

Being one of the most popular social media channels, Pinterest is越来越受欢迎among younger generations. More Millennials and Gen Z users are embracing the platform, with women making up most of its audience. In 2020,80%的千禧年的女性在美国,使用Pinterest,在美国的5个母亲中有4个(另外80%)是活跃的Pinterest用户。在全球范围内,妇女弥补了该平台的60%以上的受众

In 2020, shopping on the platform飙升至50%。而且,29%的销钉这是Pinterest用户的另一个学期,赚取50,000美元至74,999美元,而40%的收入每年收入超过75,000美元。与Twitter,Reddit,Snapchat等其他平台相比,这些数字是相对显着的数字,甚至是Tiktok。188滚球地址此外,这些数字暗示着Pinners具有很高的支出能力。

超过一半的Pinterest用户转向购买灵感的平台,有48%的购物是他们的首要任务。Pinners正在寻找某物and they’re ready to welcome recommendations. They’re actively searching for ideas and solutions and spend an平均5分18秒在网站上。平均而言,用户每次访问浏览5.26页。

This gives you plenty of opportunities to channel all that intent and turn it into an opportunity foraffiliate marketing


Pinterestfor Affiliate Marketing

Inaffiliate marketing, an affiliate promotes a business’s products or services and receives a commission when someone makes a purchase using their affiliate link. Affiliate marketing using Pinterest works similarly. You recommend goods or services that your audience can purchase in exchange for a commission for successful transactions.

While it might be tempting—and relatively easy—to just dive right into using Pinterest for affiliate marketing, there are some things you need to consider:

  • 你的目标是什么?


  • Do you have a niche?

Pinterestis especially beneficial if you’re working with visual-heavy goods. Some of the most popular niches on the platform include:

  • 旅行
  • 食物
  • Health and fitness
  • DIY手工艺品
  • 家居装饰

If you’re new to affiliate marketing, it’s best to come up with a niche prior to joining anaffiliate program。If you’re already a part of an affiliate program, you can still use Pinterest to promote its affiliate offers.


To get started with Pinterest affiliate marketing, you need to know how to add affiliate links to the platform. Fortunately, it’s easy to add affiliate links to Pinterest.

  • 创建一个新的别针。

创建Pinterest业务资料。如果您已经有一个,请去您Profilepage. Go to theCreate选项卡和选择创建PIN。您也可以使用第三方工具,例如尾风orBuffer制作和安排您的大头针。

  • 添加您的PIN细节。



还要确保您的描述是详细且有见地的。使它们成为解决方案的一部分 - 记住Pinterest用户在平台上寻找某物。给他们答案或使用您的描述所需的灵感。您可能需要使用相关的主题标签使您的引脚易于发现。

但是,关于在Pinterest上使用主题标签的快速说明:平台的算法有可能可能是隐藏包含主题标签的帖子。This is because hashtags are often used and abused by spammers.



  • Add your affiliate link.

Don’t forget to add your affiliate link underDestination Link。您可以从会员网络获得链接。如果您是亚马逊分支机构,则可以使用Sitestripe生成链接。



  • 创建引人注目的图形。

When creating graphics for your pin, keep in mind that Pinterest is primarily a visual search engine. Your image should encourage users to click on it.

Pinterest PIN图像具有肖像方向,遵循标准aspect ratio of 2:3。The platform’s ideal image size is1000 x 1500 PX。Anything larger might get truncated, which can adversely affect Pin performance.


  • Publish.



  • 创建一个Pinterest业务帐户

As previously mentioned, you need to set up your Pinterest Business profile. If you already have a personal Pinterest account, you can turn that into a business account. To do so, visit thePinterest业务网站。点击创建账户



Your Pinterest Business account is different from a standard one in that it gives you access to analytics and ads tools, which include audience insights, engagement monitoring, and pin performance. It also lets you create your own ads.

  • Be ready to create several boards and pins

品脱的伟大之处erest is it doesn’t impose limits on how many affiliate pins you can create, so for each post you can create several eye-catching pins. Keep in mind that you should promote products relevant to your niche and audience. This not only ensures that you reach your target audience but it also helps make your posts more consistent with your theme or niche.

While content diversity is always welcome, you wouldn’t want to just share affiliate links willy-nilly. Remember: you want to offer your target audience a solution to their pain points. Promoting pet accessories while you’re working within the health and fitness niche might only end up confusing your audience.


For example, you’re in the health and fitness niche. You can create a board for at-home exercises, a separate one for healthy recipes, and another one for healthy food alternatives.

Add a couple of boards every month to signal the Pinterest’s algorithm that your account is still active.

  • 创建相关内容


For instance, you can create a blog post and publish it on your site. It could be a product review or an in-depth tutorial that highlights your affiliate product. But, when creating content for an affiliate product, it’s important to be honest and transparent.

  • 增长您的追随者

Now that you’ve covered the basics, the next step is to aim for growth. You can do so by following other profiles, sharing popular content, or joining group boards. Once you’ve joined a group board, all your followers will also be added to it.


  • Schedule your posts

Scheduling your pins to go live at optimal times can help you reach your target audience better. Plus, you won’t have to worry about missing out on posting new content. It also lets you maximize your time so you can focus on creating more related or relevant posts.

  • 优化SEO的内容


  • 保持您的个人资料可见。检查您的设置,以确保您的个人资料不会隐藏在搜索引擎中。
  • Keep your pins and boards organized.
  • Look for relevant keywords within your niche—what keywords does your target audience use when doing an online search?
  • Try to insert relevant keywords in your profile, pin description, and board description.
  • Consider adding long-tail keywords.
  • Interact with your audience

Don’t forget that Pinterest is still a social media so it pays to connect with other users. This means replying to comments, repining relevant posts, commenting on other pins, or following other Pinners within your niche.

  • Analyze your pins’ performance

毫无疑问,你应该跟踪和nalyze your pins’ performance. Find out which pins drive engagement and traffic and which ones need to be improved. Fortunately, tracking pin performance can be done within your Pinterest Business page via Pinterest Analytics. If you want to take your analytics game a step further, feel free to use other analytical tools like Google Analytics.


  • 旨在保持一致性

Consistency is key when it comes to Pinterest affiliate marketing, so try to create a couple of pins daily or one to three boards weekly. Create a workflow and utilize a scheduling tool to ensure consistency.

Pinterest会员营销Best Practices

  • 确定您的目标受众

Establishing your target audience is essential in planning what your pins will be about. Who you’re targeting will set the direction for what kinds of visuals you should pin, as well as the type of content or products you promote. The bottom line is, you need to create pins that resonate with and attract your target audience, so it’s best to figure out who they are before spending time and other resources to creating your pins and promoting affiliate products.

  • Study trends


  • 知道并遵守Pinterest的社区准则

Pinterest的社区准则is a wonderful resource for affiliate marketers, whether you’re a newcomer or an expert. It covers topics such as site security and access, spam, paid partnership guidelines, and more. Knowing the platform’s guidelines ensure you have a safe and seamless experience on Pinterest.

  • Don’t forget to disclose affiliate links

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that marketers disclose affiliate links or paid partnerships to protect consumers. Label your pins accordingly with “sponsored” or “affiliated” tags.

  • 掩盖是一个很大的禁忌

Link cloaking, or disguising your affiliate links using link shorteners or redirection tools goes against the platform’s community guidelines. When adding affiliate links, make sure that you use their full versions. Pinterest makes it clear that your audience should know—or at least have an idea of—where your links will take them.

  • 保持您的建议常绿和相关性

Pinners and Pinterest’s algorithm love fresh content. This means you have to post original content. To keep your pins fresh and evergreen, you can update them or share new product listings once they’re available.

  • Test linking is your friend


  • Know your affiliate program’s rules


Final Thoughts


Its unique selling proposition is it’s the only social media platform that doubles as a visual search engine. This alone makes it a valuable resource for users or customers who are looking for ideas, references, and even specific products or brands.



You can work with some of the most popular affiliate networks, including ShareASale, ClickBank, Amazon Associates, and CJ Affiliate. Just make sure to follow Pinterest’s and your network’s guidelines for posting affiliate content.

Can I use Pinterest for affiliate marketing even if I don’t have a website?


What tools can I use to improve my Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy?


What are other popular niches on Pinterest?

- Fashion
- 美丽和个人护理
- 育儿
- 礼物创意
- 体育用品
- 娱乐


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