15 Pinterest统计数据每个营销人员都应该知道

πnterest is a highly visual social platform that places its emphasis squarely on collecting and “pinning” pictures. Unsurprisingly it is most used by lovers of beauty – in such niches as fashion, beauty, and in particular home décor. While it has not enjoyed the spectacular success of Instagram, Pinterest nevertheless has a substantial following, and there are many active pinners.


15 Pinterest统计数据每个营销人员都应该知道:

  1. πnterest has 300 Million Monthly Active Users


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  1. 42% of All U.S. Women Use Pinterest, Compared to Just 15% of U.S. Men

Pinterest一直具有强烈的女性偏见。Pew Research统计数据表明,对于Pinterest的美国观众来说,这一事实很清楚。28%的美国成年人使用Pinterest,但是当您以性别分裂时,您可以看到42%的美国女性经营Pinterest帐户,而男性只有15%。

这可能不足为奇。Pinterest上最受欢迎的主题是传统上认为对女性而不是男性更具吸引力的主题 - 时尚,美丽,尤其是家居用品。

Instagram, which is also image-focused, has a similar lop-sided appeal (42% women, 31% men). On the other hand, men have more of an interest in video (78% of men have YouTube accounts, compared to 68% women). Men also dominate the more business-oriented social networks – LinkedIn and Twitter.

  1. 18-24 Year-Olds are the Largest Users of Pinterest (But they Aren't Alone)


This is a slightly misleading statistic, however, because Pinterest is also popular with the older grouping of 30-49 year-olds (35% of this demographic operate a Pinterest account). Somewhat bizarrely, those in their late 20s are far less likely to use Pinterest (only 28%). Is this because that age group is more likely to be traveling, and using Instagram to share their holiday snaps?

πnterest is also notable for having a higher percentage of older U.S. adults using the platform than Instagram. 15% of Americans over 65 use Pinterest, making this the third most popular social network for pensioners, behind just Facebook and YouTube. This group probably loves to pin images of their home décor and furnishings.

  1. πnterest is More Popular with High Income U.S. Adults Than Those on Low or Medium Incomes

皮尤研究还研究了领先的社交平台上用户的相对收入水平。188滚球地址Pinterest显示出与LinkedIn类似的趋势 - 它吸引了更多的富裕人士,而不是穷人。

这是有道理的。许多引脚是有抱负的 - 它们展示了人们喜欢外观并最终想购买的物品。如果您贫穷,您不太可能这样做,并且必须使用大部分收入来支付日常必需品。

根据皮尤研究数据,有41%的美国人赚了75,000美元。使用Pinterest,这是与此收入水平上Instagram使用非常相似的数字。相比之下,只有27%的中等收入者($ 30,000- $ 74,999)使用Pinterest(相比39%的Instagram),仅有18%的低收入者(<$ 30,000)经营Pinterest帐户,而使用35%Instagram。


  1. 当Pinterest的用户中有84%试图决定购买什么时进入平台

πnterest has highlighted a few of themost notable statistics关于听众。其中之一是人们出于各种原因使用Pinterest。Pinterest的84%的用户在尝试购买什么时承认使用Pinterest。

Many of Pinterest's users have a keen interest in homewares and other items of beauty. As we have seen above, they also have higher than average incomes. Many use Pinterest as a research tool to find quality, visually appealing items to buy.

  1. 98%的Pinterest用户尝试了他们在Pinterest上发现的新事物


  1. Pinterest的77%的用户在平台上找到了一个新品牌或产品

πnterest users are also clearly willing to change their ways as a result of the pictures they see on Pinterest. 77% admit to Pinterest that they have found a new brand or product. This shows the value of high-quality photography showcasing the best aspects of a product. It also indicates that any brand can benefit if their product looks good enough. Pinterest is ideal for small brands that are new to the market without the capability of implementing an extensive advertising campaign.

  1. 零售品牌在Pinterest上的收益比其他数字频道高2倍

最近的Neustar的研究found that participating retail brands in their study saw a 2x higher return on ad spend on Pinterest than from social media and a 1.3x higher return than from traditional search. They found that because people come to Pinterest to seek inspiration early in their shopping journey, Pinterest has a lasting impact on their final purchase decision.

The process can take some time, however. People often took a week or longer to purchase after seeing a brand's ads on Pinterest. Because people use Pinterest so early in their shopping journey, marketers need to adjust their attribution windows to give people time to make a purchase before declaring a return on ad spend.

  1. Pinterest上的人们说,Pinterest广告对它们的个性化的可能性是其他平台上的个性化的。188滚球地址

πnterestbelieves that ads are more likely to enhance the experience on the platform than detract from it. People on Pinterest are more than twice as likely to say Pinterest ads feel more personalized to them than advertisements on other platforms. Your ad on Pinterest gets to be the answer to people’s dreams.

  1. Pinterest上的人们在发布的前90天内购买新车的可能性高28%

来自Oracle Data Cloud的研究从IHS Markit中使用Polk受众群体测量解决方案来研究了汇总的新车辆注册数据,这表明Pinners倾向于是新车模型的早期采用者。Pinterest用户在发布后的前90天内购买新车的可能性要比非pintest用户高28%。在新版本后购买新的SUV型号的可能性也高31%,在新版本后购买新的卡车型号的可能性也高13%。


  1. 85% of Pinterest’s Users Access it With Their Mobile Devices

It shouldn’t come as any surprise, but Pinterest is now heavily mobile-dominant. Accordingto Pinterest,有85%的访问者访问其网站(或使用应用程序)在移动设备上这样做。期望大多数人使用计算机进行社交固定的日子已经过去了。这是一个45% increase in mobile searches仅在2017年。


  1. Pinterest每1美元的广告商支出提供2美元的利润



  1. “自我保健”搜索Pinterest多140%




Some other hot topics within the health and fitness category included elderberry recipes +685%, bakuchiol +275%, super powders +144%, sleep optimization +116%, nutrition plans +475%, goat milk soap +231%, band workouts +1913%, sober living +746%, beeswax wraps +146%, and ginger oil +659%. It must be said that the popularity of some of these terms is somewhat surprising for such a visual platform.

  1. Pinterest预计将于2020年达到10亿美元的广告收入

In September 2018,eMarketer对预测的Pinterest AD收入进行了预测。他们观察到Pinterest广告收入2016年为2.694亿美元。They expect this to increase by 30-40% per year over the next few years, topping the $1 billion mark in 2020. "Marketers are seeing Pinterest’s potential for reaching consumers as they’re considering products. Placing ads is one way they’re inserting their brands into that interaction,” said Monica Peart, senior forecasting director at eMarketer.

  1. Women on Pinterest are 2.4x More Likely to Experiment with Different Makeup vs. Women on Other Platforms

Pinterest的2018年最受搜索主题的清单还强调了搜索美容产品的趋势。它发现,来自所有不同文化的女性,具有各种不同的肤色,都来到Pinterest寻找想法。“ Pinterest妇女”的2.4倍可能会在其他平台上尝试不同的化妆与女性。188滚球地址

2018年与美容相关的搜索的一些最大增长是裁剪刘海 +51%,液体去角质 +58%,灰色 +879%,出色的唇色 +467%,女巫榛树 +305%,淡淡的头发 +1077%,1077%,1077%,光滑的化妆 +89%,粉末蘸酱 +442%,天然睫毛升降机 +52%,杏仁指甲 +97%。
