
Etsy is a popular eCommerce choice for crafters, entrepreneurs, and artists to sell their products on the platform. You can find almost everything there, from bath bombs, diamond jewelry pieces, personalized trinkets, and so much more.

If you're an Etsy seller, then you know how important it is to have a well-designed banner. A well-thought-out banner can help you improve your brand visibility, attract new customers, and boost your sales.

In this article, we will discuss the best Etsy banner size for 2022. We will also provide tips on how to create an effective banner that will help you boost your eCommerce sales.

The Ultimate Guide to Etsy Banner Sizes:

什么是Etsy Shop网站横幅?

Etsy Shop标语是出现在您在线商店页面顶部的图像。这些图片代表谁和是什么组成了您的业务。您还可以包括您的业务信息,例如您的商店名称,电子邮件地址,商店时间或网站。


Etsy Shop横幅尺寸在2022年

建立一家Etsy商店根据标准帐户允许您使用两种类型的横幅:Etsy Mini-Banner和Etsy Big Banner。选择最适合您的横幅将取决于您销售的产品或服务的类型。


如果您选择将迷你横幅用于您的商店,则可以使用一张小图像。所选照片的​​最小尺寸为1200 x 160像素(PX),建议大小为1600 x 213 Px。


Opting for the mini banner is a great choice if your shop has a specific focus on a product or service. It is also a good choice if you are just starting on Etsy and the resolution of your photos is not that great. As long as it represents what your shop and products are all about, a mini banner can do the job just fine.

Etsy big banner size

Etsy大横幅或封面照片允许更大的图像尺寸如果您拥有更大的文件尺寸,并带有产品的高分辨率照片,那么这是一个不错的选择。大横幅的最小尺寸为1200 x 300 px,建议的尺寸为3360 x 840 px。


Thebig banner optionis ideal for shops that sell multiple products or services. Aside from making your photo stand out and make a statement, this banner size will give you more space to show off your shop's range.


尽管Etsy的两个横幅都出现在您的帐户主页上,但它们并不完全相同。Big Banner封面照片非常适合移动用户,而小型横幅只有在通过台式机或笔记本电脑查看时才会出现。

Whichever you choose for your shop, always remember that there's more to your banners than the size. You also need to consider the quality of your photo, the colors, and how it represents what you are selling.


卖家谁订阅Etsy Plus可以利用更多功能,使他们对商店有更多控制权。如果您想升级您的Etsy商店,则可以每月订阅10美元,并可以使用另外两个横幅来创建和自定义您的电子商务商店标语。

Carousel banner

The carousel banner allows you to showcase up to four images that can be linked directly to your product listing. The minimum size for each image should be 1200 x 300 px.


Another banner option as a subscriber to Etsy plus is the collage banner. You can choose 2, 3, or 4 graphics with the following recommended sizes:

  • 600 x 300像素,用于2张图像
  • 400 x 300像素,用于3张图像
  • 300 x 300像素4图像


Managing your shop bannersis quite easy. If your shop is new, simply go to your homepage and click on the plus icon at the top to choose the banner style you want.



How do I make my Etsy shop banner?


如果你没有any design skills, a popular choice is using a program like Canva. Creating a free account gets you access to built-in banner templates that you can use and edit to your liking.


If you have some experience with graphic design software like Photoshop, then you can create a custom Etsy banner from scratch. You can also find free Etsy banner templates online that you can download and edit to suit your needs.


Remember, your store banner on Etsy should be compelling enough to attract customers with a personal touch. It should also include all necessary information like the title, tags, etc. You want to make sure the text is large and easy to read, so customers don't have to strain their eyes looking for important details.

为了确保您遵守Etsy的要求,check out their guidelines用于商店标语和其他图像。

拥有Etsy Shop横幅的重要性

Etsy Shop横幅不仅是您商店的图像。这是一种炫耀您的产品,服务以及作为一家业务的方式。

Here are a few reasons why having an Etsy shop banner is important:

Create the Perfect Etsy Shop Banner


Whether it's a喧嚣或小型企业,重要的是要有一个看起来专业的横幅。这可能是购物者认真对待您作为企业的区别。


您的Etsy Shop Banner是访客何时来您的商店时看到的首要件事之一,因此应该立即将其视为您的商店。重要的是要确保您的横幅反映your brand and style。You can do this by including your Etsy logo and a cover photo that represents your business.

It creates a good first impression of your business


You get to showcase what you sell on your site



There are millions of Etsy shops out there, so it's important to make yours stand out from the rest. One way to do this is to be creative with your banner. Think outside the box and use your banner as a chance to show off your personality and style.

您需要定期更新Etsy Shop横幅吗?

重要的是要定期更新您的Etsy Shop横幅,以使现有的购物者有理由再次访问您的商店。您可以利用这个机会来推广新产品线,突出季节性物品,甚至提供折扣和促销。


Etsy Shop标语:成功的提示

Now that you know the importance of having an Etsy shop banner, here are a few tips to help you make the most of yours:

Etsy Banner Size Guide




重要的是choose a high-quality photofor your banner. You don’t want your banner to look like it was thrown together last minute, be pixelated, or even blurry.



Use relevant keywords for easy search

When choosing a photo for your banner, be sure to include relevant keywords that describe your business and products. This will help shoppers find your store when they're searching for specific items.

Update your Etsy store banner regularly

如前所述,定期更新您的Etsy Shop横幅很重要。这将使购物者回来看看新功能,还可以帮助您促进您可能正在运行的任何销售或促销。




2022 seems to be a good year for putting up电子商务商店,尤其是随着侧面音乐演出的兴起。Etsy为新的和经验丰富的企业家提供了创办和发展业务的机会。

Your Etsy shop’s banner can make or break your store's success. Banner design is an important part of creating a positive visual effect on visitors to your Etsy store. That's the connection you want to foster with your customers.



归根结底,您的Etsy Shop横幅是您商店品牌和营销工作的重要组成部分。通过遵循本《终极指南》中的提示,您可以创建一个横幅,该横幅将帮助您脱颖而出,并吸引更多的购物者到您的商店。
