
您是否正在寻找创造性的手工制作,个性化或复古物品?别无所求,因为Etsy可以让您覆盖。Etsy是出售您的创作的最大在线市场之一。对于创意卖家来说,这是最喜欢的平台,他们在制作独特的作品方面表现出色。2020年,Etsy卖出了$10.28 billionof products mostly in the home & living, arts & collections, and jewelry categories.


加入Etsy非常简单快捷。任何人都可以免费注册,并以每份清单仅0.20美元的价格开始出售其产品。截至2020年,Etsy上有440万活跃的卖家也就不足为奇了。如果您认为这是很多竞争,并且很难脱颖而出,那么您很高兴知道会有81.9 million active Etsy buyers全世界。这意味着,新的Etsy卖家有很大的空间使其在平台上大放异彩。

开设一家Etsy商店并向世界展示您的创造力还为时不晚。本指南将向您展示成为您所需的工具successful Etsy seller.


What Is Etsy?

Etsy is an online marketplace composed of独立卖家谁是手工艺者,艺术家和收藏家。这e-commerce platformis known for vintage, handmade, personalized, or custom-made jewelry, home décor, clothing, toys, art, and more.

The platform was established in 2005 to allow small indie artists a chance to connect with customers looking for items with a personalized touch. Within two years since it launched, Etsy’s popularity skyrocketed with around$26 million in total sales还有近50万用户。

亚马逊, Etsy sellers manage their own warehouse and inventory. There’s no common warehouse where sellers can send their products and enjoy centralized fulfillment and shipping. Buyers deal directly with sellers, and Etsy only acts as a middleman who provides the selling platform.

How to Sell on Etsy

影响者who want to reach a wider audience with their merchandise can create an Etsy store. It’s free to sign up on the platform. However, Etsy collects a listing fee, transaction fee, payment processing fee, and an optional advertising fee.

  • 上市费:四个月货架寿命的每项$ 0.20
  • Transaction Fee: 6.5% of the sale price per item
  • 付款处理费:3% + $ 0.25
  • Advertising Fee: 15% Offsite Ads Fee paid only if you make a sale from the ads



在建造Etsy商店时,数字设计和产品定价是要考虑的关键因素。对于您的商店持久,您想build a brandthat’s memorable and trustworthy. Successful Etsy sellers create themes around their stores, use creative shop names, and invest in SEO strategies to gain more customers.

25 Best Tools to Grow Your Etsy Business



  1. Product Creation & Pricing
  2. Marketing
  3. SEO
  4. 分析与研究
  5. System Maintenance

Product Creation & Pricing


However, for some aspiring sellers, all they have is a product or store idea. For others, they need to sustain their store by expanding their product lines. If you fall in these categories, don’t fret. There are tools to help you execute your ideas or find new products to sell.



可打印is a print-on-demand and fulfillment company that helps creators turn their designs into merchandise. It has a wide range of products, from t-shirts to home decors, waiting to be designed.


可打印will only print your design to their products when there’s an order. That way, you don’t worry about extra inventory. Printful also takes care of shipping directly to your customer from one of its global hubs.

By signing up on the platform, you only have to focus on product design and store promotion. Printful will do the rest for you.








Sometimes estate liquidation sales and auctions may be hard to find. There may not be enough estates being liquidated in your area.

Yardsales.nethas a wider list of potential treasure sites. It lists community yard sales, garage sales, moving sales, city-wide rummage sales, and many more. You’re sure to find a garage sale near your location where you can dig for items to sell on Etsy.



Finding a valuable piece of antique or a nice vintage item is half the battle. The other half is knowing how to price them properly for what they’re worth.


5.Craft Maker Pro

Craft Maker Pro


With fierce competition, it can be daunting to know the right price for your unique craft. Craft Maker Pro helps you take the guesswork out of pricing. It also helps with inventory, tax calculations, and invoicing. Using this tool, you can focus on the creative side of the business and automate the rest.






Everyone loves a sale. Etsy buyers are no different, and they’re always on the lookout for the best prices. However, it can be time-consuming to run sales on your Etsy store and keep track of them.

Etsy出售helps shop owners automate their sale events. It lets you auto-renew sale listings, bulk edit tags, and even back up product photos. It even lists Etsy Shops running sale events on its website, providing additional exposure for its clients.



Outfy is a favorite tool among Etsy sellers for managing social media content and channels. Social media marketing remains the best way to reach your target audience. Using Outfy, you can automate the creation and sharing of different types of content.

Outfy allows you to create collages, product photos, GIFs, videos, and promotional material. It conveniently lets you share these content types across social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Outfy also features a smart automated system that allows you to auto-select products for promotions. It’s like having your store promotions on autopilot. Outfy comes with a free forever plan as well as paid plans starting at $15/month.

8。All Hashtag

All Hashtag

Hashtags are important for your social media posts to gain visibility, but overdoing it may turn off audiences. A hashtag generator helps you find the right hashtags that are popular and relevant to your posts.

All Hashtag offers a hashtag generator as well as other hashtag tools to help improve your social media posts. Based on your target word, its hashtag generator will let you know the top, similar, live and random hashtags.

9。Handmade Newsletter

Handmade Newsletter


Creating an email subscription list is the first step toward a successful email marketing campaign. However, Etsy doesn’t provide a way for you to collect the email addresses of customers who bought from or showed interest in your store. A solution is to use your own website or blog to collect email addresses.

But what if you don’t have either? The solution: Handmade Newsletter.

Handmade Newsletter helps Etsy store owners get their customers to sign up for an email newsletter. Etsy sellers can ask customers to visit a personalized page and opt in to their newsletter. They can then use anemail marketing service创建并将新闻通讯发送给客户。




If you’re struggling to find the right words to say (or write), then you should use the Portent Idea Generator. This tool will help you come up with catchy titles you can use for your social media posts, blog posts, videos, or podcasts. It also provides insights and advice on why certain words make for catchy titles.

Other Social Media Marketing Tools

Explore some of the other social media marketing tools you can use to improve and automate your marketing campaigns. We have a dedicated page where we list some of the top tools and provide a thorough review of each. Check them outhere.

SEO Tools

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical for your product listings to appear in search results. Buyers frequently search for the things they need via Google and the Etsy homepage. Your listing needs to be at the top of search results for customers to click on it. Using the SEO tools listed below, you can be sure your listings will have a fighting chance of being seen.




But analyzing and searching for the right keywords is no easy feat. There are thousands of words a shopper can use. Marmalead helps Etsy sellers find the right keywords by providing powerful tools to brainstorm, analyze, track, and apply winning keywords.

The tool costs $19/month, and there’s a 14-day free trial. You can save some dollars if you get a quarterly or annual plan. According to its 2021 study, 50% of Marmalead users get7x more annual revenuethan non-Marmalead users. On average, Marmalead users make 4x more than non-users.






In Esty, tags help your product listings gain wider visibility. They’re like hashtags in social media posts. The owner of an Etsy shop, Spacefem, developed a tag analyzer to help Etsy sellers know which tags are working and which aren’t.

有了数百个列表,可能很难跟踪所有标签。SpaceFem的Etsy Tag Analyzer通过允许您分析列表中是否有重复标签来为您提供帮助。它使用公开可用的数据,因此,即使您没有登录Etsy,也可以检查商店的状态。以同样的方式,您也可以检查竞争对手商店的标签。



如果您正在寻找更强大的Etsy SEO工具,请查看Erank。它具有关键字Explorer工具,一个清单分析工具,批量排名检查器,缺少的图像审核工具,销售地图等等。查看其全面这里的功能列表.

Erankoffers free and paid plans, with the free tool being enough for a beginner Etsy seller to run their store smoothly. Advanced sellers would benefit from the Basic plan ($5.99/month) or the Pro plan ($9.99/month).

15.Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner

Google is the number one search engine, and it’s no surprise that it has its own robust keyword planning tool. It can be more complicated than other SEO keyword tools available, but it’s quite comprehensive.

If you’re planning on running Google PPC campaigns or search ads for your Etsy products, then you should use this tool. It helps you plan for your Google Ads campaign and ensures you optimize your keyword bids.

Research & Analytics Tools

假设你Etsy商店现在是启动和运行。他因tomers are coming in because of your marketing and SEO efforts. It’s then time to analyze your performance. It’s also important to check your competitors and see how your store compares. The tools below will help you measure the performance of your Etsy store.











对于刚刚起步的人,您可能更喜欢一种更易于初学者的分析工具,例如Google Analytics(分析)。Google Analytics(分析)是Google的免费工具,可直接从您的网站上直接衡量各种数据,例如流量,跳出率,产品性能,转换和总收入。如果您已经构建了网站并将其连接到您的Etsy商店,那么Google Analytics(分析)对您来说是一个很棒且全面的工具。

19。Google Trends

Google Trends


Google Trends works by evaluating search terms and phrases that users ask via Google. You can use it to see your product search terms’ popularity compared to current trends. In essence, Google Trends tells you if users are interested in your products.

20。Handmade Hunt

Handmade Hunt

Ever wondered what the top-selling Etsy Shops are? Handmade Hunt ranks and lists all active Etsy shops on their site, so Etsy sellers can compare their performance with top-selling stores. This is a great way to gauge your store versus your competitors in the same category and country.

The site also provides a list of trending stores. Moreover, it allows you to check the rank of your store.






With Backtsy, you can store backups of your Etsy shop in a secure Amazon S3 storage server. You can back up your entire shop, including your digital shop listings and shop information.

首先,卖家可能会不理解比赛e of having backups. However, backups are essential and come in handy in case the worst-case scenario happens. For example, you made changes to your site, and these reduced your store’s traffic. In this situation, having an automated backup would save you time and effort in redoing the previous state of your store. Backtsy starts at $3.7 per month for three saved copies.



Etsy charges sellers several kinds of fees. When you’re pricing your products, calculating these fees can get confusing.

With Craftybase’s Etsy Seller Fee Calculator, you can simply state your sale price, and the tool will calculate the Etsy fees automatically. The tool shows you your profits after fees, so you can adjust your sale price as necessary. Craftybase also has other tools available for Etsy sellers.



Etsy360 allows you to embed your Etsy store in any website or platform within minutes. Having your own website affords you more control over how your products are seen by customers. With Etsy360, you’re guaranteed that Etsy Suggested Products would no longer take the limelight away from your products.







There are different packages, with prices starting at $9.95/month. There’s also a forever-free plan with limited functionalities.


Selling on Etsy is a great way to profit from one’s creativity. With the tools presented in this article, even creators who have little knowledge of running an online store can become successful Etsy store owners.


Which tool is best for Etsy?


  1. Keyword.io
  2. Google Trends
  3. Craftybase
  4. Outfly
  5. Etsy出售


  1. 马尔马德
  2. Craft Maker Pro
  3. Vela
  4. Backtsy
  5. Putler


You can download the Etsy Seller Preview App available for iOS and Android.

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