5 Reasons Your Brand Should be Working With Micro Influencers

There’s one type of influencer that’s nearly always a perfect fit for brands of every kind and size:micro influencers, or those with between 10k - 75k followers.These influencers have enough experience to create high-quality, professional content, yet they’re still in a stage of growth that allows for maintaining a tight-knit and highly engaged community.



5 Reasons Your Brand Should be Working With Micro Influencers:

AVERAGE EMV: $451 (that’s 198% of Incentive!)

1. Micro Influencers Have Great Engagement Rates.

Smaller influencers tend to have higher engagement rates because their audiences are passionate and loyal. Micro influencers hit the sweet spot - they’re big enough to amplify their voices louder than nano influencers, but still maintain a high average engagement rate of 5%. To put the significance of this in context: a group of 10 micro influencers with an average of 5% engagement can deliver more engagement for your brand overall than a single macro influencer with a 2% engagement rate… and at a fraction of the price.


One of the most strategic reasons to partner with micro influencers is that they usually have concentrated audiences, meaning they offer a way to reach a specific target audience. Their followers could be geographically concentrated, like in a city, state, or on a college campus, but they could also be people interested in a more niche category like vintage fashion or vegan cooking. Being able to reach hyper specific audiences is a huge plus of working with micro influencers, whether you’re testing a product or service with a new demographic or aiming to drive foot traffic to a local event.

3. Micro Influencers are Cost Effective.

This could be the most basic reason to start building micro influencers into your marketing mix. They normally charge about $100-$300 per post plus product or experience, which is an excellent price point for the broad value and high-quality content they provide. They’re perfect partners for both brands looking to get into influencer marketing and brands who want to build a huge influencer marketing program. Their moderate impact on a budget also means brands are able to reap the benefits of the next two reasons to work with micros.

4. At Scale, Micro Influencers Provide Your Brand with Invaluable Business Intelligence.

Imagine having the budget to work with dozens to thousands of influencers at a time. With the right technology and strategy (that is, micro influencers),你可以.有很多伟大的津贴to working at that scale within an affordable budget.


But - and this is a big but - there are two critically important caveats to working at scale. First, the right technology is essential. Executing large influencer campaigns becomes too time and money intensive without a powerful platform at your fingertips. Second, all the reporting you receive at the end of a campaign should focus on how to improve the next time. Strong influencer marketing strategists have the expertise to analyze performance metrics and create actionable context for you.




After years of research and experience in influencer marketing, we’ve found that micro influencers are a nice balance between achieving a solid reach and finding audience perfect for your product. They can be a great creative resource when it comes to helping your brand attract and entice shoppers. Plan on working at scale, using the right technology, and connecting over time to really reap the benefits of micro influencers.


Mae Karwowski

Mae Karwowski显然是屡获殊荣的创始人兼首席执行官,这是Fortune 500公司的主要影响者营销机构。金博宝188备用网址Mae显然一直在掌控着成千上万的竞选活动。该机构的战略方法以及经验和行业领先的技术相结合,使其能够提供世界一流的服务和前所未有的规模。有能力整合Nano,Micro,宏观和名人人才,显然正在重塑影响者营销行业并设定新的标准。金博宝188备用网址功能包括:战略,人才管理,创意生产服务,业务见解,研究和体验式支持。

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