
聊天机器人的受欢迎程度越来越高,幸运的是质量。它们是提供快速,方便的客户服务而无需牺牲质量的好方法。另外,您可以释放销售和客户服务人员,以获取聊天机器人无法回答的棘手问题。但是,如何实施聊天机器人可以对客户满意度产生巨大的影响。当然,您想提供一种吸引和娱乐的聊天机器人体验,但是您还需要聊天机器人解决方案,该解决方案将通过营销渠道来移动潜在客户并帮助您实现营销目标。这就是为什么我们将此最喜欢的聊天机器人示例列表汇总在一起,以便您可以从最好的中获得灵感。您将发现聊天机器人几乎任何目的 - 转换,潜在客户生成,教育内容等。







With advances in technology, chatbots are becoming more and more natural, using metaphors, similes, and idioms that were out of reach for the earlier chatbots. This makes it increasingly difficult for users to tell the difference between chatbots and actual humans. While some brands embrace the non-human aspect of chatbots, others strive to make them as close to human interactions as possible. There's no right or wrong in either approach—it's all about what makes sense for your brand.


15 Best Chatbot Examples



Chatbot Type:会话


Varicent使用此对话聊天机器人生成潜在客户- 吸引用户将其业务电子邮件地址交换为电子书。Varicent选择强调这样一个事实,即这是用户与用户互动的聊天机器人,而不是人类,这使人们期望用户需要在复杂问题上提供帮助,那么人类将接管对话。



Chatbot Type:支付模数转换器

在Drift的第一个聊天机器人示例中,我们正在查看一个聊天机器人,该聊天机器人只有在访问者来自付费时出现Google ad。Since the traffic is coming in as a result of an ad, the chatbot can make certain assumptions about what the visitor is looking for and struggling with. In this case, Drift asks visitors if they're creating custom experiences for their paid traffic and gives two options for a response, both of which further the conversation.

Chatbot Type:基于帐户的营销

In our second chatbot example from Drift, you'll see an example of a chatbot built for基于帐户的营销。聊天机器人知道,访客已经与漂流团队的成员互动,但如果访客需要其他任何东西,请提供帮助。这使访客知道漂移正在关注他们的行为和需求。虽然让一个网站知道您在其网站上的工作似乎令人毛骨悚然,但基于帐户的营销可以更好地定位并最大程度地减少重复的通信。


Chatbot Type:Customer Onboarding

柠檬水保险为房主,租房者和宠物保险提供。他们使用聊天机器人来简化其流程,减少与重复客户服务任务相关的时间和成本。Lemonade Insurance有一个名为Maya的保单聊天机器人,他们在90秒内用来登上客户。他们的保险索赔聊天机器人吉姆(Jim)帮助访客在短时间内解决索赔。

5. B2B铅博客

Chatbot Type:Lead Generation

B2B Lead Blog由Brian Carroll于2003年创立,目的是提供受众所需的信息,以获得最高的销售投资回报率市场策略。鉴于B2B Lead博客的目的,这里的聊天机器人示例具有潜在客户生成目标,这不足为奇。聊天机器人将潜在客户生成清单作为铅磁铁,并询问访客是否想访问更多免费工具。想要更多免费工具的访问者将提供其电子邮件地址以供访问。


Chatbot Type:视频


This is one of our favorite chatbot examples because video isn't something you see a lot in a chatbot. Plus, visitors can reply via video, audio, or text. This gives the chatbot the feel that a real human is actively engaging with you, even if the responses are prerecorded and come up based on advanced NLP.


Chatbot Type:会话

Next up in our list of chatbot examples is this wonderful chatbot from Russian tech company Endurance that is designed for Alzheimer's patients so they can engage in conversations without the pressure (and shame) associated with talking to family members they might not remember well. The chatbot is cloud-based which makes it easy for doctors and family members to review the communication logs so they can better understand how the user's memory is functioning or degrading. While there's currently only a Russian version available, an English version is reported to be on the way.

8. Databox

Chatbot Type:教育/内容

DataBox是一个数据聚合平台,旨在使品牌变得容易监视,分析和提高性能in a single place. In this chatbot example, Databox focuses on providing educational content for visitors. Visitors can choose free training or free tools for monitoring and reporting performance, or they can speak to one of the 15+ Databox team members ready to help them with answers to business performance-related questions.


Chatbot Type:登记

ClosedWon started as a small营销咨询机构但已转变为一家绩效营销公司,可以帮助其客户获得更多的预订(付费)收入。他们的目标是帮助客户一直到销售周期的结束,因此,“封闭式”这个名字,而不是专注于获得更多的潜在客户。在这个聊天机器人的示例中,他们祝贺他们的最新网络研讨会上的两名员工,并询问访问者是否有兴趣加入下一届。这是一个很好的方式激发一些FOMO(害怕错过)由于访问者错过了最近的网络研讨会,因此鼓励他们注册下一次网络研讨会。当有新的网络研讨会可用时,此聊天机器人将更改为以注册为中心的聊天机器人,该聊天机器人可以驱动网络研讨会注册。

10. Sephora

Chatbot Type:客户服务


11. Salesrabbit

Chatbot Type:销售/客户服务

SalesRabbit focuses on solving the pain points of outside sales teams, helping them operate more efficiently through lead and area management, sales rep performance tracking, digital contracts, market data, lead generation, and more. They also offer add-on services like a地理营销平台和培训库。有了他们的聊天机器人,Salesrabbit就可以发现用户当前是Salesrabbit客户。如果不是,您将获得查看视频概述,与专家安排聊天等的选项。


Chatbot Type:服务和调度

Massage Envy是全国性的健康专营权,可提供按摩,伸展和护肤服务。可以想象,这些服务需要提前预订预约。这正是Massage Envy使用此聊天机器人示例来帮助访客做的。在一天中的任何时候为访客提供一种预订约会的简便方法,以及在安排时间之前解决有关服务的问题,帮助按摩嫉妒使更多的客户更容易安排。


Chatbot Type:主页

Bench is a bookkeeping service for entrepreneurs. Their goal is to make bookkeeping easy for small business owners while also providing guidance those business owners can use to reach their goals. Bench uses a chatbot right on their homepage to分段访问者并开始移动了营销渠道。马上,访问者被问到一个问题,让替补师知道在雇用外部簿记员的旅程中,替补席上的领先地位,以便可以更好地针对回答。当访客说他们对自己进行簿记不感兴趣时​​,Bench的聊天机器人为他们提供了立即与某人交谈或更多有关替补席的机会。


Chatbot Type:旅行购买和预订

Cheapflights is a global飞行搜索和旅行交易website that uses tech to make it easy for visitors to find the best deals for their travel needs. Cheapflights uses chatbots to make the travel booking process easy. The chatbot pops up, and you let it know where you want to go, when you want to travel, and how much you have to spend. The chatbot then returns the best, most economically efficient option. No scrolling through pages of results, the chatbot just tells you what to do.

15. Wistia

Chatbot Type:价钱

Wistia是一个video marketing softwarethat was launched in 2006 by Chris Savage and Brendan Schwartz. On the pricing page, Wistia has a chatbot that's designed to help visitors find their best Wistia plan quickly and easily. The chatbot asks a few questions about the size of your video library and the营销自动化工具you're currently using. Based on those responses, you're directed to a Wistia team member who can get you set up.


从我们这里包括的聊天机器人示例中可以看到,聊天机器人非常适合简化重复的业务流程,因此您可以扩展业务,同时仍与网站访问者建立有意义的关系。最好的部分?聊天机器人不难构建,您可以在多个平台上创建它们。188滚球地址因此,如果您需要FacebookMessenger chatbot或awhatsapp聊天机器人,您可以做到。还没有准备好聊天机器人吗?为什么不给其中之一实时聊天软件解决方案a try?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a chatbot?





In a nutshell, a chatbot uses natural language processing (NLP). It is a type of technology that is used by well-known voice recognition systems that virtual assistants (VAs) such as Siri and Alexa are created on. They analyze the text entered by the user into logical syntactic components. Their responses are based on complex algorithms that identify what the user said and make inferences from what the user actually meant. The chatbot then selects the suitable response.




It can actually be a good idea to highlight the fact that users are interacting with a chatbot and not a human. You can then set the expectation that if the user needs help with a more complex issue, a human will take over the conversation. For something completely different, you can, for example, let your chatbot use video. Even if the responses are pre-recorded, this can create the feeling that users are actually interacting with a real human.
