What Is Triller? | Here’s the Triller Guide You’ve Been Waiting For


What Is Triller?

Triller is a short-form video content app like蒂克托克with some big differences. Triller is primarily a music video app that lets creators choose a song snippet and record a video to it. It’s been around longer than TikTok (since July 2015) and was marketed as an app that “democratizes the music video creation process,” letting users create their own high-quality music videos to share elsewhere. Triller then started moving away from being a video-making app to being a social media platform on its own by adding a feed (like TikTok’s For You page) so users could find and follow other users and watch videos.

What Is Triller? Here's the Triller Guide You've Been Waiting For:


Well, it is and it isn’t.

Triller and TikTok are both short-form video content social media platforms that let users create short videos that show up in a feed. Apart from that, though, the apps are somewhat different.

For starters, Triller doesn’t have the manual,in-app editing tools that TikTok offers。Triller, instead, uses an AI-basedvideo editing toolthat automatically adds effects like overlays, fast or slow motion, and basic text to videos. While Triller videos tend to have a more polished look than TikTok’s videos, the reason that a lot of TikTok’s videos don’t look like they have much in the way of production value is that the creators themselves are able to manually edit their videos, allowing for much more control.

Triller和Tiktok之间的另一个关键区别是与音乐行业的友善。Triller用户可以收听该应用程序上的完整曲目;使用Tiktok,将仅包括15秒的轨道。Tiktok用户还只能使用应用程序上的声音,而Triller用户可以添加应用程序或其自己的Apple Music或Spotify库中的音乐。尽管蒂克托克has extensive agreements with most large and independent labels, it definitely doesn’t cover all distributors.

There’s also a difference in the way each app shows off content. While TikTok uses AI to show users content based on the content they engage with and watch consistently, Triller tends to promote newer or more popular videos on its feed, no matter what you’ve liked or viewed on the platform. This means that Triller’s Discover page is filled with promoted campaigns, top videos, leaderboards, and videos broken down by genre.蒂克托克, on the other hand, shows top videos and趋势主题标签that are in line with users’ watch history. Triller also seems to favor hip hop and EDM and most of the challenge videos that make it to Triller’s Discover page are from hip hop artists. TikTok doesn’t seem to favor a particular genre.

在用户方面,Triller拥有超过6500万活跃用户,并且在全球范围内已下载了超过2.5亿次。它还在其用户中拥有一些知名人士,例如Cardi B,Chance The Rapper,DJ Khaled,Alicia Keys等。甚至美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)也加入了该应用程序(似乎是在抗议蒂克托克(Tiktok))。

Triller由Proxima Media,Sony Music Entertainment,Warner Music Group和Universal Music Group拥有,例如Snoop Dog,Kendrick Lamar,Lil Wayne和The Weeknd。

尽管有星光熠熠的阵容,但Triller仍然落后蒂克托克in terms of downloads and active users。They don’t seem to be worried about it, though, as they claim to not consider TikTok to be a direct competitor since Triller’s userbase is older than the predominantlyGen Zuserbase on TikTok. Of course, this could all change with a US ban on TikTok.

但是,毫无疑问,Triller注视着Tiktok。该应用程序已经采取了步骤,以Woo Tiktok的Sway House(Tiktok创作者的合作之家18-21岁)与Tiktok一起以新的合作伙伴关系离开。而且,Triller也针对Tiktok发起了版权侵权诉讼。除此之外,Triller和Snapchat在2020年初之间的合作使Triller提供了一种达到Snapchat每日活跃用户2.5亿个活跃用户的方法,您可以从他们的行动中看到,他们对与Tiktok的竞争并不完全诚实。

How Does Triller Work?

The basic usage, functionality, and UI (user interface) of Triller is similar to TikTok, so if you’ve spent any amount of time on TikTok, Triller should be easy to learn. You can follow other Triller creators, like and comment on videos, search for videos to watch, and record and share videos of your own. Just like TikTok, you don’t need to have a Triller account to watch content on the platform.



开放式拖轮,你受到琐事的欢迎Homepage. This is the video feed and it’s broken down into three tabs: Following, Music, and Social. The Music and Social tabs are similar to蒂克托克’s For You page。You can use them to find trending videos from other users. All videos on Triller display vertically and in full screen. To move through the videos, just swipe up or down.

有no way to get to the Home screen while you’re scrolling through videos; the navigation menu across the bottom of the Triller screen includes navigation to other pages in the app but leaves out the Home screen. To get back to it, you need to close pages.


在导航栏上,有一个music notesymbol that will take you to theDiscoverpage. Here, you can find and search for music. Once you’ve found a song you like, you can play it, use it in your own Triller video, or check out other top videos that feature the song. Triller has licensing partnerships with Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group, so chances are you’ll find whatever popular song you’re looking for.


You’ll also see amagnifying glass该导航栏上的符号。敲击此符号将带您进入Triller的搜索功能。您会在屏幕顶部看到一个搜索栏,还有一个排行榜,特色视频,顶级视频和推荐视频。只需点击您要观看的视频,您就可以观看视频,与之互动或滑动以移至其他Triller视频。


The导航栏上的符号是您可以录制,上传和共享triller视频的地方。您可以选择创建社交视频或音乐视频。社交视频将让您立即开始录制,但是对于音乐视频,您必须首先选择一首歌。借助社交和音乐视频,您可以添加过滤器,调整视频速度,用户使用计时器,放大或记录不同的拍摄。您可以在发布之前查看视频预览,并添加video description, choosing a category for your video, adding location info, or setting your video to private.


在导航栏,您还将看到一个bellsymbol. This is the Activity screen that includes two sections: You and Following. The You section shows reactions to your videos and comments. To see activity from the people you follow, you’ll check the Following section. When you first join Triller, your Activity screen will be just as empty as the one above.


Thesymbol on the navigation bar is your Profile screen. The Profile screen will show your public profile, who you follow, and who is following you. From here, you can edit your profile, change your profile photo, update your name, change your username, and more. The Profile screen also shows you your Triller drafts (private and visible only to you). When another Triller user checks out your profile, they’ll see your public videos and follower information.


To access your Triller settings, go to Profile from the navigation bar, and tap the Settings icon in the top corner of the Profile page. Here, you can change your account settings, privacy settings, and set video preferences like resolution and more.

How to Use Triller

To use Triller, stary by downloading the app from Google Play or the App Store. Once the app is installed on your phone, create a new account on the platform. During account setup, you can choose the video creation options you want, take a look at the artists and song titles at your disposal, and choose the one you want. Next, choose the point in the song you want your video to start and record your video. Once you’re done recording, edit your video and add filters. Now you’re ready to publish your video to Triller or download the video to upload to other社交媒体平台188滚球地址

You can also collaborate with other Triller creators to combine video clips into a single video. Just share your clips with friends and then edit the clips together.

When you’re setting up your Triller account, you have the option to set it up as a user or a creator. Users can create and share videos and scroll through other users’ profiles to see what they’ve come up with. With a creator account, you can set up crowdfunding features to raise money for a cause—or for yourself. You raise funds by collecting Gold that can be converted into Gems. These Gems are used to keep track of how much money you’ve raised. All Triller users are able to buy Gold that they can donate to creators (like蒂克托克’s Coins and Gifts)但是您必须有一个创建者帐户才能在平台上筹集资金。

Ready to create content on Triller? Here’s a step-by-step guide:


Start by opening up Triller and tapping on the Plus symbol:

Step 2. Choose the Song You Want to Use

您可以选择create a music video or a social post. For this short tutorial, we’re going to do a music video:

Now, choose the song you want to use in your video. You’ll be able to choose from a list of popular songs:

Step 3. Choose the Part of the Song You Want to Include

After you’ve found the song you want, choose the part of the song you want to feature in your video:


Now that you’ve chosen your audio clip, tap电影在屏幕右上角,录制不同的视频从您的设备中获取或上传视频:

Step 5. Edit and Publish Your Video


From here, you’ll be able to edit your video. When you’re done, tap Finish in the top right corner of the screen:

Next, add your video description, choose the category you want, add a location, or set your video to private. Then, tap Post & Save:

Triller and Influencers

Triller givesinfluencers另一种方法通过短期来展示他们的品牌form video content. And, with the crowdfunding feature, Triller makes it easy for influencers to monetize their content. Triller creators can establish goals and connect with followers, brands, and even music labels to reach funding goals.

Marketing on Triller

Triller gives brands a platform to increase exposure and get a greatershare of voice on social media。像tiktok一样,这也是影响者和品牌推广其产品和的有趣方式有影响力的商品in their video content. Through Triller Challenges, Triller influencers and brands can create and run challenges tracked via hashtag, even awarding prizes for the best submissions. When done correctly, Triller Challengers can get followers engaged, increase brand awareness and brand affinity, and get your brand some用户生成内容that can be used throughout yourmarketing strategy

Advertising on Triller

Unlike蒂克托克, Triller doesn’t currently include ads. Instead, Triller focuses on letting creators crowdfund, raising money from followers, partnerships, and advertisers. According to Timothy Armoo, CEO of金博宝188备用网址影响者营销机构Fanbytes by Brainlabs, “it’s very easy to grow an audience on Triller and you can actually leverage that following to grow elsewhere. We’ve seen great results with people growing a presence on there and then moving overInstagram或者Twitter。”

Basically, Triller is taking a hands-off approach to the money side of things, giving Triller influencers and creators the change to use their content to generate revenue with, according to Alex Hamilton, from数字营销机构伊索巴尔(Isobar),“关注他们所代表和相信的事情,是一年中我们看到许多社会运动的胜利组合。”

Triller: A TikTok Alternative Worth Getting to Know

的确,Triller和Tiktok相似。虽然Triller最初是作为一个用于创建音乐视频的应用程序,然后在其他地方共享音乐视频,但它已演变为音乐,视频博客和社交平台,具有许多影响者的潜力。尽管我们不喜欢Triller上可用的有限视频编辑功能,但该应用程序仍然会创建令人惊叹的视频,这些视频看起来比您在Tiktok上找到的大多数内容都更加专业。但是,像所有人一样蒂克托克alternatives, Triller’s success largely depends on how TikTok can weather it’s currently uncertain future.
