
进入2020年,Z世代代表了迄今为止最大的消费者:直接支出290亿美元已经。但是,该数字甚至没有开始刮擦表面93% of parentstoday say their Gen Z children influence household purchases.For marketers, now is the time to know Generation Z.




如前所述,Z一代的购买力不可忽略(Between $29 - $144 billion already).While they may be digital natives,Z一代喜欢在店内购物不仅仅是千禧一代和X世代(对于砖和砂浆来说,这是一个巨大的机会!)

更重要的是,Z世代也在改变the way we shop.请记住,他们很务实。他们总是触手可及的互联网,这意味着他们正在寻找for deals first-- not brands。A Gen Z consumer is not above thrifting!

Values is the name of the game. Gen Zers are thrifty but they will however pay extra for可持续的产品。对于这一代人来说,购物是一种主张其价值观的一种方式,据报道他们更关心social activism比他们之前的任何小组。营销人员,请注意。这是未来的呼唤!




How is Gen Z changing the rules of the game?

New generation = New platforms for influencer marketing.

First things first, know these 5 platforms to reach Gen Z where they’re at:

  • tiktok。This short-video app is where all the trends begin.
  • 抽搐A streaming platform for e-gaming, like cable TV for Gen Z.
  • Spotify他们的新音乐和流行播客的来源。
  • Instagram故事,芬斯塔斯和模因已将这个应用程序转变为脑海。
  • YouTube古老的金黄色,Z世代将YouTube用于娱乐和教育。

是时候深入研究了!让我们研究每个平台中Z Gen Gen Teger的含量的一些示例。


Probably the most important application to know, given how quickly its trends spread to other platforms. Gen Z prefers ads with people that “look like them” and TikTok really showcases this: influencers aren’t highly edited, in fact, their content blends seamlessly into the mix.您能否从下面的一堆中发现+17万关注者的个性?

Tiktok上的病毒趋势有一个简单的食谱: A popular concept will come about which different users will interpret. Like the idea of using akid’s song for learning the months一年在视觉上表示您的爱情生活在2019年的生活(见上文)。看起来很傻?巧妙?好吧,像这样的病毒趋势总结了Z世代对真实性和包容性的渴望。任何人都可以参加!有影响力的人只是掌握该公式的蒂克托克人,这意味着他们是寻找病毒曝光的品牌的首选资源。

Tips for collaborating with a TikTok influencer,

  • 开发活动鼓励用户参与。尽管有影响力的人在Tiktok上具有良好的知名度,但它是一个快速移动闪电的平台,因此仅一个广告就无法正常工作。连锁效应会产生真正的共鸣。
  • 留在顶部趋势。Here’s a quick primer: #尊重theDrip, #Vibecheck, #imbaby
  • Don’t forget to disclose partnerships clearly. Just because it’s a new platform doesn’t mean the oldFTC规则不要申请。(例如:这个促销内容blurs the lines!)
  • Maximize audience reach and media value by partnering withmulti-platform creators(例如,一个youtube / TikTok创造者。)不确定where to start? Almost all influencer marketing software solutions can offer this information.


视频游戏不是过去的样子。Twitch是用户可以在玩游戏中流式传输的网站,已经证明了Z Gen Zlovesto watch “Esports”. It’s a10亿美元行业with international competitions, brand sponsorships, major charity partnerships, and so much more.In 2018, more people watched gaming content thanHBO, Netflix, Hulu, and ESPN combinedLuckily, influencer marketing has proven effective in harnessing these die-hard followings.



  • This platform is highly relevant for young men. In fact,94% of viewers are male因此,相应地计划活动。
  • Popular games includeFortnite英雄联盟但是还有诸如“只是聊天”致力于非游戏内容。考虑所有的可能性!
  • Twitch的影响者有很多赚钱的方法(从广告收入和观众捐款到竞争奖金),因此与其他类型的影响者相比,他们更“自给自足”。这意味着品牌将不得不吸引他们,mutually-beneficial partnership offers


如果Twitch是Z Gen的有线电视,那么Spotify就是他们的广播。该平台已成为播客的发现工具,播客是一种越来越受欢迎的消遣方式(有影响力的营销的机会不大)。金博宝188备用网址根据Spotify的网站,他们的播客观众2019年翻了一番呢这是2亿人口的观众。根据Statista的说法这些听众中有1/4岁以下24岁呢那么影响者营销有什么金博宝188备用网址声音像?

与Spotify Podcasters合作的提示,

  • 了解您的播客指标像CPE(每毫米成本)下载和CPA(每次收购成本)用于推荐程序。
  • 大多数播客广告由播客主持人配音,not代理商生产。通过给您的影响者一个真实的故事来讲述:思考互动,而不是打扰,来拥抱“本地”广告格式。如果您只是提供脚本,听众肯定会收看。
  • 一个简单的技巧findinginfluencers with podcasts is using a keyword search.在有影响力的金博宝188备用网址营销平台中上升, we were able to identify +3,500 influencers in the US who have podcasts.


As a platform, Instagram isn’t new--但是Zoomers使用它的方式。After all, this is the most photographed generation ever! The result? A cohort of youth which operate like influencers. Nowadays, everyone shares their brand experiences, curates their feed, and hunts for the perfect “golden hour” lighting.那么营销人员如何浏览这个“图片完美”平台呢?

与Z Gen Instagram影响者合作的提示,

  • 满足Z世代需求的音调合作。They should either A) offer a bargain deal B) spark joy or constitute self care C) align with their ideals on diversity or sustainability D) offer personalization.在激进的包容性统治的文化中,许多年轻人感到压迫自己将自己定义为不同,以便脱颖而出。
  • 少即是多。当涉及赞助内容时,我们在上升that “saturation rate” is a key metric to take into consideration when recruiting. Audiences lose interest in influencers that post too many ads so 1) prioritize personalities who know how to strike a balance 2) compare the engagement rates on their organic posts vs sponsored ones 3) once recruited, don’t exhaust their followers with too many sponsored posts.
  • 透明度有很长的路要走。如前所述,Z世代被传统的广告,影响者广告以及现在的“想要成为”有影响力的广告所淹没。品牌可以通过投资质量而不是数量来减少噪音,但也可以在自有渠道上强调影响者,以借出合作伙伴关系的信誉。(也许在招募新影响者时为他们的报价增加一些价值!)



Tips for collaborating with YouTubers,

  • Work with shooting stars, not falling comets.大型YouTuber可以收取高昂的合作费用。我们的策略是使用绩效数据(随着时间的推移参与度)将中等距离的Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y型。
  • 它们的内容消耗是恒定的,但格式有所不同。Tiktok和Instagram揭示了Z Gen Gen的短期关注跨度,但播客和流媒体向我们展示了它们在正确完成后可以将它们吸引到更长的媒体中。与YouTubers合作时,请选择具有更多生产价值的较长视频,然后要求使用故事或Tiktok流通。

4 Final Takeaways

  1. Interconnectivity defines Gen Z influencers。这意味着在Tiktok上有游戏内容,Instagram影响者开始播客,YouTubers评论模因等。Smart brands will leverage this for multi-platform campaigns.
  2. 知道哪个影响者将为您的受众带来最大的价值,需要世代意识。我们知道Z代是不同的:从他们的购买动力到他们最喜欢的平台。188滚球地址不过,重要的是要记住,影响者的年龄不一定等同于观众的时代。始终通过受众分析提前验证。
  3. In a digital world, Gen Z craves authenticity.评论中的对话类型比喜欢的对话更重要。评论的深度比照片更重要。寻找与内容互动的社区,与朋友分享,然后将其存储为灵感。记住:广告系列应具有互动性,而不是打扰。现实生活中的长期伙伴关系激发了最信任。Gen Z wants true brand ambassadors, not cheap “one-off posts”.... Being digital natives, their BS radar is strong!
  4. 最后,Z世代将成为最有影响力的一代。制作和编辑tiktoks被认为是播放的。学校有专门用于电子竞技的俱乐部。年轻人做创意的方面。经济不稳定和技术文化的结合使Z世代成为勤奋,创造性和接受此类工作。实际上,许多人希望自己成为影响者。

Siobhan Donovan

Siobhan Donovan is the head of PR at Upfluence, the leading producer of influencer marketing software. In her role as Pro Bono liaison, Siobhan manages global-scale influencer campaigns for the company's nonprofit partners. Upfluence is proud to offer the largest database of influencers in the industry and unmatched tools to scale them. A data-driven tech startup, Upfluence does influencer marketing differently. Upfluence's proprietary software streamlines the influencer process from identification to payout, simplifying influencer interactions so brands can focus on their marketing goals.


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