Your A to Z Guide to Selling on Amazon


Simply because Amazon is the most popular online retailer (according toStatista,亚马逊是responsible for 45% of US eCommerce spending in 2019), it doesn't mean that your products will also sell. So, to help you get started on Amazon and identify which products will be profitable, we have created this comprehensive guide about selling on Amazon. In our guide, we share practical tips for how to identify the right products that will set you up for success and where you can find these products to resell on Amazon.


Should You Start an Amazon Business?

在发射数小时之前产品研究, it's actually important to ask yourself if selling on Amazon will be the right course of action for you. If you want to begin selling products online, starting an Amazon business is an excellent way (even more so if you’re trying to avoid technology). If you can sell products that boast a unique feature, starting an Amazon business can be really advantageous.

也就是说,仅仅依靠亚马逊出售ing your products should not be your long-term plan. The reason for this is quite simple. Once the competition increases, it will become more challenging for you to sell on Amazon and you will have fewer chances of making a substantial profit. According to research on Ecommerce Fuel, in 2019 the non-Amazon seller revenue grew faster than those selling on Amazon. So, selling via other platforms can also be profitable.


With regards to drop-shipping specifically, there are a number of rules about drop-shipping when you sell on Amazon. While it is allowed, you will find that the real answer is actually no. For example, as per Amazon’s rules you must identify yourself as the seller on all the product packaging, while you may not identify a third-party drop-shipper on your packaging. You will also have to adhere to all of your Amazon seller terms and take all responsibility for returns. So, if you want to drop-ship on Amazon, you will still have to deal with customers and suppliers (the very thing that people are trying to avoid). Instead, it will make more sense for you to check out Fulfillment by Amazon (Amazon FBA) which we will discuss in more detail in the next section.

Can You Make Money By Selling on Amazon?


多亏了其巨大的知名度,您可以赚钱卖你的品牌on Amazon. You can either opt to take care of the customer service and shipping on your own or sign up for Fulfillment by Amazon (Amazon FBA) which provides comprehensive sales assistance.

Several sellers on Amazon make use of Amazon FBA. If you choose to take this approach, the knowledgeable team at Amazon will take care of the more detailed aspects of sales which makes selling on Amazon even simpler. In short, if you plan on running an Amazon FBA business, you will store your products at one of the Amazon fulfillment centers. The team at Amazon will then collect your products, package them, and ship them to your customers. They will also offer customer service for the products that they have shipped on your behalf. Though, take the time to make a comparison between what Amazon charges for fulfillment versus one of the leading third-party logistics companies as this exercise will help you to minimize shipping fees which can add up.


How Do You Start Selling on Amazon?


  1. 转到亚马逊的服务页面
  2. 单击“注册”。
  3. 添加您的凭据来创建您的Amazon帐户。
  4. Select if you want to sell as a professional or as an individual. Amazon charges $0.99 per sale for individuals, while professionals will be charged a monthly fee of $39.99 and other added selling fees like referral fees and fulfillment fees if you opted for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).
  5. 完成信息表。



无论您是要自己照顾一切还是使用亚马逊FBA,都必须非常谨慎地选择产品。您的成功最终将取决于您确定将迅速销售的最佳项目和产品类别的能力。即使有数百万的人在亚马逊上购买产品,您销售的实际物品仍然很重要(至少如果您想创建有利可图的业务,而不仅仅是一个side hustle)。您出售的产品数量在很大程度上取决于您选择出售的商品类型。坦率地说,您将在亚马逊上出售的价格很可能是您必须做出的最重要的选择。

At this moment, the following are some of the best product categories on Amazon:




You do not need to sell sophisticated toys on Amazon. Toys that are offered in bulk or are already popular can be profitable. You can also focus on toys specifically for babies (and other baby-related products for that matter). As children grow up so fast, they quickly outgrow their toys. Also, toys are generally lightweight which helps with shipping and they are popular all-year round (just think of all the kids birthday parties throughout the year).


This is for sure a very popular product category on Amazon, specifically exercise clothing. That being said, the market is already saturated (if not oversaturated). If you want to be successful at selling apparel on Amazon, you need to be able to offer your products at a cheap price. Consumers do not shop on Amazon for brand items.










Which Are the Worst Products to Sell?

While this is not the focus of our article, we do feel that we should touch a little on this subject. In short, products that do not offer real value or difference from the countless other products on Amazon are best to be avoided.

Generic products work great, but only if you sell it for the right price and still make a decent profit. Too often sellers just add another standard product item at a low price to a category that already has thousands. If you want to make an actual profit, these types of products have very small profit margins that really do not even make it worth it to try.


Whether you are completely new and don't have any products in mind yet or you already have a few ideas of what you would like to sell, the following 10 practical tips will help you to identify a specialized segment that can be profitable.


Even with a wealth of tools available to automate and refine your research, completing some manual research can still be very useful. It is a good idea to begin by looking at the best-selling products in a specific product category. After you have scoured the best-selling list, turn your attention to the “Customers also bought” section which will give you some ideas for similar items.

2. Use a tool to research keywords

With the help of an Amazon keyword research tool, you will be able to check if there is actually a demand for the products that you have identified after you did some manual research on Amazon and what the search volume for that product is like. In short, it will help you to figure out if there are enough people searching for this product. If the search volume is too low, it will not be worth your while to sell and you can start your search from scratch without having wasted too much time and energy on a product that no one really wants.You can, for example, use Jungle Scout, Keyword Dominator, Sonar, Ahrefs or SellerApp for Amazon-specific keyword research.

3. Research what is selling on eBay


4. Find out more about the trending topics on Google Trends

减少您可以在亚马逊上出售的潜在产品数量的另一种方法是在Google上找到有关流行主题的更多信息。Google Trends是一种研究工具,您可以用它来识别最受欢迎的产品(换句话说,销量非常好的产品)。使它成为一种有用的工具的原因是,它将使您更好地了解各个类别中最畅销的人。因此,即使您专注于市场的专业领域,您也可以使用它。


人们研究产品并弄清楚某些产品在平台上的出售方式的另一种方式是在Google Chrome扩展程序的帮助下。简而言之,这些扩展程序的作用是让您更快地浏览亚马逊列表,并帮助您收集亚马逊产品的估计每月销售和每月销售收入。Unicorn Smasher,Amzscout Pro和Amazeowl只是您可以尝试的几个扩展。











Reviews play a major role on Amazon. As Amazon wants to sell as many products as they can, they are more inclined to show products with many reviews at the top of their search rankings. So, if there are many products on the first page of the search results for a keyword that you are trying to list that have more than 50 reviews already, you will have a hard time appearing high up in the search results. While you can also generate many reviews, it does take considerable time. So, it's better, easier and faster to sell products that have not received as many reviews yet.


After you have narrowed it down to products that sell well on Amazon, you still need to decide what it actually is that you want to sell. If you are not yet completely sure, you can use the data and complete a profitability analysis.


Using data to evaluate product ideas





You also first want to work out the potential profit margins before you buy any products. This entails that you make a comparison of the retail versus wholesale pricing. Your goal is to buy your products for the best price.


You will also want to consider shipping costs and Amazon seller fees. For example, lightweight products that do not break easily will help to reduce the shipping costs and increase your profit margin. Ideally, the product should weigh no more than three pounds.






阿里巴巴is one of the best sources. Here you will find thousands of suppliers selling affordable items that you can then resell on Amazon. As many of the suppliers are also manufacturers, it's an excellent place to shop for private label products as well. The majority of the manufacturers on Alibaba will be able to help you with modification and the branding of the product items that you wish to sell. Though, one drawback is that the majority of suppliers have their own minimum order requirements that you must fulfill and will require a lot of starting capital. So, if you are working with a limited budget, rather check out a site like AliExpress.




与eBay类似,您也许还可以在这里找到合适的产品,您可以在亚马逊上转售并仍然获利。该策略,零售套利,类似于在线套利。简而言之,这意味着您将在Target,Walmart或Barnes&Noble等零售店购买折扣产品,然后在Amazon上转售更多产品。实际上,有些应用程序可以帮助您识别可以在亚马逊上转售的零售商店中的物品。例如,您可以查看Scoutify,Profure Bandit和Scanpower。



